4th February 2011, 04:30 AM
Good colleges after 70 percentile in XAT 2011?
good colleges with over all score of 70 percentile in XAT 2011?
4th February 2011, 07:59 PM
If You Have Scored More Than 70% Marks In Your XAT Entrance Exams. Then You Will Get Admission In These Given Colleges On The Basis Of Your XAT Scored.
So, I will Suggest You Just Check These Given Colleges, If You Really Interested To Get Admission In Top Colleges With The Help Of XAT Score - College of Management Studies, Kanpur Assam University, Department of Business Administration, Silchar VIT Business School, Vellore Xavier Institute of Development Action & Studies, Jabalpur National Management School, Chennai Institute of Business Management and Technology, Bangalore New Delhi Institute of Management Studies, Delhi ITM Business School, Banglore. |
4th February 2011, 08:08 PM
there are many colleges which offered or you can get after scoring 70 above percentile given below.
INSTITUTE Expected Cut-off Percentile XLRI - BM 98+ XLRI - PMIR 97+ XIM-Bhubaneswar 95+ SP Jain 95+ LIBA,Chennai 93+ GIM,Goa 92+ IFMR,Chennai 87+ Kirloskar,Bangalore 86+ XIME,Bangalore 83+ XISS,Ranchi 78+ for more detail visit http://india-latestnews.blogspot.com/2010/01/xat-2010-cut-off-xat-2010-cutoffs.html |
4th February 2011, 10:30 PM
Dear friend
I am listing down some colleges which accept xat score and there cut off in 2009.The cutoff will be more or less same this time also with a little variation.So you can go for the colleges in which your score is more than or slightly less than the cutoff. XAT Cut off list for Indian B-schools for the year 2009 is given below. These are some MBA institutes which accept XAT Score. Candidates who would be taking XAT exam 2011 should refer to the XAT Cut off. Institute Name City XAT Cut off
The above XAT cut off list is just an indicative list. Actual XAT cut off list is dependent on multiple factors & is subject to change. So depending on the above statistics you may select your college. All the very best Thank you |
4th February 2011, 11:44 PM
Well arround 70 percentile you may go for IIF (indian institute of finance) delhi, u may also get a call from christ and allianz.
In addition your options include VIT business school Asia Pasific School of Management SGIAPIM Institute of Business Management and Technology, Bangalore New Delhi Institute of Management Studies, Delhi ITM Business School, Banglore. However i still suggest you to Try next year with better percentile scores.. you will get better colleges with good placements ... In field of MBA and alumni matter a lot so you should not hurry for Admissions Aim 90%ile next year and get a good private collage. |
5th February 2011, 03:35 AM
for 71% which of these colleges are good?Please provide the ranking considering their faculty & placements
1)College of Management Studies, Kanpur 2)Assam University, Department of Business Administration, Silchar 3)VIT Business School, Vellore 4)Xavier Institute of Development Action & Studies, Jabalpur 5)National Management School, Chennai 6)Institute of Business Management and Technology, Bangalore 7)New Delhi Institute of Management Studies, Delhi 8)ITM Business School, Banglore. |
5th February 2011, 11:10 AM
freind hi,
you can go for........... --Xavier Institute of Development Action & Studies, Jabalpur --National Management School, Chennai --Institute of Business Management and Technology, Bangalore --College of Management Studies, Kanpur --Assam University, Department of Business Administration, Silchar --VIT Business School, Vellore --ITM Business School, Banglore. --New Delhi Institute of Management Studies, Delhi all the best |
17th March 2011, 02:47 AM
I think national management school would be a good bet if you have a good score.
They are into their 2nd year and shows immense potential. Just now registered with my xat score (86) |
3rd October 2011, 08:19 AM
f You Have Scored More Than 70% Marks In Your XAT Entrance Exams. Then You Will Get Admission In These Given Colleges On The Basis Of Your XAT Scored. So, I will Suggest You Just Check These Given Colleges, If You Really Interested To Get Admission In Top Colleges With The Help Of XAT Score - College of Management Studies, Kanpur Assam University, Department of Business Administration, Silchar VIT Business School, Vellore Xavier Institute of Development Action & Studies, Jabalpur --ITM Business School, Banglore. |
31st January 2012, 07:57 PM
Dear friend,
If you are interested in MBA Then you will have to follow these colleges. These are really good colleges for MBA LIST OF COLLEGES : ALLIANCE IRM,manasarover BIMTECH Welingkars Amity SCMS cochin Sri shiengri NIILM IMS ramaiah,bangalore EMPI For more details you can follow these attachments below ; |
31st January 2012, 11:46 PM
dear friend,
Some good colleges are :: Xavier Labour Relations Institute - XLRI Jamshedpur Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research - New Delhi New Delhi PROTON business school Indore National Management School -NMS Chennai Institute for Financial Management and Research Chennai GITAM - College of Management Studies Visakhapatnam Alliance Business School - Bangalore Bangalore Aryans Group of Colleges - AGC - Chandigarh Chandigarh Shrimad Rajchandra Institute of Management and Computer Application - Tarsadi Tarsadi good luck. |
21st March 2012, 03:36 PM
I Have secured 70.67 percentile in GATE 2012 my marks is 25/100 my category is SC ...please anyone tell me list of colleges(Only Govt.) in which I can apply. I'm very confused right some people telling me with this %ile you will get only private college which I can't afford...Please help me out to search...
Thanking You |
21st March 2012, 03:37 PM
I Have secured 70.67 percentile in GATE 2012 my marks is 25/100 my category is SC ...please anyone tell me list of colleges(Only Govt.) in which I can apply. I'm very confused right some people telling me with this %ile you will get only private college which I can't afford...Please help me out to search...
Thanking You.. |