8th June 2012, 07:11 PM
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How to do B.Tech in mechanical engineering after scoring 21000 rank? Can I get GZB/NCR?

my uptu rank-2012 in gl is approx. 21000 & i want to do btech in mechanical engg. whgich college i can get in gzb/ncr

7th September 2015, 08:17 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 935
Default Re: How to do B.Tech in mechanical engineering after scoring 21000 rank? Can I get GZB/NCR?

After scoring such rank in entrance you not need to think any more you have to register for the online counselling and then fill of the choices of collage and university that you want to get the admission in B.tech.

>> Then lock it as if you will not lock it you will not be participated in the counselling and after the some time the result of the counselling will be declared and the qualified candidates will be allowed to proceed for the admissions in the allotted collages or universities.
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