24th September 2010, 12:47 PM
How to get a Job being a B.Tech Fresher?
sir,i am an b.tech fresher 2010 in ece and i want job compulsory and i am trying for that but i am not getting the job. so ,please give me suggestions for getting the job.
24th September 2010, 04:05 PM
how to get a job being a btech as fresher
25th September 2010, 01:40 AM
This is one of the common problem today in India.
Jobs are less while the candidates aregreater. According to survey till 2009 India produces more or less 40,000 CSE Grdautates where as jobs are lesser, so naturally there will be lack of jobs. Beside this increasing number of CSE other factors like- Recession and campusing has also effected much as because al most 80% of the jobs are grab through campussing. While in remaining 20% 10% are taken by candidates having relevant experiance, and the rest of 10% is what remains for freshers. However, search for jobs in leading job portals like- naukri.com, shine.com, monster.com etc...... search for same in clssifieds, and always try to get through walkins which are considered one of the effecting ways to get job. Apart from this prepare well and appear for GATE. If you will be able to score well in GATE you wont have to face job problem best of jobs will be available for you, becsause it will always add as an achievement in your resume and dozens of company accept GATE score and interview for recruitment. Similarly cabndidates able crack SSB, SSC also finds best jobs. best of Luck ![]() |
25th September 2010, 10:28 AM
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www.fresherworld.com |
25th September 2010, 01:51 PM
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then you will be able to sit for all the copanies log on to the 'www.fresherworld.com |
25th September 2010, 03:20 PM
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www.naukri.com best of luck |
25th September 2010, 08:25 PM
current time This is major problem for pass out B.Tech student because number of student is greater than the total available of job. student having over all personality is good they may be get job.
But if the student is not getting the job in company so they can join engineering colleges and become faculty and they can also prepare for PSU exam. after selection in PSU they can join. |
25th September 2010, 08:29 PM
dear friend,
As you a student of ECE & looking for jobs, but as the ECE companies are very few in India. But you can search for jobs in electronics companies as well as in IT sectors also. Otherwise you can apply for PSU companies like BSNL,SAIL,ONGC,OIL etc. You can also try for other jobs like Indian Army/Navy/Air force IES IAS Bank/PO Indian Railways etc. But it is better for you to submit your resume to the following websites, which will alert you when any appropriate job come in market. The websites are: www.naukri.com www.freshersworld.com www.afterbtech.com good luck. |
25th September 2010, 09:20 PM
This is one of the common problem today in India.
Jobs are less while the candidates aregreater. According to survey till 2009 India produces more or less 40,000 CSE Grdautates where as jobs are lesser, so naturally there will be lack of jobs. Beside this increasing number of CSE other factors like- Recession and campusing has also effected much as because al most 80% of the jobs are grab through campussing. While in remaining 20% 10% are taken by candidates having relevant experiance, and the rest of 10% is what remains for freshers. However, search for jobs in leading job portals like- naukri.com, shine.com, monster.com etc...... search for same in clssifieds, and always try to get through walkins which are considered one of the effecting ways to get job. Apart from this prepare well and appear for GATE. If you will be able to score well in GATE you wont have to face job problem best of jobs will be available for you, becsause it will always add as an achievement in your resume and dozens of company accept GATE score and interview for recruitment. Similarly cabndidates able crack SSB, SSC also finds best jobs. |
26th September 2010, 02:50 AM
hi friend,
after finishing B.Tech you will have a good Job opportunities. you can join in private company as well as gvt sectors. you can also do higher study in 1.Mtech. 2.M.B.A. you can join in the given below govt sectors 1.railways. 2.NTPC. 3.ONGC. 4.BHEL. all the best..... |
26th September 2010, 01:25 PM
dear friend
at first i tell you that please register your name with cv in www.naukri.com and visit www.freshersworld.com www.afterbtech.com you can do jod after qualifying exam in 1.Indian Army/Navy/Air force 2.IES 3.IAS 4.Bank/PO 5.Indian Railways etc. you B.tech student form ECE then after B.tech you can do m.tech after qualifying like GATE exam you can also do MBA by qualifying CAT ,or MAT, like this exam if you want to read no more the you can do job like software companies........ otherwise you related companies like BSNL,AIRTEL............ i.e i want to say job satisfaction,please utilize your knowledge ............. as you wise have a good day |
27th September 2010, 04:23 PM
Lots of job opportunity ads come in the paper and on the net. There are also consultants that could help you in this case. Not all jobs for freshers would have an attractive pay pack. So don’t get disappointed if the offer is below your expectations.
28th September 2010, 05:06 PM
job for a b.tech fresher is a hard nut to crack , still a candidate can enlist his/her name in the job sites . there are also certain consultancy services in every town and cities where one can enlist their names with a deposition of a certain amount. this agencies chooses the job falling in your criteria and forward you the campussing details.
such agencies are much more dependable than the job sites in internet |
14th October 2010, 05:16 PM
Enter the sites of Govt., Organisations and apply for them.
NTPC-https://www.ntpc.co.in/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=239&I temid=77&lang=en ONGC-http://www.ongcindia.com/recruit.asp Indian Air Force-http://careerairforce.nic.in/career_opp/caropp_officer_engineer.html If you want to enter private companies, then visit some consultancies that recruit for companies and enroll your name there. Walkl-in-interviews with help of them. Many get jobs through this process. Continuous efforts can help you a lot. |
31st December 2010, 11:33 AM
to get job after B.Tech first you should be prepare for job. first of all you have to improve your communication skill if you are poor in it.
then you have to improve your technical knowledge. try to study your technical book again and clear the basic knowledge of your stream. improve your personality according to the job for which you are applying. try to apply for so many job at a time and appear in aptitude and other process one by one. almost every company have aptitude test first for selecting engineering student. so you must be strong in aptitude. for it try to buy good book for aptitude and read it carefully. Reasoning by R S Agarwal is a very popular book for aptitude. you must be prepare for interview. best wishes. |
31st December 2010, 11:49 AM
being a b.tech fresher there are lot more opportunity are waiting for your better future..
you can go for private industry like IBM, INFOSYS AND other mnc as a trainee software engineer.. else you can go for government jobs as a fresher like DRDO,ECIL,BEL etc else you can join armed forces like ARMY,AIRFORCE AND NAVY and for that you need to appear for exam like ssc, cds, ues else you can go for police,ips, cbi etc and for that you need to write UPSC exam all i want to say is first you need to decide your field of interest!! |
31st December 2010, 11:49 AM
dear friend.
This is common problem for fresher.now days the jobs are less. And try to improve your skill and learn more things about your profession. And try to improve the communication.now days are communication is major thing in your job.And improve your aptitude,technical level.its based on your job.And read the good aptitude books. best wishes.................. |
31st December 2010, 11:59 AM
Hi friend
1)You have done ECE ,so it the plus point you can go in any field for work, now there is lot of vacancy for Software once again it is booming up, try to attend the Exam in TCS,Wibro,Infoys,HCL for all you should have more then 65% from 10th,12th and Degree 2)Searching more and more job will definitely fetch you very good Job, Be strong in Aptitude and Basic Computer 3)If you are interested in Core field then you should have more 75% and no History of Arrear ,because Competition is more in Core Field and Register your Name in Apprentice Training Board Best of luck for your Job in Futher |
31st December 2010, 12:14 PM
Hello dear ,
If you have completed your B.Tech and looking for job in INDIA then it is very good but better to do some cources because in india recent days each and every companies want that a fresher should be experience for few year. And you can also do some higher study like:- M.Tech,MBA after doing this you get job directly in big companies and teaching line with higher salary package. Other way to get job in INDIAN AIRFORCE:- IES IAS through upsc,ssc exam. well keep in mind one think fresher don't matter but you qualification matters like if you are having good technical as well as good soft skill and must have good command over gk, current affairs GOOD LUCK............ |
31st December 2010, 01:59 PM
Dear Friend
As i know now a days the no of candidates or more and no of vacancies are less so try to get placement in campus interview. and after B.Tech you can give the Gate exam there are so many companies that give you placement on the basis of your score in Gate good luck..... |
31st December 2010, 02:51 PM
Due to ongoing economic crisis many students are finding it difficult to get a good job. But do not loose hope, keep trying you will get a job someday. In order to now about latest job vacancies you should read employment newspaper daily. You should also get yourself registered at job websites to apply for upcoming jobs. |
31st December 2010, 03:26 PM
After Completing Your B.tech you will get jobs Easily in Top Companies Like IBM. Because IBM was open Recruitmrnt for B.tech Fresh Graduate Students.
But for this you have to Scored Minimum 65% marks in your B.tech. So, if you have scored Minimum 65% marks, then you are eligible to appear in the Recruitment examinations. After Clear this exams you have to appear in the GD and Final Interview, Only then you will get jobs in IBM. So, if you are really interested to get job In IBM, then please Improve your Communication Skills and Concentrate on your GD. Because in now a days, the Competition was so Much and without appear in Interview and GD, No one can get Good jobs easily. So please work hard for that, definately you will get good jobs in Top Companies. |
31st December 2010, 03:30 PM
This is the problem of allmost all the fresher but don't worry you can get the job in government sector just by clearing the exam for different post.
for private job you should work hard on your communication skill . your english should be good .for information about latest job you can check the following website: (1)http://www.freshersworld.com (2)http://www.naukri.com these two sites are very good .apart from this site visit official site of upsc that is http://www.upsc.gov.in to know the job opportunities in government sector. |
31st December 2010, 03:51 PM
To get a job post your resume on sites like naukri.com, monsterjobs.com and these days recruitment is on hike. you continuously revise your course subjects and practice last year papers of companies. You can get them from freshersworld.com Try to forward your resume to your friends who are working in some companies. That will help out definitely. Also attend job fairs. |
31st December 2010, 04:01 PM
you should register on the site
www.monster.com and also apply for the jobs in the government sector by sending their application form .. and also prepare well for these exam by solving in the sample papers and the previous years papers........ |
31st December 2010, 04:02 PM
you can register on the website :
www.jobsshine.com and www.monster.com from there you can get the jobs offer.... and also you can apply offline for the various private as well as the govt companies....... |
31st December 2010, 04:04 PM
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You can sit on college campusing otherwise you can apply for some off campusing or walkin interview... |
31st December 2010, 05:05 PM
Q. when and how could one start preperation for civils?
A. The time is right when you think it is. So it is better to start the preparation immediately after you enter your degree course. If you aim to get into civil services, you shall require dedicated hours of hard work and continuous labour, not forgetting academic performance and general knowledge. So you should choose your subjects immediately and prepare a mindset. Plus, you can seek help from former aspirants to know what to do (and what not to do, as well!) In the course of time, you shall gain confidence over your subjects and answer questions reflexly but correctly, provided you are sincere in your efforts. In the end, its practice, practice and practice. Get to know the pattern of questions, the mindset of the question setter and the examiner, the correct way to think, the prerequisites etc. I wish you good luck for the exams - both union and state level Public Service Commissions. |
31st December 2010, 07:28 PM
As you mentioned you are fresher in the B.tech. so don't worry you get job as the campus placement and this is given to your performance in Throughout the eight semester.
So keep study with better performance to get goo jobs in the specified field. |
1st January 2011, 12:32 AM
to get a Job being a B.Tech Fresher As you a student of ECE & looking for jobs, but as the ECE companies are very few in India. But you can search for jobs in electronics companies as well as in IT sectors also. Otherwise you can apply for PSU companies like BSNL,SAIL,ONGC,OIL etc. You can also try for other jobs like Indian Army/Navy/Air force IES IAS Bank/PO Indian Railways etc. good luck. |
1st January 2011, 01:18 PM
dear friend,
dont't worry obviously u get jobs.bt for that u hahe to follow some procedure. first of all u must submit ur resume in various private companies like 1.tcl 2.tcs 3.wippro 4.mahindra satyam 5.l&t inftech 6.ibm etc. when any vacancy releases they call u.or u can register ur resume in various job related web site like 1.www.freshersworld.com 2.www.nokri.com. etc. from here u can get various updated news. so take decission & make ur bright future. good luck. |
1st January 2011, 01:55 PM
as always a fresher need to wrk hard 4 a job as he is least experienced but now there many oppurunities to get a job now its not a big problem but u keep the track of all interiews happening around u
u can check in newspaper (ecnomic times) and also on internet there r many sites now like monster.com,bharatstudent.com,timesjob,etc. now a days there possibility t get a job in call center if u hav nice communication skills there r many oppurtunities if u just want a job |
1st January 2011, 03:38 PM
Dear ,
After completing the b.tech there are number of opportunities of getting a job. Not only in the companies related to your own specialized field. You should get in touch about the interviews taken by the companies for hiring the employees. you can also go in teaching line if you want to. There are number of opportunities available. Make sure you have the right Temperament and attitude toward the job. If you have this you can easily get the job. My best wishes are with you |
1st January 2011, 07:12 PM
It's good to know that you are a B.tech graduate, you are looking for a job so, i would give you a suggestion to go for short term courses from NIIT or any other recognized institute and get certified. choose your specialization whether to go for" programming,testing,teaching technical support or IT consultant" etc. and apply for the job referring to some recognized job consultant.
hopping for the best!!! |
1st January 2011, 07:37 PM
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if you urgently need job then registered with www.naukri.com or www.monsterjobs.com with good and impressive resume the udefinately gets job in your inbox except this remain touch with consultancy survices |
1st January 2011, 08:39 PM
If You want to get a job you must register yourself in freshersworld.com and other website related to job portal than you will be aware of upcoming interviews and jobs available for Electronics engineers.
And you must try in all open campus placements their you will get experience of interviews and if your communications are not up to the mark then you have to work upon it thanks Best of Luck |
26th September 2011, 12:31 PM
As you are a B.TECH fresher you have to choose either govt job or private sector job.You did not mentioned your educational qualification,but I think you are a good student.