23rd May 2013, 05:13 PM
How is the salary is incremented for TTA in BSNL?
how salary is incremented for tta employ in bsnl.only the basic will be incremented or the allowences too.
31st October 2017, 09:24 PM
Annual Average Remunerations in BSNL for TTA is INR 290,000- INR 350,000 with an annual average salary of INR 310,000.
Eligibility criteria for BSNL TTA:- -The candidate should possess three years Engineering Diploma in any of the following discipline: Telecommunications Engineering Electronics Engineering Electrical Engineering Radio Engineering Computer Engineering Instruments Technology Information Technology. -The candidate age should be in between 18 to 27 years.There is age relaxation for OBC candidate by 3 years and 5 years for SC/ST candidates. Selection Procedure:- Written test, Medical test. |