8th October 2018, 02:54 AM
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Reservation available under UPSC IAS recruitment for Physically Handicapped candidate?

Hi everyone, I am a Physically Handicapped candidate and I am willing to apply for UPSC IAS recruitment. I would like to know about the reservation available for me under this recruitment. Kindly let me know about the reservation immediately.

13th October 2018, 08:57 PM
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Default Re: Reservation available under UPSC IAS recruitment for Physically Handicapped candidate?

As far as you are concerned about the availability of reservation for the Physically Handicapped (PH) candidates in case of UPSC IAS recruitment ( i.e; Civil Services ) then for your information I would like to let you know that there do exists reservation for PH category candidates but it is not fixed and the available reserved seats is notified in the advertisement released for the same examination every year.

Apart from the reservation facility, PH category candidates also get the benefits of relaxation in maximum age limit, minimum cutoffs to qualify the examination or the number of attempts allowed to qualify the same examination.

For more details regarding the reservation and relaxation norms available for PH category candidates in the case of Civil Services, you can go through its advertisement by visiting the link www.upsc.gov.in.
15th October 2018, 09:13 AM
ranjan Ayush
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Default Re: Reservation available under UPSC IAS recruitment for Physically Handicapped candidate?

There is no reservation for Physically Handicapped candidates in UPSC Civil Service Examination.

The examination is conducted for recruitment as an I.A.S, I.P.S, I.F.S etc.

You have to appear and qualify in the examination for final recruitment. There is relaxation for candidates in age limit, cut off marks etc.

For more information visit at www.upsc.gov.in.
15th October 2018, 10:32 AM
Maa ka pyaar
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Default Re: Reservation available under UPSC IAS recruitment for Physically Handicapped candidate?

I.A.S is Indian Administrative Service and to become an I.A.S officer you have to appear for and qualify in UPSC examination.

There is relaxation for candidates from Physically handicapped category in age limit for appearing in examination.

Examination is conducted in three stages and you have to qualify in all the stages of examination for the selection. There is also relaxation in the cut off marks for different stages of examination. To get more information visit at www.upsc.gov.in.
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15th October 2018, 03:46 PM
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Default Re: Reservation available under UPSC IAS recruitment for Physically Handicapped candidate?

There is no reservation of seats for PH category candidates in UPSC Civil Service examination.

But there is relaxation in age limit, cut off marks in various stages of examination.

So, if you belong to the PH category then you can apply for the examination and try to clear the cut off marks for the final selection. The detail information is available at www.upsc.gov.in.
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