11th December 2011, 09:44 PM
What is the basic requirement to apply in a software company?
Hi, i'm vishnu from coimbatore,i'm doing my b.tech here in a private institution... I need to know what are the basic requirement's that an applicant to apply for a software company?
12th December 2011, 07:28 AM
In order to make entry in Software companies, one shold have technical stream in Graduation like
-Computer Science Engineering -Information Technology -BCA. This does not mean only the candidates who are having these qualifications are eligible to apply for Software companies. For domain work, the candidates with these streams are required. There will be number of departments in Software company like -Finance Department -Marketing Department -Pay roll Department -HR Department -Facilities -Safety and Security Department etc. The candidates with different streams like Grduation, MBA etc, are also required to perform activities in these departments. In order to make entry into Software company as fresher on the basis of B.Tech, -You should have completed Graduation in Engineering and you must be a career 60 candidate in the sense you should have secured a minimum of 60% of marks through out your academic levels. -Some companies may also put the eligibility criteria of more than 60% through out career. The selection procedure in most cases is by -Written test -Technical round 1 -Technical round 2 -Interview. For on campus and off campus placements, the candidates who are in the final year of Engineering are also eligible. Have good preparation of your B.Tech course to be placed in good companies through various kind of recruitments. |
12th December 2011, 09:15 AM
Dear pal,
the software companies in India are at good position despite of the recession . And so the vacancy available is also at good numbers. Vacancy are available in the software company at various level both at management and as well as in technician level. So it is not that only engineering and graduates with computer background are required aspirant with the management background are also required. Aspirants with degree in engineering can apply especially with computer science and information technology can apply. A graduate with other background but having good knowledge in the software field can also apply. For management posts aspirant with background in business administration are prefered . If a aspirant has bachelor degree in engineering and masters degree in business administration then the aspirant has is prefered when compared to others. The aspirant need to update themself with the developing trends in the software field in order to make them eligible for it. The usual procedure adopted includes written aptitude test group discussion personnel interview. Do not give any false information in your resume if you are caught then you will not get the job. |
26th January 2013, 01:00 PM
hai.I am prabakar from chennai,i am working in a private organisation at present.i have completed my diplomo in EEE at 2006 and now based on my experience I am doing my MBA-IT at jaro educatons.it is foriegn based university and approved by our indian goverment.how can i get the job in software companies?please send the details to this mail id:[email protected].