9th December 2011, 12:03 AM
What is the chapterwise marks distribution for C++?
please tell me the chapter wise marks distribution for c++ of class for cbse boards 2012
10th December 2011, 01:02 PM
Re: What is the chapterwise marks distribution for C++?
MARK DISTRIBUTION FOR CBSE BOARD CLASS 12TH I have attached the complete syllabus and papers mark distribution of Class 11 and 12th for CBSE board in this post for your reference.. kindly check it over... -> To know more about CBSE board exam online CLICK HERE!!! -> Any more queries, feel free to leave a post in our forum... Quote:
17th May 2013, 11:28 PM
Re: What is the chapterwise marks distribution for C ?
Please tell me the c syllabus with marking scheme of class 12 in my email account [email protected]