20th August 2013, 09:27 PM
What is the date of DTED CET?
What is the date of dted cet 2013...Please tell me the date
1st July 2015, 11:29 PM
** Date of DTED CET
--> The first exam is on 02-07-15 and the date of last exam is 12-07-15 ** Eligibility: --> The applicant should have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination from a recognized Board or Council. ** Syllabus --> Education in Emerging India --> Educational Psychology --> Teacher Functions at the Primary Stage --> Matribhasha Hindi Shikshan Prashikshan Ke Udeshay --> Content cum Methodology in English --> Teaching of Mathematics VI --> Teaching of Environmental Studies Social Studies EVS-I --> Teaching of Environmental Studies Science EVS-II --> Teaching of Health and Physical Education --> Teaching of Arts Education and work experience ** Best colleges --> Grukrupa College of Education & Research (D. Ed) --> Kai Sau Rukhminibai More Adhyyapak Vidyalaya (D. Ed) --> Parvatibai Adhyapika Vidyalaya --> Potdar Foundation's DEd College --> R.R. Educational Trust D. Ed College --> Rajmata D. Ed college --> S.G.S. Tuli College of Education --> Kantilal Khinwasara D. Ed. College --> Khasdar Govindrao Adik Adhyapak Vidyalaya --> Late Bindumadhav Balasaheb Thakare Rural Boy’s D. Ed. College |