1st March 2015, 06:08 PM
What is the date of entrance exam of 9th class?
what is date of entrance exam of 9th class. Please tell me the date
22nd May 2015, 02:02 PM
> For class 9th, there is no entrance exam on state level or on the central level.
> To get admission in class 9th of a particular school, the different schools conduct their own test. That is not called entrance test but simply a test for the admission purpose of that particular school. > So, if you think that through one exam you will become eligible for the admission in different schools, then it is not the case. > If you have some particular school in your mind then inquire about the admission test of that school for the admission. >Also, many schools do not have such tests but only an interview. > So, we have tried our level best to solve your problem and clarify your doubt with the limited amount of information that was provided by you. Hope the thing we were trying to explain has been understood by you. |