26th February 2018, 02:08 AM
What is the eligibility clause code means in KCET application form? How to select correct code?
I am from Andhra Pradesh. I am applying for KCET but I've been stuck at eligibility clause code as I didn't find any suitable option. Is it possible for me apply KCET? Which code is suitable for me?
6th March 2018, 10:47 AM
Same problem for me also I have been stuck in eligibility clause code though I couldn't find any suitable option for me please provide solution for this problem as soon as possible
10th February 2020, 06:22 PM
I am from Andhra Pradesh. I am applying for KCET but I've been stuck at eligibility clause code as I didn't find any suitable option. Is it possible for me apply KCET? Which code is suitable for me?