1st May 2012, 12:29 AM
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What is the meaning of commerce?

What is the mening of the commerce and who is the get it?...please tell me what is it

1st May 2012, 12:15 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 78
Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Commerce is a branch of business. It is concerned with the exchange of goods and services. It includes all those activities, which directly or indirectly facilitate that exchange.

Commerce looks after the distribution aspect of the business. Whatever is produced it must be consumed, to facilitate this consumption there must be a proper distribution channel. Here comes the need for commerce which is concerned with the smooth buying and selling of goods and services.
1st May 2012, 12:33 PM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Commerce include a wide range of companies which will offer various products or services to people in order to raise profits.

As the number of companies are going on increasing, many of the companies are offering products at cheaper rates than that of competitors to survive in the market and to get customers.

Commerce deals with exchange of goods or services for money.

Exchange is having very much importance in Commerce.

Commerce links the producers and consumers. If the producers can not produce or manufacture the products which the consumers are in need of, then the consumers will have no products to make use of and in addition, the producers will not make profits out of them.

Commerce is going to increase the standard of living. As there are many of the companies which are releasing variety kind of products into the market, the consumers are getting the products which they are in best need of and which will satisfy their needs.

This will let the consumer to be happy and enjoy with the product or service of the producer.

Commerce will help in economic development of the county.

If there is more production because of Commerce, the national income of the country is going to be high.

Commerce will also help in International trades of the country.

If there is more production, there are large volumes of the products available with the country to export them and to get foreign currency.

So, if you are a candidate having interest to join any arts or commerce stream, you can opt for the same.

There is a good career scope and plenty of job opportunities for the candidates in commerce field.

Wish you all the best.
1st May 2012, 02:27 PM
pardhu puri
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

commerce, the whole system of an economy constituting an environment for business. The system of commerce includes
1. legal,
2. economic,
3. political,
4. social,
5. cultural, and
6. technological systems (that are in operation in any country)
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1st May 2012, 03:21 PM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Meaning of Commerce

The interchange of goods or commodities, especially on a large scale, between different countries or between populations within the same country.

It includes trade (the buying, selling, or exchanging of commodities, whether wholesale or retail) and business like-the purchase and sale of goods to make a profit.
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1st May 2012, 08:33 PM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Commerce is described as a process in which businesses, nations and individuals partake in trading goods and services in exchange for money or other commodities.

According to James Stephenson,

"Commerce is an organized system for the exchange of goods between the members of the industrial world."

In a broader sense,

"Commerce is that part of business which is concerned with the exchange of goods and services and includes all those activities which directly or indirectly facilitate that exchange."

The importance of trade and commerce are mentioned in following points :-

1. Commerce tries to satisfy increasing human wants.

2. Commerce helps to increase our standard of living.

3. Commerce links producers and consumers.

4. Commerce generates employment opportunities.

5. Commerce increases national income and wealth.

6. Commerce helps in expansion of aids to trade.

7. Commerce helps in growth of industrial development.

8. Commerce encourages international trade.

9. Commerce benefits underdeveloped countries.

10. Commerce helps during emergencies
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8th January 2013, 05:33 PM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

commerce- five definition with name
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26th June 2013, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

commerce-seven definition with name and year
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30th June 2013, 01:07 AM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Hello friend,



>Comerce is concerned with the exchange of goods..

>It includes all those activities which are relatedto the transfer of goods from place of production to ultimate consumers.



ALL THE BEST.........
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2nd August 2013, 08:57 PM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

commerce tries to satify incesing human want how
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3rd August 2013, 12:54 AM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

COMMERCE is basically concerned with BUSINESS and related activities.

"commerce is that part of Business activity which includes all activities regarding Exchange of goods and services."

Commerce is a stream and you can get it after 10th..

There are 3 streams after 10 i.e Science, Commerce , & Humanities..

Subjects of COMMERCE are...






YOU can even also opt COMMERCE without maths that depends on your choice..

There are many courses for commerce students like....

- CA
- CS
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3rd August 2013, 01:11 AM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Dear Friend,

Commerce is a branch of business. It involves import, export and exchange of products.

It is an environment that affects the business prospects of an economy or a country.

It is very important for every nation as the standard of living depends upon it.

The actual power of any country depends upon its economy and in turn its commercial activities.

Thank you.
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3rd August 2013, 01:21 AM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

commerce means lot of calculation and concepts about corporate.
and second step this will management.
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3rd August 2013, 06:08 PM
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Commerce and its Importance

James Stephenson says:

Commerce is an organized system for the exchange of goods between the members of the industrial world.

In a broader sense:

Commerce is that part of business which is concerned with the exchange of goods and services and includes all those activities which directly or indirectly facilitate that exchange.

Importance of Commerce

1) Commerce tries to satisfy increasing human wants

Human wants are never ending. They can be classified as 'Basic wants' and 'Secondary wants'. Commerce has made distribution and movement of goods possible from one part of the world to the other. Today we can buy anything produced anywhere in the world. This has in turn enabled man to satisfy his innumerable wants and thereby promoting social welfare.

2) Commerce links producers and consumers

Production is meant for ultimate consumption. Commerce makes possible to link producers and consumers through retailers and wholesalers and also through the aids to trade. Consumers get information about different goods through advertisements and salesmanship. The manufacturers are regularly informed about the likes and dislikes of the consumers through marketing research. Thus commerce creates contact between the centers of production and consumption and links them.

3) Commerce generates employment opportunities

The growth of commerce, industry and trade bring about the growth of agencies of trade such as banking, transport, warehousing, advertising, etc. These agencies need people to look after their functioning. Increase in production results in increasing demand, which further results in boosting employment opportunities. Thus development of commerce generates more and more employment opportunities for millions of people in a country.

4) Commerce increases national income and wealth

When production increases, national income also increases. In a developed country, manufacturing industries and commerce together accounts for nearly 80% of total national income. It also helps to earn foreign exchange by way of exports and duties levied on imports. Thus, commerce increases the national income and wealth of a nation.

5) Commerce helps in expansion of aids to trade

With the growth in trade and commerce there is growing need for expansion and modernization of aids to trade. Aids to trade such as banking, communication, advertising and publicity, transport, insurance, etc., are expanded and modernised for the smooth conduct of commerce.

6) Commerce increases national income and wealth

When production increases, national income also increases. In a developed country, manufacturing industries and commerce together accounts for nearly 80% of total national income. It also helps to earn foreign exchange by way of exports and duties levied on imports. Thus, commerce increases the national income and wealth of a nation.

7) Commerce helps in growth of industrial development

Commerce looks after the smooth distribution of goods and services made available by the industry. Without commerce, industry will find it difficult to keep the pace of production. It helps to increase demand for goods on one hand and on the other hand it helps industries by getting them the necessary raw materials and other services. Hence, commerce helps in attaining better division of labour and industrial progress.

8) Commerce encourages international trade

Through commerce we can secure a fair and equitable distribution of goods throughout the world. With the help of transport and communication development, countries can exchange their surplus commodities and earn foreign exchange, which is very useful for importing machinery and sophisticated technology. It ensures faster economic growth of the country.

9) Commerce benefits underdeveloped countries

Underdeveloped countries can import skilled labour and technical know-how from developed countries. While the advance countries can import raw materials from underdeveloped countries. This helps in laying down the seeds of industrialization in the underdeveloped countries.

10) Commerce helps during emergencies

During emergencies like floods, earthquakes and wars, commerce helps in reaching the essential requirements like foodstuff, medicines and relief measures to the affected areas.

Hope it would have provide you the complete knowledge and importance about commerce...
Thank You
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4th August 2013, 11:14 PM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Dear friend

Commerce is defined as the whole system of economy that creates an environment for business.This system included the legal,economical,social ,political,technological systems that operate in a country.

In other words it can be defined as the component of business which includes all activities ,functions and institutions involved in transferring goods from producers to consumers.

According to James Stephenson

Simply ,It is a branch of business which is concerned with the exchange of goods and services among the members of industrial world.

For any more details about the term commerce please click here.

Hope the information helps you.If you have any other query regarding do not forget to leave a message here for any further clarification.We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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5th August 2013, 09:09 AM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Dear friend commerce is a system or an environment that affects

the business prospects of an economy or a nation-state.

It can also be defined as a component of business which includes all activities,

functions and institutions involved in transferring goods from producers to consumers.

Commerce is that part of Business activity which includes all activities regarding Exchange of goods and services.

Best of luck.......
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5th August 2013, 01:22 PM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Hi friend,

I think Commerce is a branch of business. It is concerned with the exchange of goods and services. It includes all those activities, which directly or indirectly facilitate that exchange.

Commerce looks after the distribution aspect of the business.
Whatever is produced it must be consumed, to facilitate this consumption there must be a proper distribution channel.
Here comes the need for commerce which is concerned with the smooth buying and selling of goods and services.

all the best..............
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16th September 2013, 10:23 PM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

what is the role of commerce in satisfying human wants
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17th September 2013, 03:47 PM
kalo 4
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?


Commerce is that part of Business activity

The business prospects of an economy or a nation-state.

Commerce is a stream and you can get it after 10th..

There are 3 streams after 10


Commerce ,


**Importance of Commerce**

Commerce generates employment opportunities

Commerce helps in expansion of aids to trade

Commerce tries to satisfy increasing human wants

Commerce increases national income and wealth

Commerce links producers and consumers

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17th September 2013, 11:36 PM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Hi Dear..............

"Commerce is an organized system for the exchange of goods between the members of the industrial world."

Importance Of Commerce:

Commerce tries to satisfy increasing human wants

Commerce helps to increase our standard of living

Commerce links producers and consumers

Commerce generates employment opportunities

Commerce increases national income and wealth

Commerce helps in expansion of aids to trade

Commerce helps in growth of industrial development

Commerce encourages international trade

Commerce benefits underdeveloped countries

Commerce helps during emergencies

Good luck................
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18th September 2013, 08:46 PM
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 22
Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?


The meaning of commerce,

Commerce is that part of business which is concerned with the exchange of goods and services and includes all those activities which directly or indirectly facilitate that exchange.
It is very important for every nation as the standard of living depends upon it.

Wish you good luck................
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18th September 2013, 11:15 PM
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Posts: 3
Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is the mening of the commerce and who is the get it?...please tell me what is it
hi frnd....my answer is
Commerce is the whole system of an economy that constitutes an environment for business. The system includes legal, economic, political, social, cultural and technological systems that are in operation in any country. Thus, commerce is a system or an environment that affects the business prospects of an economy or a nation-state. It can also be defined as a component of business which includes all activities, functions and institutions involved in transferring goods from producers to consumers.
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19th September 2013, 01:45 AM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Meaning of Commerce

Commerce is the whole system of an economy that constitutes an environment for business .

The system includes legal , economic , political , social , cultural & technological systems that are in operation in any country .

different meanings of commerce

The buying & selling of goods , especially on a large scale , as between cities or nations
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19th September 2013, 05:33 AM
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 26
Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

commerce is a system or an environment that affects the business prospects of an economy or a nation-state. It can also be defined as a component of business which includes all activities, functions and institutions involved in transferring goods from producers to consumers.
Commerce is the whole system of an economy that constitutes an environment for business.

"Commerce is an organized system for the exchange of goods between the members of the industrial world."

"Commerce is that part of business which is concerned with the exchange of goods and services and includes all those activities which directly or indirectly facilitate that exchange."
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19th September 2013, 01:52 PM
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is the mening of the commerce and who is the get it?...please tell me what is it
Commerce is a branch of business. It is concerned with the exchange of goods and services. It includes all those activities, which directly or indirectly facilitate that exchange.

Commerce looks after the distribution aspect of the business. Whatever is produced it must be consumed, to facilitate this consumption there must be a proper distribution channel. Here comes the need for commerce which is concerned with the smooth buying and selling of goods and services
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19th September 2013, 03:28 PM
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 5
Smile Re: What is the meaning of commerce?

Commerce is the whole system of an economy that constitutes an environment for business. The system includes legal, economic, political, social, cultural and technological systems that are in operation in any country. Thus, commerce is a system or an environment that affects the business prospects of an economy or a nation-state.
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19th September 2013, 06:18 PM
A.prashanth yadav
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?


The interchange of goods or commodities, especially on a large scale,between different countries or between population with in the same country.

It includes trade (the buying,selling, or exchanging of commodities, whether wholesale or retail) and business like -the purchased and sale of goods to make profit.

***Importance of Commerce***

Commerce generates employment opportunities

Commerce helps in expansion of aids to trade

Commerce tries to satisfy increasing human wants

Commerce increase national income and wealth

commerce links producers and consumers

all the best............................
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19th September 2013, 06:25 PM
A.prashanth yadav
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Default Re: What is the meaning of commerce?


The interchange of goods or commodities, especially on a large scale,between different countries or between population with in the same country.

It includes trade (the buying,selling, or exchanging of commodities, whether wholesale or retail) and business like -the purchased and sale of goods to make profit.

***Importance of Commerce***

Commerce generates employment opportunities

Commerce helps in expansion of aids to trade

Commerce tries to satisfy increasing human wants

Commerce increase national income and wealth

commerce links producers and consumers

all the best............................
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