4th January 2013, 03:26 PM
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What is UP SI entrance exam syllabus?

please tell up si exam syllabus...could u please provide to me the details for the same

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19th July 2013, 03:21 PM
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Thumbs up Re: What is UP SI entrance exam syllabus?

UP Police Syllabus 2013- UP Police recently invited applications for the posts of Constable etc. The last date to fill the application form is over and now the students are looking for UP Police Syllabus 2013, Procedure of Selection, eligibility, Salary and other latest notifications and news by Up Police.
In this section, we will provide complete information on UP Police Syllabus 2013 for Constable, SI with details on Salary, Procedure, Eligibility and Latest News by Up Police.

all the best of si aspirants
13th September 2018, 01:37 AM
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Default Re: What is UP SI entrance exam syllabus?

My date of birth is 24 Apr 1992 iam eligibal and no for up police female candidate
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