3rd June 2012, 10:59 PM
Will I get admission in MBBS in Grant Medical College after scoring 160 marks in CET?
i m xpcting 160 mrks in cet.vil i get admisn 4 mbbs in grant medical college?
15th April 2013, 03:27 PM
Dear Friend,
First thing is that your expecting score is good but regarding admissions in Grant Medical College so I am not 100% sure.But may be you get the admissions,Because Every year colleges cut-off are being increased up from that before due to the level of competitions and large number of students for less intake. As you have mentioned by CET it means that you have attempted for CET exam beside this if you have been opted for National Level Examinations then you have 100% chance as most of the colleges prefer first the students who have cleared national level exam and then the state level CET Examinations students. But I Should say that you don't be upset there is must be something good behind every problems ,Because God always do the best for us. |
22nd June 2013, 03:32 AM
How many marks in mht cet required to get admission in grant medical college mumbai?
16th May 2014, 05:46 AM
I just gave mhcet this year was a bit tough bt ok...i just do every child appearing for cet gets addmision to medical college according to rank ..or is that only toppers gwt addmision in best colleges ?