4th June 2018, 02:27 PM
Age relaxation in Engineers India Limited Engineers recruitment for OBC candidates? Cost of application?
Hello everyone, I am an OBC candidate and I want to apply in Engineers India Limited Engineers recruitment of this year. Can I know about the age relaxation which I get as I belongs to OBC reservation? Can i know the application fee also?
5th June 2018, 10:00 AM
Upper age limit for all category candidates for the post of engineer in this recruitment is :
Upper age of the candidate should not be more than 28 years in this recruitment however if it exceeds then all candidates belonging to reserved category will get relaxation in upper age as per government norms : A general category candidate may apply for this job upto 28 years for age After relaxation of maximum 3 years by the government for OBC category candidate, therefore an OBC category candidate may apply for this job upto 31 years of age. Relaxation of maximum 5 years for SC/ST category candidates so they may apply for this recruitment upto 33 years of age. Relaxation of 10 years for candidates of PWD category means disable category candidates. This application can be filled up by using online mode of the official portal of EIL. Application fee for this recruitment is nothing means the board has not mentioned anything regarding the application fee for this recruitment so do not worry just visit at the official website read the all necessary instructions and apply for this recruitment as soon as possible. Selection procedure is simple that will be based on written test or interview process as per decided by the board and every single candidate will be informed of the necessary test or interview through email or message so keep checking for updates. You can apply for this recruitment by using this link - http://recruitment.eil.co.in/ |
5th June 2018, 06:38 PM
Age Relaxation for Engineers India Limited for OBC Candidates and Cost of application:
Of course yes, there is an age relaxation applicable for reserved category candidates. As you are an OBC candidate, here are the details about the relaxation applicable. >> Upper age is relaxable for OBC candidates of 3 years. >> Hence, age relaxation for OBC candidates - 3 years (Non Creamy Layer) >> In order to apply for Engineers posts, maximum age must not exceed 28 years. As you belong to OBC category, you will be given 3 years age relaxation. Hence, upper age limit for OBC category candidates is 31 years. >> As far as my best knowledge is concerned, there is no certain application fee in order to apply for this recruitment. Click here for Official Notification |