18th November 2014, 11:33 PM
Detailed information, eligibility criteria and syllabus of GAIL Executive Trainee recruitment exam?
i want to know about the gail recruitment and what is its eligibility criteria and please tell me syllabus for post of executive trainee..... hoping for fast rply |
4th December 2014, 07:59 AM
GAIL Executive Trainee recruitment is done through GATE exam.
Candidates are recruited in the following streams : ME, P&I, Production, Mechanical & Automobile, EE, Electrical & Electronics, IN, Instrumentation & Control, EC, Electronics & Instrumentation, Electrical & Instrumentation, Chemical, Petrochemical, Civil, E&T, Telecommunication. Syllabus for GAIL is same as that of GATE. Here is the link for GATE syllabus , choose your stream and look into the syllabus Syllabus for GATE GAIL application forms will be available in Dec/Jan , online procedure. Shortlisted candidates on the basis of GATE score, will be called for Interview and GD . Final selection will have 85% weightage of GATE score , 12% of interview and 3% for GD. |