28th July 2019, 03:32 PM
How many Assistant Manager vacancies are available in Repco Bank Chennai?
Hi friends, can I know about the vacancies which are available in Repco Bank Chennai for Assistant Manager? I just want to know that how many vacancies are there can you tell me? Please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you!
31st July 2019, 04:49 PM
Repco Bank Chennai Asssistant Manager Recruitment:
** Eligibility Criteria: >> Number of Vacancies: 4 posts. For detailed information regarding this recruitment, log on to https://www.repcobank.com/. |
31st July 2019, 06:16 PM
Repco Bank Chennai Assistant Manager recruitment -
* Total five vacancies of Assistant Manager post is available in Repco Bank Chennai Assistant Manager recruitment. |
31st July 2019, 06:56 PM
There are total 3 vacancies available for Assistant Manager in Repco Bank Chennai.
Candidates who are going to apply for the recruitment can send their duly filled application form at the given address: The General Manager (Admin), Repco Bank Ltd, P.B.No.1449, Repco Tower, No:33, North Usman Road, T.Nagar, Chennai – 600 017. |
31st July 2019, 07:42 PM
There are total number of 03 Assistant Manager vacancies are available in Repco Bank Chennai. Vacancy position may vary according to actual requirements at the time of final process.
Interested and eligible candidates can apply on or before 13/08/2019 for this recruitment. You can find details at; https://www.repcobank.com/uploads/ca...Technology.pdf |
31st July 2019, 09:03 PM
The total number of vacancies available for the post of Assistant Manager ( Scale I, Information Technology) under REPCO Bank is three (03).
For more detailed information regarding the same recruitment, you can refer to the official link of bank i.e; www.repcobank.com. |
1st August 2019, 12:58 AM
Repco Bank has published a recruitment notice to fill in vacant positions for Assistant Manager Posts. A total 3 number of vacancy are there. Vacancy position may vary depending on actual requirement at the time of final process.