8th July 2020, 03:13 PM
Latest syllabus of BE(Mechanical Engineering) in Tripura Institute of Technology?
Hello friends, I would like to know about the syllabus of the BE(Mechanical Engineering) course which is available in Tripura Institute of Technology? I am planning to do this course in this institute. Please tell me about the course syllabus asap.
15th July 2020, 05:13 PM
Latest syllabus of BE(Mechanical Engineering) in Tripura Institute of Technology are as follows:-
Semester 1- English Mathematics Physics Chemistry Engineering Graphics Semester 2- Mathematics Physics Programming Language Electrical Technology Electronics and Communication Value Education Semester 3- Mechanics of Solids Applied Thermodynamics Theory of Mechanics Machine Drawing Computer Graphics Mathematics Mechanics of Solid Particles Semester 4- Fluid Dynamics Dynamics of Machinery Mechanical Engineering Design Electrical Machines and Control Numerical and Statistical Methods Semester 5- Fluid Machines Heat and Mass Transfer Advanced Mechanical Engineering Design Industrial Engineering and Management Advanced Solid Mechanics Semester 6- Internal Combustion Engines Mechanical Vibrations Production Technology Computer-Aided Design Semester 7- Measurement and Instruments Energy Conservation Equipments Operations Research Industrial Tribology Mechatronics Waste Heat Utilization Noise Engineering Refrigeration and air conditioning Utilization of non-conventional energy Fracture Mechanics Advanced Mechanics Semester 8- Advanced Fluid Mechanics Computer-aided manufacturing Automobile Engineering Finite element manufacturing Ergonomics Composite materials Power Plant Engineering Environment Engineering |