12th February 2019 03:26 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Telecom job is easy to get in but tougher to work with, so US, UK and other developed countries have established special universities specially for telecom for masters & PhD Telecom is way tougher in work specially wireless, you have to work 24x7 , every day you will get to see new messaging, it will be more frustrating, Technology keeps on changing in telecom in 6 months cycle you will get frustrated 5G people who work have to also work in 4G,3G and 2G maintenance, In embedded you are looking into system specific but in telecom you need to have idea of System level such as threads, processes and other system calls, Radio(RF) and also complex messaging sequence which are over-the-air. I'm not talking about Telecom operator companies their work is totally different but of R&D companies such as Nokia, Siemens. |
4th January 2018 09:00 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Hello Sir, I've completed my UG in ECE. I would like to do MS in abroad. I've very much interested in Embedded and Telcom. But I still confusing in program selection. Please help me.. Thanking you.. |
30th May 2017 05:31 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? I had stuck with problem whether to go In Embedded/VLSI/Telecom field?..can any body advice me..which field is good for my growth ? |
25th March 2015 11:42 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? i am a b.tech(ece) final year student and want to do embedded course ..so plz suggest me best institute for this (fee structure also) .. ...and chances to go foreign by opting this training |
14th March 2015 09:04 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? sir I am a third year Ece student .I am totally confused about choosing the field.which one is better , embedded or communication.... pls send a reply |
19th February 2015 11:17 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Telecom: can anyone please share his/her experience in telecom after 5yrs: 1. Salary: 2. Job satisfaction: 3: Working hours: 4: Position and respect: 5: (Tell us more, if you have) Thank you. |
16th July 2014 11:01 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Embedded , VLSI , communication and IMAGE PROCESSING... Among this, which field has more scope & why??? |
28th June 2013 12:23 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? dear sir; i have done b.tech from ptu...nd my stream is ece....my interest is towards telecommunicatin. can u plzz give me the feedback about telecom companies.is it have bright future nd good salary or not plz mention it...my email id:himesh.himesh.kumar499@gmail.com |
24th May 2013 10:47 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Dear sir.... I completed my B tech in the stream of Electronics and communication with 84%.Am in confusion which one is better either embedded or telecommunication plzee help me sir ,Is embeddded is better for ladies |
16th May 2013 12:58 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? i have completed my b.tech EEE(2013) but i am interested to go to embedded systems because it was good in salarys and also has a chance to go to abroad.i wil try to join in an institue of embedded training and internship.So please give me a feedback about my decision |
15th March 2013 09:31 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? i am a btech in ece 2010.. i want to pursue careers in embedded systems industry. i have no experience in this field of work. suggest me the steps i need to take |
7th March 2013 05:56 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? i am pursuing b.tech ece from PTU in BBSBEC college. i am very confused about choosing my field in between embedded or telecommunication... |
25th February 2013 04:17 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? What is the scope of plc in india?? |
13th February 2013 07:49 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? sir,i am an ECE student and i am confused in choosing my field for training.i am confused in networking and embeded systems.plz tell me which one is good and plz refer some good companies in chandigarh for the respective field. |
30th December 2012 01:05 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? presently i'm doing 4-2 in ece..with gud aggregate..can i know how to get jobs in embedded related compaines |
9th August 2012 07:37 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? hiiii frnzzz!!! I completed b.tech ECE..I am in a confusion to choose whether telecom or embedded field..plzzz help me..how will be carrer and oppurtunities in these fields and coaching institutions related to these.. |
17th March 2012 09:54 PM | ||
monu592 |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? after doing b.tech in ece u can move to both fields.......... it is difficult to compare Embedded and Telecommunication on the basis of sucess or earning of money...... both field are good but in modern age i suggest you to go to the Embedded Systems... because it has brighter future than Telecommunication.. but if you want not to work harder than embedded then u can switch to Telecommunication............... |
17th March 2012 05:31 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Hello friends ! I am an electronics and telecomm engg and having 2 yr embedded hardware experience . I did not got good salary , so I decided for programming career ..........either PLC programming or Embedded c programming ......which is to choose . I know c language but found complicated to programme for more functions of microcontroller . But if salary package is good I can do best of my own . Please suggest me ..... |
24th February 2012 06:51 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Hello, I m an ECE student & i m in 6th sem. There's a big confusing problem in me that whether to go for COMMUNICation Field or EMbeddded systems ??? And also that whether to opt for training or directly prepare & crack the entrances of the well-reputed industries & get their training ? So please help me out with my queries ? Thank You. Please Reply by tagging my name so that I d'nt read others help & get more confused. - Rajan Shah |
30th January 2012 02:02 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? yes my dear friend, u will get ur ans by ur own just try to remember hw many electronic item u use in ur daily life and the brand u used. |
28th December 2011 09:15 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? would anybody tell me from where i should get training of 6 months in delhi,noida or gurgaon....plzzzzzzzzz tell me m nt aware of that.... |
8th December 2011 12:57 PM | ||
jayparikh |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Dear, Both the fields are good. as far as salary is concerned , in starting embedded system will fetch you few salary , but once you gain some experience , your salary will increase tremendously. Telecom industry is also growing at a rate of 100-125% every year .so this is also a good choice. see, selection will be yours only. No one other than you can select that for you. so , find out which sector excites you most. Best of luck regards. |
17th September 2011 09:43 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? hello sir....... i have done b.tech i ece branch in 2011.I just want to know which training is better embedded,plc,scada or telecom.I am very confused please help me sir. |
31st August 2011 04:36 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? hello sir.........i rashmi just want to know about the telecom companies in india and what all the things are required to get a high salary in dis field? m an fresher... |
23rd August 2011 08:24 PM | ||
vinodreddy |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Quote:
i am b.tech graduate from ece,i am interested to start my career in telecom industry. and got well trained in this field. Now I am searching for a job in this field can u guys help me how to move my steps in this time as BSS engineer or telecom software. I heard in telecom v can make our career well settled in a short period is that true.. please replay me to this questions on burri.vinodreddy@yahoo.com waiting for ur replay.. |
17th August 2011 12:35 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? hello sir I am Ravi kumar a b.tech fresher from ECE ,please provide me the names of some good institutes which provides courses on embedded system, any where in north or south India, please reply soon, thank you. |
26th July 2011 07:43 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? hi sir, i'm athird year student of ECE.i want to do choose my field of interest between embedded system & networking.i'm currently doing a course on embedded system.my tutor advises me to join cisco.i'm confused pls help me........ |
21st July 2011 03:26 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? hi all.... every one says that Embedded systems is best course to opt for but will anyone sugget me how to start my career in embedded field ....as freshers are no where welcomed in this field......... |
18th July 2011 10:47 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? sir, I want to do m.tech which is having better future among vlsi,robotics,communications. basically i'm interested to get job which is related to abroad.which courses are helpful to get the job in discovery communications,natgeo networks etc..or even in mnc's.i have 82% in my b.tech.please tell me about the best career guidance |
16th July 2011 01:58 AM | ||
shekhar.379 |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Hi dear, After completing B.tech ECE, both these field are good. So, its better if you can choose according to your personal choice and interest. But, if you confuse to select which one. So, according to me Embedded Systems is best course in now a days to make your future bright. and this course will enhance the mutual understanding among different subject experts through active interaction and exchange of ideas. And after completing B.tech ECE, you are eligible for this course. Embedded system is a special-purpose system which performs a specific task with its own hardware. So, please opt this course, it is better for you and you will get good salary pacakage in good multinational companies. Thanks |
10th July 2011 10:53 PM | ||
amisha rath |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? hey both fields are interesting as well as needs core knowledge...well personally i suggest you to continue with telecom, because in embedded system the worh is hard and complex and as india has not so much scope so salary is also less while if you know vlsi then can hire ate high pay scale but no guarantee with embedded system. |
2nd July 2011 03:08 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? i am sonu singh , i completed my b.tech (ece) now i try for job .which field is better plz ssir anyone reply me?????? |
27th June 2011 11:40 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Sir i am BE Electronics, i want to know,what are the basics courses to enter into telecommunication field....which are the good institutes in pune...for that.. |
5th June 2011 01:15 AM | ||
M S H kranthikumar |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Quote:
can u plz give me some wat detail explanation . |
1st June 2011 03:09 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Sir, i am 4th year student of ECE(B.tech.), i have heard that there are very less electronics' core companies in India, so should i go for training in Embeded system? |
26th May 2011 09:03 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? sir, im tariq ayub , recently i have completed my btech (ece) from jntu, hyderabad with distinction marks. thats why i want to know , which secter is good either private or govt. in private secter i want to go to tellecomm field but i m sufring fron arthiritis pain. thats why i m fearing about field work. is there only field work, plz tell me. |
28th February 2011 01:21 AM | ||
shivraj singh rawat |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? hello the rf course is not for female candidate............. |
18th February 2011 03:04 AM | ||
SupritShestha |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? well if you have done ECE then you will be both aware of Embedded system and Telecommunication....so it all depend on your interest o whether you like embedded system or telecommunication...if you are doing good in any one of the above then you have a great chance to get jobs also...so choose according to your interest in subject and which one you find interesting and challenging to you... |
12th February 2011 03:05 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Quote:
10th February 2011 11:48 AM | ||
Ankur agrawal |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Both r powerful the thing is that in which field u r intestd in Embedded u have knowledge about C & C++ means programing lang.. and most common ECE base concept ........ |
9th February 2011 11:59 PM | ||
narsimhaboddupalli |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? Quote:
9th February 2011 02:44 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? I have completed my m.sc in computers.Now i am doing my M.E in computers.i am interested to do my projects in embedded system. Can you prefer where to do my project cum learning for embedded systems in bangalore.Whether it is useful to me. |
5th February 2011 02:12 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? suppose there are two person. one has chosen embedded sector and other one telecom sector. i want to ask you after 5yrs who will be good in terms of salary,respect,position&further future. |
26th January 2011 07:51 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? hi.......... iam karthi . i have 62%. i want to study RF engg course but nobody conducting this course in chennai for my vision. do u have any idea about this course, plz tell me i would thankfull to u |
24th January 2011 06:43 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? hii .. I am vinod ..Which field is best after M.Sc electronic completed...Embedded Systems or Automation Systems ..pls help me out i m confuse about this courses and filed...pls suggest me which is the best field and after completing will i get good job ,after M.Sc (electronic) in MNC company .. |
19th January 2011 06:23 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? BE.,ECE/TE,stu.. better go to MTech,after get a good jobs in all College,because today all Engineering college hold ECE branch and get a good 6th pay(what is a use of industries),No use go to Industries(In industries side no value but in Teaching side good value.....) |
14th January 2011 12:19 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? which u please suggest me, in which field should have 6 months training for embedded system |
28th December 2010 05:25 PM | ||
darshansarion |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? hallo, i am b.tech final year student in electronics and communication ,tell me about the scope of embedded in delhi,noida and gurgaon,reply |
8th December 2010 06:42 PM | ||
mini rani |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? hi! Embeded system design & telecommunication are 2 different & equally good course. You can pursue any of the two courses depending up on your career objective. You should pursue a course in embeded system if you want to work for industries engaged in Embedded System development & wish to engage in application research in this rapidly developing area. But if you are interested in telecommunication field then you should pursue a course in the same field. In my opinion you should opt for embeded system because it has more scope. Embeded system find its application in a variety of electronic devices, consumer electronics, home appliances, office automation, business equipments, automobiles, and so on. |
8th December 2010 11:20 AM | ||
aditya436 |
Re: Embedded Systems vs. Telecommunications - Which field is best after B.Tech ECE? hello friend upto my knowledge i like embeded system the most because we can totally apply our knowledge for electronics as i'm also electronics student its okay with telecommunications but embeded system is far interesting than tele communications field so my kind advice to take forward with embeded systems where we can create new things and get recognised for our work reputation has no limits and salary is comparatively high in this field than telecommunications field the career graph will also be good to see anyways all the best make the best choice by consulting the professionals in both the fields personally ~aditya~ |
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