Thread: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course? Reply to Thread

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19th April 2017 08:22 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Respected sir, I am Varsha Srivastava. I have given my 12th board examination and I want to do and CFA alternatively. Please guide me that can I go for it. And I also want to know about the best CFA institutes in INDIA in which I can apply. Please guide for the same
Thanks You
10th January 2016 03:29 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Hi sir after BCA am interest to do CFA course, am I eligible to do what are the scope and work type about cfa
10th January 2016 03:29 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Hi sir after BCA am interest to do CFA course, am I eligible to do what are the scope and work type about cfa
1st January 2016 11:17 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

my graduation 45% marks but i have got MBA 68% marks and my experience 2 year with presently working in company so can i do cfa course. please give me answer.
29th August 2015 09:49 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

I got 60.08% in 12th and 50% in B.Com(P) and 56% in pg M.Com. Please let me know am I eligible for CFA in India.
18th August 2015 12:38 AM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Sir , i am in CA Final and i want to do CFA . How can apply for it? And i don't have a pasport.
I got in 12th 81% marks and now m in bcom 3rd year.
13th June 2015 11:21 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Sir plz give me advice about CFA if we study at home for CFA through coaching may be possible or not??
2nd May 2015 05:55 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Ashish pune

I have done BA ( economics, English literature, public administration) with 42% . I have four years of work experience . Currently I am working with Axa buisness service . Can I do CFA course
30th April 2015 11:46 AM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

I completed B.Com with 54% and the final year M.Com result is in waiting. Am I eligible for CFA. Please reply on my

Dilshad Ahmad
Rampur- U.P.
23rd February 2015 04:38 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
CFA Course: Eligibility? Fee structure? Placements available?


my self dhruvika bhalla..i have some question about cfa
chirag ratho
1-what is eligibility of cfa course
2-what is process of payment of fees.
3-and tha placement r there or not.?
4-and last is can i do tha cfa with mba.?

please sir give me satisfactory ans.i have completed BBA with 64%?
Sir; myself Nikhil Dadhich student of standard 12 from Pune university wanted to know that icfa institute belongs to which country is it of us;India or worldwide owing to this I have fall in confusion since as per my knowledge I had found that I am eligible to continue cfa program after bachelor degree instead of may I continue after clearing 12 is my question to you. Sir I am eagerly awaiting for your response. Thanking you.
18th February 2015 11:59 AM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Hi sir,. Am financially weak to fund my course. Can I go for a bank loan ? Also, is cfa tougher than CA?? Also, does cfa involve core accounting subjects?
27th January 2015 11:55 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Dear sir,
I have 5 years working experience in banking sector. B
com 50% my age 31...plz tell me iam eligible for cfa program
7th January 2015 03:26 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Dear Sir,

I got 45% in can i apply for CFA exam . is there any entrance exam for this which i have to appear or can i apply directly. Can i apply for level 2 exam. and please tell me how much fees i have to pay and last date for registration and course duration. do i have to pay the amount in full or installment basis or separate for registration and exam????

15th October 2014 07:34 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

I did my ug degree in (cs) and later i joined Mba(finance) and I am working in Payroll.I keen work in finance CFA is the right path change my carrier in finance course assist Me
7th September 2014 09:58 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Dear sir ,

I am Basavaraj I have done my MBA(Finance)-75% ,PGPM(Marketing)-A grade. now I wanted to do US based CFA so please advise me about below questions...

1)US based CFA is good for me?
2)what are the job Opportunities for US based CFA?
3)Can i directly join for level second?
4)syllabus of US based CFA?
5) advise me which course is suitable for me? suggest other courses Except CFA.

Actually I am searching for job in Abroad which course is better is CFA is helpful for getting job in abroad?
please do the needful.... I am awaiting for your reply.

Thank you
29th August 2014 01:01 AM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

dear sir,
I am B.Com (H),M.Com rom Bhagalpur university as a regular course & MBA (distance education) from the annamalai university. the % of marks in b,com is 68 & Mba 64. I am a middle level finance executive in an autonomous body and posted as sr. manager(Fin).My length of service is about 28 years and going to be superannuated in the year 2019. pl. suggest me, after completion of cfa course, how far it will be useful for a retired finance executive. I also want to know the syllabus to go through before taking admission in CFA.
yours- sunil kumar, Bankura, WB.
24th July 2014 08:01 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

I am CA and also want do CFA. So what are the procedures. please reply me as quickly as you can.Thank you
21st May 2014 01:49 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Dear sir I hv got 85% in 12 nd noe I hv jst completed my bcom with 78% aggregate noe should it be beneficial for me if I opt for CFA? Do I hv to gv entrance tedt for it? Do I am gng to hv mny employment opportunities aftr dng dis in future?whr should I fo it?
18th April 2014 06:19 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Respected sir,

may i know that any entrence exam have to quallifiy for the registration of cfa.if i post graduate with commerce strem?
11th April 2014 03:11 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

i have cleared my 12th with 80% and after that i have done with aggregate percent of 61%, so do i need to gve level 1 of cfa or i can directly appear for level 2.
15th March 2014 07:59 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

sir may i knw all d required details about cfa...

d subjects compulsory, fee for d entire course, nearest college in assam, n ol d details necessary

i will be grateful if u provide d information in d id:
8th March 2014 09:49 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

i have been doing ca and i am thinking of taking up cfa course. will my articleship experience count in the 4 year experience required for the cfa course or will i have to undertake job seprately to meet up the courses "work requirement" of 4 years?
4th February 2014 02:32 AM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

I am rony chatterjee I am a bba final year student can I register for cfa course now? And how should I register?
10th October 2013 02:27 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have done B.COM and MBA as well. i got 49% in B.COM and 59% in MBA. Am i eligible to apply for US based CFA ?????????
No. Sorry.
8th October 2013 03:17 AM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Dear Sir,

I am petrochemical engineer with aggregate percent of 60%, I have 5 years of experience in marketing in industrial products and now I m thinking to change my field that is I want to move towards finance and wants to do CFA.
31st August 2013 11:10 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

i am in the final year of graduation. can i apply for CFA ?
17th July 2013 03:23 AM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

sir I hv got 63% in 2 nd 50% in bba I eligible for CFA Course??
8th March 2013 08:53 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

i am in s.y my 12th percent is 59 ,i want to join cfa after so what is eligible percentage in for entry in cfa ,and what is the future of cfa in gujrat and can you tell what is salary of cfa ,and with cfa i good combination
26th February 2013 11:58 AM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

hello sir
i have completed masters in economics (hons) in 2011 . am i eligible for cfa course ?
20th February 2013 01:45 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

I am CA Final year student and also i want to take admission in CFA, from where i should do all the enquiry regarding fees structure and etc . I stay in Pune
12th February 2013 03:20 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

I have completed MCOM and Diploma In Taxation law. Is it favorable for me to pursue CFA?
11th December 2012 12:15 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

I have passed and recently cleared cs professional programme. Now i m undergoing my training. I just wanted to know whether cfa would be a good combination with cs for me.
30th July 2012 09:33 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

respected sir,
I had cleared pcc and vil appear for ca final in november...i had secured 79% in 12th and had also passed tybcom with distinction..
so do i need to gve level 1 of cfa or i can directly appear for level 2...and what is the fee of entire structure without coaching...plz reply at ur earliest as i can decide whether to give cfa level 1 exam in dec or not
23rd July 2012 03:01 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;893124]CFA Course: Eligibility? Fee structure? Placements available?


my self parag wani..i have some question about cfa cfa course
1-what is eligibility of cfa course
2-what is process of payment of fees.
3-and tha placement r there or not.?
4-and last is can i do tha cfa with mba.?

please sir give me satisfactory ans.i am parsuing last year of
30th June 2012 10:00 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

what is best between cfa or cs after 12th ?
17th June 2012 07:25 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

what is best between cfa or cs after 12th ?
11th May 2012 12:15 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

sir,right now i am doing graduation(BBI) from mumbai university.i am in final year.i want to pursue cfa (india) after my graduation.
please tell me:
how should i go for it?
what is the procedure for applying in cfa?
what is the fees structure along with registration and coachings?
i have got 62% in my 12th boards so whether i vil hace to give the entrance exam for it or is there any provision of direct registration in icfai?

please sir give me satisfactory answers. thank you
9th May 2012 09:51 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

do we have to pay registeration fees for each level of cfa for each attempt??
7th May 2012 01:45 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Dear Sir,

I have a query i'm a graduate with 42% and i want to go for CFA but my 2 percentage is 59.52 so am i eligible for International CFA and i want to know the fees structure 2012...please rply asap :)

I'm 22 years Old and is there any age limits for this course and what about the duration of this course

Vikas Haldar
2nd May 2012 07:04 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

i have given given my graduation in 2012 patna university & waiting for the result,i got 72.2 percent in graduation,am i eligible for cfa course???
also tell me about all other information about the course ie benefits,duration,syllabus,placement etc..............
22nd April 2012 01:06 AM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

I have done MBA in finance and scored 52.5 percent, hons with 49 percent, 12th with commerce and scored 77.25 percent, i have 5years work experience also insurance industry (marketing and sales devision) , Is i am eligible for CFA, Is this course is beneficial for me , What is the duration of this course ? and what's the normal package we expect after completing this course
5th April 2012 07:43 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

i have completed my with 48% as well as am pursuing company sec course .am i eligible for icfa couse
11th March 2012 02:57 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Minimum percentage in 10+2 is 60%

If you secured minimum 75% in 12th then you can get direct admission in ICFAI

Otherwise for aggregate between 60% and 75% you will be given admission on the basis of JEE/AIEEE/BITSAT/State level entrance tests.

Age criteria will be as per your respective board.

last date of submission of form will be in June's second week

then in the third week list for the selected candidates will be out.

then you will have to pay the admission and first semester fee 4th week of June.
10th March 2012 06:01 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

iam graduate in arts (ba),so iam learn cfa for my carrier so you give this suggestion..
18th January 2012 12:34 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

sir,i am from c.g. my name is kamolina diwakar.i want cfa course there but how can i contact there i want any contact no.
9th January 2012 10:22 AM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

plz sir
in detail send me fee structure of regular cfa from icfai hydrabad
25th December 2011 11:22 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

CFA Course: Eligibility? Fee structure? Placements available?


my self dhruvika bhalla..i have some question about cfa cfa course
chirag ratho
1-what is eligibility of cfa course
2-what is process of payment of fees.
3-and tha placement r there or not.?
4-and last is can i do tha cfa with mba.?

please sir give me satisfactory ans.i have completed BMS with 70% ?
16th December 2011 06:54 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

can i do CFA course in hindi
10th December 2011 04:19 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

what qualification is required to do cfa? and what is the scope after doing cfa?
2nd December 2011 09:28 PM
Re: Eligibility and fee structure of CFA course? Placements available through CFA course?

Hello sir my name is inayat im graduate in commerce i want to do cfa but i want to know there is a placement or wht pls rpl me
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