Thread: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure? Reply to Thread

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11th July 2014 07:25 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Can I join PAKISTAN AIR FORCE after 10th class?
I did 10th from Feaderal board and i got 912 marks...
If yes plzz.. tell me how?
24th May 2013 10:52 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

my name is nikita.
my que. is-it is possible to join indian air force after 10th std?what is the procedure
3rd April 2013 07:21 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

how i can join IAF after completing 10th with CBSC BOARD ? whats the proceedure for it
20th September 2012 10:47 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

what i want to study after finishing the 10th exam to join IAF?and could i can study 1 and 2 classes in IAF's school?
31st May 2012 01:52 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

sir, please tell me ? my name is SAURABH SONI.
18th April 2012 01:02 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

i have 12class in 2011 with physics and math only is there any way to join airforce
1st April 2012 04:59 AM
nagendra vijayasree
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Hi friend,
are you talking about your carrier after tenth?i am very sorry to say that you are not eligible to apply in Air force as minimum eligibility to join Indian air force is +2 with PCM.So, i advice you that you should go for your +2. After doing +2 you can join Air force through following scheme:

you can join air force in a two category

1.Air man

2.Flying Leutinent

After 12th you can join the IAF by applying for the NDA exam ,it ic conducted by the UPSC twice in a if you missed one then you can appl for the next one..

And the eligibility for applying in the IAF by NDA exam is that you must have completed your 12th exam with minimum of 5% marks aggregate and you have attend the age limit of 16 to 191/2 year
For join the flying branch in Indian air force you have to be a graduate or a engineer.3 exams,which requires graduation with 60% as a min.qualification,there exams are-
1.UES-university entry scheme
2.SSC-short service commission
3.CDS-combined defence services
for more information you can visit-www.carrierairforce.nic.
I wish you all the best
23rd March 2012 11:06 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

sir, i have given my 10 class exams this year result has not been declared yet, so pls tell me various options in air force at various percent marks

Thanking You
shivangi verma
30th December 2011 01:54 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

how i know about the application form airforce after passsing 10th standard?
21st October 2011 11:35 PM
sanketh sharma
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

sir is thereany oppurtunities of degree in indian air force after diploma in ECE ?
plz reply me on [email protected]
10th October 2011 03:41 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Topic :- the air force after 10 passout can i apply.
In which year the system is will be change.
20th September 2011 11:35 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Sorry mate,you have to be passed 12th examination to apply for this :

In every year UPSC arrange the NDA examination through which you can join the Indian Airforce.So there must be some criteria for that examination.Here I'm giving you the information regarding NDA to join Indian Airforce.

Eligibility Criteria :

You should pass the 12th standard in any discipline from a university.
Your age must be minimum 18 years at the time of registration.

For more detail information regarding NDA exam please visit this website below
20th September 2011 05:21 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

i am in 9 class.i want to go in army through nda
31st August 2011 11:43 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Yes it is possible to join Air Force after 10th
31st August 2011 06:02 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

is it necessary to take chemistry for nda?
29th July 2011 12:10 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Originally Posted by Mihir patwardhan View Post
Dear sir,

I have given my 10th exams from a cbsc school in pune. I wanted to know that is it possible to join Indian air force after my 10th if yes how? and is it possible that afterwords we can opt for flying branch?

Thank you,
Mihir Patwardhan
dear friend,

Sorry to say that it is not possible to get into IAF after 10th.

It will be better for you to complete the 12th ,then try for joining the IAF.

After 12th you can join the IAF by applying for the NDA exam ,it is conducted by the UPSC twice in a year.

And the eligibility for applying in the IAF by NDA exam is that you must have completed your 12th exam with minimum of 5% marks aggregate and you have attend the age limit of 16 to 191/2 years.

28th July 2011 05:22 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Hi,sir I am Rahul I want to ask you that i just pass my 10th. and now i am in 11th with non-madical.i want to join indian airforce, but i dont know how to apply for airforce. Please either you give me any carenumber or tell me please............
thanking you
Rahul kumar
10th July 2011 01:28 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

hi dear,
Entering into IAF just after 10th is not possible.

There is no such Scheme in IAF after 10th.

Jobs like- Barber, Cook, Saloon rating are available after it, do you want to get in such kind of job.

Well, at least you have to complete your +2 with science and with 60% aggregate in PCM.

Then you can go through NDA.

NDA: National Defence Academy Examination is a national level competetion conducted by UPSC ( twice every year generally the notifications are released in April-September each year in Employment News.

NDA is a 900 marks Written test consisting of CBSE class 11- 12 PCM nad English and many other subject for General Knowledge.

TES: Technical Entry Scheme is meant for those who have scored at least 70% aggregate in there +2 including PCM.

A little Entrance will be conducted by IAF itself, those who Qualify it will be interviewed and medical fitness test will be conducted. Candidate who will successfully pass all above three phases will be Admitted into Engineering at the TOP Engineering colleges of which are specially meant for Defence services. And then atuomatically will be granted a permanent commission in Technical stream of IAF.

So, first of all complete your +2 then there is various opputunities for you.

9th July 2011 12:16 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

sir 10th ke bad addmision open hai kay
1st July 2011 09:32 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

how i can join airforce after 10th?
11th June 2011 09:30 PM
Akshay Vithal Yadav
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th?

Dear sir,

I have appeared for SSC exam from MUMBAI and waiting for results to come out.I am interested to join Indian Airforce and eager to know about if there is any scope to enter immediately after my 10th.Would you please guide me for the above.

Awaiting for your reply.

Thank you,

Akshay Yadav([email protected])
27th May 2011 11:26 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Sorry to say you are in 10th standard so you are not eligible for NDA examination wait for 2 years and then fill up the forum of NDA examination ..
For more information regarding NDA
you can visit official website of UPSC
24th May 2011 05:48 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Dear Sir,
I am an ex-service man retired from Indian Army Corps of Signals. Sir I would like to ask some details for my son who has passed plus two in science gp and got 75% marks. Now he is very interest for join in Indian Air Force. He has attend the NDA exam before two months, but the result did not declare till. Any idea when the result will declare. And when & where the recruitment is conducted in kerala for the following trades.
* Education Instructor
* Ground Training Instructor
* Air Field Safety Operator
* Telephonist / Radio / Telephone Operator
* Indian Air Force Police
* Clerk General Duties
* Equipment Assistant
* Clerk Pay Accounting
* Medical Assistants

If you could inform the details to my e-mail address i will be grateful to you sir.

[email protected]

Thank You,

Best regards,
radhakrishnan V, Kollam, Kerala (India)

21st May 2011 01:13 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Dear sir
I m parmod and i have done my graduation in 2006 i had cleared physical exam for haryana police but unfortunaly ihadn't cross my interview but sir i have inteally desire to join haryana police but now my age is nearabout 28 year tell me what should do now.because now iam over age for this
1st May 2011 01:51 AM
Sachin Narayan
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

There is no such way through which you can join Indian Airforce after 10 class.

You can join Indian Army after 10 class and will be designated as soldier general duty, but you cant join Indian Airforce after 10 class.

For flying branch you need to complete your 10+2 i.e 12 class with PCM (physics chemistry and mathematics) with 60% aggregate.

After this you will be eligible for NDA examination which is conducted by upsc twice in an year.

The eligibility criteria for NDA exam is:

1. Age- 16 1/2 to 19 years

2. Educational qualification- 10+2 scheme of education with PCM (60%) from a recognised board.

3. Nationality- Indian

4. Gender- applicable for men only

5. Marital Status- only unmarried males can apply.

There's another way through which you can become a fighter pilot in indian air force.

After completing your graduation you can apply for CDSE (Combined Defense Services Examination) conducted by upsc

The eligibility criteria of CDSE is:

1. Age- 19 to 23 years

2. Educational qualification- Bachelor's from any stream from a recognised board with PCM at 10+2 level/ A four years complete engineering degree course from a recognised university with atleast 60% in all papers put together.

3. Gender- applicable for both men and women

4. Nationality- indian

5. Marital Status- unmarried
30th April 2011 10:31 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

To join the Indian Air force, you will need to write NDA(National Defence Academy) Exam, conducted by Union Public Service Commission.
The minimum educational qualification required to be eligible to write the exam is 10+2 from a recognised institution.
The minimum eligible age to write the exam is 16 1/2 years and the maximum age is 19 years.
30th April 2011 06:23 PM
Somesh Goenka
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am just finished 10th i like to work in airforce.For this qualification I will get any jobs in airforce or not?
With the qualifications you have provided, you cannot join the Air Force.

To join the Air Force, you need to appear for the NDA exam conducted by the UPSC.

The minimum eligibility for the NDA is that a candidate must be a 10+2 pass from a recognized state or central board or equivalent.

Now as you have only completed intermediate, so you cannot appear for the NDA exam and hence cant apply in the Air Force.

So first complete your Higher Secondary and then you will be eligible to sit for the exam.
30th April 2011 04:26 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

The three branches of the Air force are
  • Flying,
  • Ground duty
  • and Technical branch.

The officer cadre provides opportunities for men with 10+2 / Intermediate (only in the Flying

graduates (all three branches), engineers (all three branches) and postgraduates (all branches

except the Flying branch) in the various positions. Women with graduate (all three branches), engineering (all three

branches) and post graduate degrees (all branches except the Flying branch) have openings as an Officer in the Air force.

You can join NDA for joining AIRFORCE.. by taking the exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) which is

conducted twice a year....

Qualifications: You should have passed your 10+2 with Physics and Mathematics.

Age : 16 ½ to 19 years

This is applicable only to men.
30th April 2011 10:54 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

no it,s not possible to join in air force after 10th. there are post in air force like cook and other group d job i don't think you want to join in this type of job in air force.

if you want to join in Indian air force minimum you should have 12th pass certificate. then you may appear in NDA examination to get chance to join in Indian air force. it's better to join in Indian air force after completion of graduation. then you will face more scope and more opportunity.

so first take admission in class 11th now and complete your 12th after that you may think about job in air force. to built your career in air force you must be medically fit and also you have to fulfill physical standard. for information to join in Indian army visit their official career website

best wishes.
30th April 2011 10:07 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Originally Posted by Mihir patwardhan View Post
Dear sir,

I have given my 10th exams from a cbsc school in pune. I wanted to know that is it possible to join Indian air force after my 10th if yes how? and is it possible that afterwords we can opt for flying branch?

Thank you,
Mihir Patwardhan
sorry mihir, there is no entry based on 10th can join air force after completing your 12th standard by clearing the NDA exam
30th April 2011 05:42 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

No dear Entering into IAF just after 10th is not possible.

There is no such Scheme in IAF after 10th.
Jobs like- Barber, Cook, Saloon rating are available after it, do you want to get in such kind of job.
Well, at least you have to complete your +2 with science and with 60% aggregate in PCM.
Then you can go through NDA.
NDA: National Defence Academy Examination is a national level competetion conducted by UPSC ( twice every year generally the notifications are released in April-September each year in Employment News.
NDA is a 900 marks Written test consisting of CBSE class 11- 12 PCM nad English and many other subject for General Knowledge.
TES: Technical Entry Scheme is meant for those who have scored at least 70% aggregate in there +2 including PCM.
A little Entrance will be conducted by IAF itself, those who Qualify it will be interviewed and medical fitness test will be conducted. Candidate who will successfully pass all above three phases will be Admitted into Engineering at the TOP Engineering colleges of which are specially meant for Defence services. And then atuomatically will be granted a permanent commission in Technical stream of IAF.
So, first of all complete your +2 then there is various opputunities for you.

30th April 2011 02:34 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

No, you can not apply for the India Air force jobs. For applying for IAF you need to appear for the NDA exam. NDA exam is conducted by UPSC and held twice in a year.
The eligibility for appearing for the NDA you have to pass 12th with physics and maths. Final year student can also apply for the NDA.
The age limit for NDA is 16.5 to 19 years. So you can appear many time in between this age limit.

For more details visit:
30th April 2011 01:51 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Sorry friend you are not eligible.

The eligibility for the NDA exam is given below.

Education Qualification

A candidate should be 10+2 pass with physics and Maths for
the Indian Air force.
Those appeared in the 12th board examination are also eligible.

Age Limit
Candidate age should be between 16.5 to 19 years.

For more information on NDA exam visit the UPSC web site

30th April 2011 01:23 AM
amlendu shekhar
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Hi dear,
To join the Indian Air force, you will need to write NDA(National Defence Academy) Exam, conducted by Union Public Service Commission.
The minimum educational qualification required to be eligible to write the exam is 10+2 from a recognised institution.
The minimum eligible age to write the exam is 16 1/2 years and the maximum age is 19 years.
So, it would be better if you work hard for your upcoming exam and prepare for NDA along with it.

30th April 2011 12:48 AM
Rohit Vashisht
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

There is no entry scheme for 10th passout students to join IAF.

One can expect a good career in IAF atleast after qualifying 10+2 and by appearing in NDA examination.

NDA examination is conducted by UPSC twice in a year in the month of April and August.

Male Indian candidates of age between 16 1/2 to 19 years are eligible to appear in the examination. 10+2 appearing students can also appear in the examination.

To join IAF and Indian Navy, candidates must have PCM at 10+2 level.
30th April 2011 12:47 AM
Rohit Vashisht
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

There is no entry scheme for 10th passout students to join IAF.

One can expect a good career in IAF atleast after qualifying 10+2 and by appearing in NDA examination.

NDA examination is conducted by UPSC twice in a year in the month of April and August.

Male Indian candidates of age between 16 1/2 to 19 years are eligible to appear in the examination. 10+2 appearing students can also appear in the examination.

To join IAF and Indian Navy, candidates must have PCM at 10+2 level.
30th April 2011 12:46 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

10th qualification is not sufficient for Air Force jobs,You should have atleast 12th standard.

As you are interest in Air Force,you can join after your 12th standard,by appearing NDA exam.

Eligibility criteria for NDA exam:

12th standard with maths,physics and chemistry as compulsory subjects

Age should be between 16 1/2 to 19 year

NDA exam will be conducted twice in a year.

So take PCM course in your 12th standard,and apply for NDA exam at the end of your 12th exam.

If you need more information,then click here

Check this attachment,it contains this year NDA notification.
30th April 2011 12:38 AM
Deep Upadhyay
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Originally Posted by Mihir patwardhan View Post
Dear sir,

I have given my 10th exams from a cbsc school in pune. I wanted to know that is it possible to join Indian air force after my 10th if yes how? and is it possible that afterwords we can opt for flying branch?

Thank you,
Mihir Patwardhan

No dear the minimum qualification to join airforce is 10+2.
I am attach a doc contain the information about air force.Attachment 29545
30th April 2011 12:26 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Originally Posted by Mihir patwardhan View Post
Dear sir,

I have given my 10th exams from a cbsc school in pune. I wanted to know that is it possible to join Indian air force after my 10th if yes how? and is it possible that afterwords we can opt for flying branch?

Thank you,
Mihir Patwardhan
No you are not eligible to apply for the Indian Air force after 10th class.
To apply for the Indian Air force you should be 10+2 pass in any discipline.
So you have to complete your 10+2 to apply for the Indian Air force.
You can apply for the NDA examination after the completion of your 10+2.
This examination is conducted by the UPSC twice in a year. To apply for this examination you need the following eligibility criteria.

Education Qualification
For the NDA exam a candidate should be 10+2 pass in any discipline
and should have physics and maths for the Indian Air force.
Those appeared in the 10+2 exam are also eligible.

Age Limit
For the NDA exam candidate age should be between 16.5 to 19 years.

For more information on NDA exam visit at the below web site.
29th April 2011 09:52 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

I am just finished 10th i like to work in airforce.For this qualification I will get any jobs in airforce or not?
6th March 2011 09:34 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

20th February 2011 02:52 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

1.take up science stream(as it will help you in clearing the entrance easily)
2.give NDA entrance after 12th boards(whose form u have to fill before ur boards in august)
3. Take care to fill ur first preference as air force in the NDA examination form
28th December 2010 02:10 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

what are medical requirmnt and eye sight standard for iaf jobs in technical branch after 10 2
16th December 2010 11:12 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

it is a good advise for my = best= carrior. thanks you a lot lot lot lot
11th December 2010 11:32 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Am i join air force.if yes tell me how.
11th December 2010 11:32 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

Am i join air force.if yes tell me how.
6th December 2010 09:21 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

30th November 2010 03:18 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

For join the flying branch in Indian air force you have to be a graduate or a engineer.3 exams,which requires graduation with 60% as a min.qualification,there exams are-
1.UES-university entry scheme
2.SSC-short service commission
3.CDS-combined defence services
for more information you can visit-www.carrierairforce.nic
29th November 2010 08:13 PM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?

can a girl join air force after 12th
24th November 2010 11:40 AM
Re: Is it possible to join Air Force after 10th? What is the procedure?


i completed my 10th class and iam working as office assistant in a private ltd company, iam Pursueng my B.Com 2nd year. iam having a very good skills in computers and typing.

please give us a chance to serve for the country.

My email [email protected]
Mobile No.9885269930
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