Thread: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future? Reply to Thread

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12th March 2016 06:01 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

respected sir,
i have done diploma mechanical engineering in 2015. which courses is better some people diploma mechanical is not suitable for girls but before decission is not good but please guide me sir next what i do i have good scope for my future & good opportunity sir
thanking you sir please send my email
9th May 2015 12:56 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

which branch in engineering has best scope in next 10 years.
29th June 2014 06:03 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

hi i am very interested in event management and i am also interested in business but i want to do engineering so what branch i choose
31st May 2014 02:45 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

hi...i read your article evry question had a satisfactory answer to all.. my question is tht i m a girl belonging to a middle class family n i m willing to do job aftr compltng my engineering so i m a little confused tht to go either in IT or ELECTRONICS N COMMUNICATION ? becz sme say IT scope is dwn n jobs r nt available in gujarat so its a humble request to solve my query it wil help me a lot ...
reply as early as possible
4th July 2013 11:37 AM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

do girls safe in petrolium eng ??how much girls got placement in this field per year??
22nd June 2013 03:25 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

I like to take electrical&electronics engineering branch,it has well scope now? and how would be the
job oportunities in future for girls
22nd June 2013 03:20 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

I like to take electrical&electronics engineering branch,ifit have well scope in future? & how would
be the job oportunities in this for girls.
22nd June 2013 02:51 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

sir i want my best furure after marriage also.
n i m intrested in every field.but i luv civil branch most.
so wht should i prefer for my future plz suggest me.
11th June 2013 09:22 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
respected sir i want ask u a question that can girls apply for any branch in engineering & also tell best branch for girls having a good scope in near future kasak khurana
Can I know sir which engineering field is better for girls and also location of its colleges?
3rd June 2013 02:16 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

My daughter's puc marks in pcm 51.5%, can she do engineering & which branch ?
2nd June 2013 03:53 AM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

I have passsed my 12th std. i like the field which has more opportunities for the researches. i'm confuced with field entc n chemical engg. i have studied electronics in std 8th to 10th bt i like chemistry specially reactions most. and also like chemistry practical than phy practical so which branch should i take for the BE?? plizsuggest me as early as possible
22nd May 2013 10:21 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

i m good at maths and chemistry but not so good in physics, so can any one suggest me which branch should i opt for ,, and what are the core branches and there importance compared to other branches . can i get a good job in bhopal or indore choosing i.t ???????? plzzz do help and suggest as per 2013
20th May 2013 12:43 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

i am a girl what branch has scope in future?aerospace or production or automobile and suggest the best and i got 94.8% in 12th my cut off 191
12th May 2013 12:13 AM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

I think girls can do any jobs same as boys...becausue present tym girls are ahead one step than boys.
so...girls..can apply anybranch of engineering.
There are following branches are best for girls:-
  1. Civil Engineering
  2. Electrical Engineering
  3. Computer Science Engineering
  4. Information Technology
  5. Electronics and communication Engineering
  6. Chemical Engineering
  7. Mechanical Engineering
  8. Biotechnology
  9. Bio Medical Engineering
  10. Environmental Engineering
  11. Automobile Engineering, etc.
11th May 2013 08:42 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

26th April 2013 12:32 AM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

what is the future in B.Arch for girls in last 4-5 years???
4th April 2013 03:07 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Sir I am interested in maths I would like to join engineering. Plz say any valuable course for girls which has good scope in future
22nd October 2012 08:07 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

yes girls can apply for any branch of engn if they have the potential . for girls mechanical, computer science and infirmation technology are ok...
19th October 2012 01:14 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

is it better to choose software engineering ...............????????????????
16th August 2012 04:17 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?


If she is able to handle all the pressure and tasks, then nothing is impossible and so there will be no specific branches for boys and girls separately.

So always go for that stream in which you are interested, no matter whether that branch is suitable for girls or not.

The different branches in Engineering are:

Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Information Technology
Electronics and communication Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Bio Medical Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Automobile Engineering

14th August 2012 11:18 AM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

There is no limitation for girls in engg.
the best suitable branche for the girls is IT.
IT is information technology which is the best for girls.

so, this is the main thing is that the girls have a sweet voice, which is very essential in the IT branch.
14th August 2012 10:56 AM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Dear Friend,

Yes offcourse , girls can apply for any Branch in engineering as it is not specified anywhere that only boys can apply ofr engineering.

But The Streams that girls should choose one out of them are :

* Computer Science & Engineering.

* Information Technology

* Telecommunication & Mass Media

These are the best branches for girls to pursue engineering because after completing engineering , its damn sure that they will get good jobs with handsome salaries in top IT companies.

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
27th July 2012 01:58 PM
Apurva Beniwal
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
respected sir i want ask u a question that can girls apply for any branch in engineering & also tell best branch for girls having a good scope in near future kasak khurana
yes Kasak you can apply for any branch in Btech ... 1stly you must give exams for good Institues, like IITJEE, AIEEE and your regional CET if you are getting a good college then stream does not matter more, and if even then you want me to suggest the ranking for branches according to the comfort of girls then it will be: 1. CSE/ IT 2. ECE 3. environmental engineering
Good luck
27th July 2012 04:18 AM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?


The courses for the girls can be in the below priority.

Chemical engineering

For the above said courses you get ample and well paid opportunities in teaching as well as research and Industry, which usually girls prefer. These courses does not require physical work and field work as in case of civil and mechanical.

According to me now a days girls are every where, don't underestimate your self,now are girls are better than boys in some cases. So choose field according to your interest and not according to your gender.
26th July 2012 11:09 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
respected sir i want ask u a question that can girls apply for any branch in engineering & also tell best branch for girls having a good scope in near future kasak khurana
Yes why not
surely girls can apply for any branch.There is misconception in some people that some branches like electrical etc are not suitable for girls but they are totally wrong on their part.Dont underestimate girls as they can do anything if they want.
Regarding good scope i would like to say all branches have great scope.Inspite of that too in my opinion IT/CSE/ECE are the branches having great scope and one advantage is that they offer room-oriented jobs which mostly girls like.
But it doesnt mean girls cant do feild oriented jobs.
20th July 2012 10:11 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

i want to take civil branch in engenearing?is it really good for girls?please suggest me various scopes also relating to civil feild for girls?
2nd July 2012 02:13 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

dear friend,

all engineering branch are good because every engineering course have own application but the two most popular stream is CSE and ECE because both of these have chances to crack govt and private sector.

the govt sector jobs are BARC , DRDO ,ISRO ,BSNL ,IOCL ,NTPC etc also the private sector jobs are TCS , CTS , WIPRO etc.

these two stream depends only for mental work not for physical works so girls can easily choose above streams.

all the best

1st July 2012 11:59 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

what will be the future scope of EEE.
27th June 2012 02:26 AM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Which is best computer science or it ?
25th June 2012 12:39 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
respected sir i want ask u a question that can girls apply for any branch in engineering & also tell best branch for girls having a good scope in near future kasak khurana
We are living in modern age and there is no partiallity between boy or girl
So surely girl can and must do engg
generally mechanical engg has good scope in near future,
girls generally avoid this because of heavy physical work involved
other branches suitable for girls which they generally prefer are
1. electronics and telecommunication(has good scope in future)
2. information technology
3. computer engg
4. electrical engg etc

god bless you
best of luck
25th June 2012 12:30 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Yes you can apply for all the branches expect mining engineering.

All the branches are good and will provide you good opportunities to excel in life. You just have to understand which subject will be better for you or you will be able to handle that for the next four years. For this i would recommend you to go through the syllabus of all the branches to know which branch contains subjects of your choice.

Following are some of the sought after branches:-
Mechanical engineering
Automobile engineering
Aeronautical engineering
Electrical engineering
Instrumentation engineering
Electronics and communication engineering
Computer science engineering
Information Technology
Chemical engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Civil Engineering
25th June 2012 10:43 AM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

hi dear...........
Now a days there is no difference between boys
& girls , You can see girls are ahead a step than boys.
though Girls can do Engineering in Any stream as there wish like,........

Civil Eng.
Mechanical Eng.
Computer Science Eng.
Information & Technology Eng.
Electronics & Communication & many more.

Good luck.......
25th June 2012 12:19 AM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Generally most of the girls don't like to take up engineering as their career because of the fear of maths!
But since you look interested i would like to congratulate you on this brave attempt of yours.
There is no restriction for girls to apply for engneering.
All the seats in engineering(whether in all india level or state level) are equivalent for both boys and girls and both of them are subjected to the same entrance exam with the same eligibility criteria for admission.
The best branch for girls nowadays are:-
1)Electronics and communication engineering*
2)Electrical engineering*
3)Computer science and engineering
4)Information technology

The '*' marked engineering streams are core streams.
Other core streams are mechanical and civil but i have not recommended those because the jobs in these streams usually don't suit girls.

best of luck!!!
24th June 2012 08:00 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

hello dear
Among the various branches of Engineering, most of the branches are suitable for both boys and girls.

Now-a-days, girls can also do all those hard work that a boy can do.

They are in no way inferior to boys.

Girls can any join branch of engineering that they want..........
But still people say that some branches are not suitable for girls.....but it depends upon that person who is doing the course.

If she is able to handle all the pressure and tasks, then nothing is impossible and so there will be no specific branches for boys and girls separately.

So always go for that stream in which you are interested, no matter whether that branch is suitable for girls or not.

The different branches in Engineering are:

Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Information Technology
Electronics and communication Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Bio Medical Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Automobile Engineering
24th June 2012 05:57 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
respected sir i want ask u a question that can girls apply for any branch in engineering & also tell best branch for girls having a good scope in near future kasak khurana
Girls apply in any branch of engineering... but best branch for girls to get job on your place is .. computer science and electronics and communication....
if you are cleared computer science branch ,you can open your own software company.. and will have to start your business..
best of luck...
24th June 2012 05:54 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
respected sir i want ask u a question that can girls apply for any branch in engineering & also tell best branch for girls having a good scope in near future kasak khurana
Ya ..Why not Girls can choose engg. Its good for them ..Baraches Good For girls are following :
1.Electrical Engg.
2.Computer Science engg.
4.Textile Engg.
5.Production Engg.
24th June 2012 11:07 AM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Hi Dear Friend,

Among the various branches of Engineering, most of the branches are suitable for both boys and girls.

Now-a-days, girls can also do all those hard work that a boy can do.

They are in no way inferior to boys.

Girls can any join branch of engineering that they want..........
But still people say that some branches are not suitable for girls.....but it depends upon that person who is doing the course.

If she is able to handle all the pressure and tasks, then nothing is impossible and so there will be no specific branches for boys and girls separately.

So always go for that stream in which you are interested, no matter whether that branch is suitable for girls or not.

The different branches in Engineering are:

[B]Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Information Technology
Electronics and communication Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Bio Medical Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Automobile Engineering

thank you
24th June 2012 02:45 AM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

hiii friend...!!!

-> Among the various branches of Engineering, most of the branches are suitable for both boys and girls.

->Now-a-days, girls can also do all those hard work that a boy can do.

->They are in no way inferior to boys.

-> Girls can any join branch of engineering that they want.

->But still people say that some branches are not suitable for girls but it depends upon that person who is doing the course.

-> If she is able to handle all the pressure and tasks, then nothing is impossible and so there will be no specific branches for boys and girls separately.

-> So always go for that stream in which you are interested, no matter whether that branch is suitable for girls or not.

The different branches in Engineering are:-

Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Information Technology
Electronics and communication Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Bio Medical Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Automobile Engineering

->But according to me you should go for CSE(computer science and engineering) and IT(information technology).These are best for girls and comfortable for girs.

->Other thing is that you should go for the one in which you are interested.

so,all the best...!!!
23rd June 2012 08:16 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

hello friend..!!

i am also a student of final year.

i suggest you to take the stream according to your interest and in which you feel relax.

according to my point of view,you should go for CSE(computer science and engineering) and IT(information technology).

these are best for girls and comfortable for girls.

all the best..!!
21st June 2012 07:43 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

im a girl. which is better institute- DAIICT or SVNIT Surat
17th June 2012 03:58 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

I got 90% in 2. now plz tell me that which branch is good in for ECE BEST BRANCH for future in govt. job.
8th June 2012 10:34 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
respected sir i want ask u a question that can girls apply for any branch in engineering & also tell best branch for girls having a good scope in near future kasak khurana
Dear Aspirant,

Yes, a girl can apply for the any trade of engineering.
For girls these are the following Branches is best:

Electronics and Telecommunication
Computer Science
Information Technology

with all good wishes
8th June 2012 10:28 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Choosing IT would be a better option because of vast employment oppurtunities in this sector and you will have higher scope of pursueing any IT job in any place you want because these IT companies are spread in almost all the places over the globe.
8th June 2012 10:02 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Yes, girls can apply every type of engineering branch.
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Information Technology
Electronics and communication Engineering

agriculture engineering
Bio Medical Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Automobile Engineering

8th June 2012 08:05 PM
lakshmi dhana
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

there is no limitation for girls in engg.
the best suitable branche for the girls is IT,ECE,EEE.The different branches in Engineering are:
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Information Technology
Electronics and communication Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Bio Medical Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Automobile Engineering
8th June 2012 07:25 PM
Niyati B
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Of course.In fact,girls are the most sought after engineers abroad.Girls can go for computers and I.T.Also,technology is catching up fast too.
Medical and paramedical fields have been the fields for women since a long time,but there are others like law and architecture as well as mass media which are changing the scenario for a few decades now.And they even have a promising future abroad as well as in India.
8th June 2012 05:52 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

IS IT BETTER TOO CHOOSE IT OR EC..................?????
24th April 2012 06:50 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Yes girls can apply for any branch in engineering.

They are also very good scope on the future.

There is some engineering branches:

civil engineering

automobile engineering

environmental engineering

electronic and communication engineering

Biotechnology and biochemical engineering

Chemical engineering

Electrical engineering

Computer science

Engineering information technology.

All the best.
24th April 2012 05:55 PM
sirimulla srikanth
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Yes...girls also eligible to apply for any branch in engineering course.
The following are the various engineering courses:
1.Mechanical engineering
2.Computer science engineering.
3.Automobile engineering.
4.Electrical engineering.
5.Civil engineering. technology
7.Environmental enginering
8.Electronics and communication engineering
22nd April 2012 08:45 PM
Re: Can girls apply for any branch in engineering? Best branch for girls having good scope in future?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
respected sir i want ask u a question that can girls apply for any branch in engineering & also tell best branch for girls having a good scope in near future kasak khurana


MECHANICAL AND AUTOMOBILE some girls are studying but job wise it's very

tough to get them......but above dept are suits to them
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