Thread: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam? Reply to Thread

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17th April 2015 09:52 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

My son got mechanical gate score 552and air 8841 and percendile 96% any possible bit admission
7th April 2014 09:19 AM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

Kindly mail me previous years exam papers of M.Tech(CSE) BITS Pilani and OCET [M.E.(CSE)] Panjab University Chandigarh. -- [email protected]
18th March 2013 12:10 AM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

Hey Are you sure?
i mean i think it doesnt consider GATE exam..?
Please guide me..I have just appeared for GATE..n i want to have admission
18th May 2012 12:49 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

sir, i'm the student of jntu university .... to pursue in bits pilani i'm eligible r nly bits students r elegible ... if i'm eligible what could be the reference exams ? plz kindly reply me.....?\
6th May 2012 12:05 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

how we get the ten year solved paper for m-tech entarnce exam for electronics and communication
30th March 2012 02:44 AM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

sir i got 84% in gate.can i apply for bits pilani..
21st March 2012 10:53 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

i want to know when will be the forms for 2012 in bits pilani will be available
pls do reply
11th November 2011 12:16 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

There are two ways by which you can get admission to the M.Tech programs of BITS.

1) Firstly through GATE, you have to score at least 85% in GATE and a good AIR is required for it.
After you qualify the GATE, then you have to apply separately for the BITS, and the admissions would be carried ahead further.

2) Secondly through the BITS online entrance exam. BITS provide admissions to M.Tech. You can apply online here :

All the best.

4th November 2011 09:46 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

cn any1 plz tell......that how to apply in bits pilani for mtech/ms.....through gate?
i have to applied after the result or just now....?
30th October 2011 11:58 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

Originally Posted by devendra gurjar View Post
sir i want to know that how can i admit in course 4m bits pilani ........through gate exam or any other exam conducted by bits......and if through gate then upto which percentile????????????????
yes there is a exam conducted by the BITS can register youeself for the exam online on

the exam is going to be conducted in 27 may after the 12th board result get declared......

prepare well for it.........

all the best
30th October 2011 10:53 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

this university provide M.TEch program by conducting self examination , so if you are interested in M.Tech with out GATE them opt for it.....
SHM engineering college
TKM institute of technology
College of engineering chengannur,Allepey
Government Engineering college,Thiruvananthapuram
Rajiv Gandhi institute of Technology,kottayam
Saingits college of engineering,kottayam
Model engineering college
alongwith this state university board also conduct examination to provide MBA program...
so be elate and visit university website regularly.
22nd October 2011 09:19 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

Originally Posted by devendra gurjar View Post
sir i want to know that how can i admit in course 4m bits pilani ........through gate exam or any other exam conducted by bits......and if through gate then upto which percentile????????????????

Procedure for Admission in M.Tech in BITS

In order to get access to BITS,Pilani need to clear the GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) which is conducted every year for admission into the top colleges of M.Tech like IITs,NITs,BITS,IISc and many more..

Eligibility For GATE

In order to appear for the GATE exam you need to fulfill the following conditions :-

1) You should be a B.Tech degree holder or in the final year of B.Tech

2) You can be in the final year of your M.Sc or pursuing M.Tech from any other college or in the final year of Dual Degree Program..

NOTE :- Pre-final year students or 3rd year B.Tech students are not allowed to appear in GATE..

In order to get into an need to score above 600 marks or a percentile of 95

For need to score around 550 marks or a 90 percentile to secure a seat in BITS

all the best..

With Warm Regards
22nd October 2011 05:56 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?
ME Communication Engineering is offered by BITS, Pilani campus.
Eligibility Criteria: Candidate must have passed Integrated first degree of BITS in Electrical & Electronics/ Electronics & Instrumentation or its equivalent.
Thats mean admission to out sider are based on GATE qualification and for students who have done Bachelor dergee from BITS can only appear for entrance conducted by BITS.
22nd October 2011 05:53 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

To take admission in BITS pilani for you have to appear for the ENTRANCE exam conducted by BITS pilani.
GATE is consider only for stipend. If you have Qualified the gate exan than you will get monthly stipend according to the campus rules.
The application form for M.Tech entrance exam is available in the 3rd week of april 2011.Condidates can apply online at that time.
22nd October 2011 05:51 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

GATE exam
According to Eligibility Criteria, The minimum requirement for BITSAT atleast 80 percent aggregate in you class 12 and must also have atleast 60 percent aggregate in PCM of class 12.
22nd October 2011 01:45 PM
sheshadev senapati
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

joining M.E. program at BITS,Pilani through GATE more the 85% in GATE along with good AIR is required for it.

However, BITS also conducts its own entrance for admitting students in there M.E. programs.That entrance ia an Online based entrance conducted at various centres all across India.

Last date for registration is 30 may.

So hurry up. Visit it's official site for registering or for furter any more details.

But only the students who had persued BE from BITS are only eligible for it.If you have any doubt please visit this page-

Best of Luck
thank you
22nd October 2011 01:38 AM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

Hello Sir,

I want to do MTech/ME in Embedded systems in BITS through correspondence.

Please provide the below inforamtion.

Q.1) Is MTech/ME (Embedded systems) correspondence course offered by BITS ?
Q.2) If yes, what will be the procedure to join the correspondence course?
Q.3) When will be the notification released for MTech/ME correspondence couse?

Thanks and Regards
6th October 2011 09:35 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

are u sure that students from other colleges cant apply for bits mtech online exam?
28th September 2011 10:50 AM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

Hi All,

I am doing BS in Engg. & Technology from BITS Pilani it is work Integrated Program this is AICTE approved. Can I appear for GATE and pursue for MTech based on this course ?


Naval Verma
10th September 2011 08:34 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

i have done my btech with 74.69%, i want to do mtech in Electrical with specialization in Power Electronics & Drives.
is their any chance to get admission in this year itsef.. because i dont want to waste this year.. will you please give information about the admission and i want to join with the entrance test...
email:[email protected]
17th July 2011 04:08 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

sir i am pursuing btech from(civil branch) uptu and in 3rd year ,i am eligible for bitsat exam ..???? and what is the procedure for getting admission in bits pilani .??? how many procedure to get admission in bits ..for mtech ..and at which time the form will be available for filling..??? and what should prepare for entrance..???
10th May 2011 10:36 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

IS THERE ANY m tech in biomedical field from bits pilani & if then what is the procedure?
9th May 2011 03:39 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

for joining M.E. program at BITS,Pilani through GATE more the 85% in GATE along with good AIR is required for it.
However, BITS also conducts its own entrance for admitting students in there M.E. programs.That entrance ia an Online based entrance conducted at various centres all across India.

Last date for registration is 30 may.

So hurry up. Visit it's official site for registering or for furter any more details.

But only the students who had persued BE from BITS are only eligible for it.If you have any doubt please visit this page-

8th May 2011 10:34 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

29th April 2011 09:33 AM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

No BITS Pilant dont take GATE score. They have their own exam n so no scholarship.
23rd April 2011 04:51 AM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

Originally Posted by kool View Post
There r the two mode to do M>Tech at BITS,Pilane:
1: though GATE
2: though sponsorship.

if you qualified in GATE then you can apply for TA(teaching assistentship),in this course you can get rs 8000 stipend PM.inother mode ie sponsored you have to go through your employeer.

i got gate score 605(EC) n AIR 1967...can i get admission in bits..
21st April 2011 04:44 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

Dear friend,

To take admission in BITS pilani for you have to appear for the ENTRANCE exam conducted by BITS pilani.
GATE is consider only for stipend. If you have Qualified the gate exan than you will get monthly stipend according to the campus rules.
The application form for M.Tech entrance exam is available in the 3rd week of april 2011.Condidates can apply online at that time.

Please refer this site for further noticefication..

29th March 2011 04:28 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

i wrote gate exm but i could not qualify so can i write bits exam .....? and can u plzz tell me the syllabus...? and how we have to apply ....? wen is the last date....? and is there any coaching centre for this exam....?
22nd March 2011 09:59 AM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

i have scored 85.65% in gate.can i get direct admission in mtech?
8th March 2011 04:19 AM
[email protected]
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

hi sir

i could be in formation about admission in M.Tech . i m already not gate student so it will be very soon information.

regards p no-9312063349
19th February 2011 01:03 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

sir in gate 2010 i scored 93.07 percentile and AIR 7218 AND gate score 421. please tell me which collgee i have got for
29th January 2011 04:25 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

hello sir...
I have completed my Electrical and electronics engineering in anna university 2010,now working in a mnc but i would like to do in bits through distance education,could you pls tell me that is there any entrance test for distance education in bits,i know gate and bitsat are there for regular but for distance education whether its there if its so then how much the percentile would be and also being at chennai is it possible for me to have center here.
22nd January 2011 07:35 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

I have completed my B.Tech from Greater Noida. I am planning to go for M.Tech in BITS Pilani or its campuses.
I have heard that good GATE score can help you a lot for the entrance but is there any criteria for entrance exam conducted by BITS itself for M.E. in any of their campus.
Is it correct that students pursued B.E. from BITS only can apply for the online tests and others can get into only through their GATE score.
How and when to apply for M.E. BITS 2011 ????
21st January 2011 05:28 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

This is Abhijan I want know about the correspondence MTech in BITS pilani please inform about
1)when the entrence exam for correspondence MTech will be conducted
2)what is the fees
3)Duration of course

email:[email protected]
20th January 2011 05:28 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

YES, its through gate..... have to score well in GATE....
5th January 2011 10:21 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

Originally Posted by devendra gurjar View Post
sir i want to know that how can i admit in course 4m bits pilani ........through gate exam or any other exam conducted by bits......and if through gate then upto which percentile????????????????
Dear friend,
you can get admission in any institute including BITS pilani through GATE exem...
4th January 2011 10:55 AM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

hello, this is arpita and i am giving gate in this year so will u please tell me how much i have to score in gate to get the scholarship in bits pilani
[email protected]
27th December 2010 12:45 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

i had done my AMIE in Electronics&Comm. now i want to do MTech in Microelectronics through correspondence. Does BITS Pilani offers this course
kindly send me the contact no.or how to register for the same
26th November 2010 04:47 AM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

Originally Posted by devendra gurjar View Post
sir i want to know that how can i admit in course 4m bits pilani ........through gate exam or any other exam conducted by bits......and if through gate then upto which percentile????????????????
GATE is a graduate aptitude test in engineering .
its for admissions in various IIT's and NIT's or other colleges

getting admission in MTECH courses in bits is through personalized exam conducted by BITS in three location(pilani, Goa and Hyderabad).

for info bulletien and other informations

good luck
22nd November 2010 02:57 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

hello ,

yes you can do Mtech in Bits Pilani through Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) exam
The other exams conducting for this are:

1.Joint Entrance Screening test( JEST) is conducted in two subjects
Physics and Theoretical Computers
and you have to choose one of the subject for exam and accordingly prepaired

2. BITSAT for details about this exam you can go through the website

all the best....
21st November 2010 05:35 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

I want to know the available seats in Bits pilani embedded systems please post any available and related link plzzzzzzzzzz
12th November 2010 03:10 AM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

There are some seats in BITS for admission on the basis of gate score and rest of the seats are alloted in the basis of bitsat exam.
5th November 2010 08:39 AM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

hii, i am an btech final year student,now i prefer mtech than a job,so i thought of gate exam and bisat exam, so what is the minimum criteria (related to btech % and 2 marks)for applying, and when will be the last submission for the application form,....And could i get any scholarship through this exam................
31st October 2010 07:07 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

hello sir..i am student of jntu hyderabad. i want to know what are process of joining in BITS pilani .
is ther possibility of joining through donation seat..
7th October 2010 05:53 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

sir i passout my bca with 59% from raj university (catagory=sc ).and now i m doing msc(computer science) from maharaja ganga singh university.after it i want to do m tech(computer sci) from bits can i do m tech from bits. arjun bhati mob no 7737763244
28th August 2010 02:12 AM
[email protected]
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

For taking admission in Bits u have to clear the Gate exam and then the final test of Bits and your score in Gate exam must be above 600+

Try well for the exam

Best of luck
28th August 2010 01:28 AM
rushi adhia
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

For joining M.E. program at BITS,Pilani through GATE more the 85% in GATE along with good AIR is required for it.

Or u can also get in through self-finance
27th August 2010 11:22 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

dear friend
you may take admission in Bits Pilani through GATE exam or you may get admission in Bits Pilani directly........if you get admission by GATE then you gate scholarship which is provided by the government . in direct admission you can't get any scholarship..................

best of luck......................................
27th August 2010 10:31 PM
[email protected]
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

hello friend
yes you can get admission in mtech course in bits pilani on the basis of your gate score and also they conduct bitsat exam
27th August 2010 08:39 PM
Re: Mtech in Bits Pilani through GATE exam? or any other exam?

Originally Posted by devendra gurjar View Post
sir i want to know that how can i admit in course 4m bits pilani ........through gate exam or any other exam conducted by bits......and if through gate then upto which percentile????????????????
to get good college through gate you should score persentile above 95% only then you can get suitably good college
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