Thread: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream? Reply to Thread

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9th August 2012 12:34 AM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

when will start calling for interview for GT - 2012 through GATE 2012
12th April 2012 11:37 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

hi friend,

It is nothing but the technical interview which was conducted by the BHEL.its its own test.

Hear i am providing some of the books just you refer these books you can easily understood.

The books are R.K Bansal,Modi,Seth,Rajput these books have depth knowledge about the subject please refer these books once.
thank you
5th February 2012 12:55 AM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

during my graduation, I prepared for PSUs. I had qualified several PSUs' written exams and appeared for interviewes and would like to share my experience who are interested in PSU jobs. Here you will get a lot of relevant data to prepare for the same.
I have gone through BARC, NPCIL, SAMEER & BHEL written & interview
Go to the link for complete kowledge:
28th January 2012 11:04 AM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

its all about your interest that which field you want to select.
but i think that mtec is the best option for u.
u can also go for CCNA (i.e cicco certified network network administrator).
this is a online exam conduct by CISCO, the fee for this exam in apprx 45$. you should get training in any of the registered testing center of CISCO in your state.
CDEC is an another best option.
but i think this is more beneficial for computer students.
26th January 2012 11:40 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

when will be the bhel engineer trainee result coming
24th January 2012 10:33 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

ET/ ST Recruitment, 2011-12 :

* ET Results – End January, 2012
* ST Results – Mid February, 2012
this is a confirmed message from BHEL HR guys.............
23rd January 2012 03:19 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

I have called today to BHEL HR, They are telling ST (Mechanical) Results will be out by Feb- 2nd week. What is happening yar.................
Hey....are they calling through e mail intimation only....???? pls...ask ur frndzsss....if they got any???
23rd January 2012 11:06 AM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Originally Posted by ankitnita View Post
please give some insight for the interview of BHEL for Engineer trainees in mechanical stream....pls anyone
Now BHEL strated for recruitment of engineering trainees for mechanical and electrical engineering canditates through the GATE Exam cutoff score.And based on the score the candidate for personal interview
22nd January 2012 08:33 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

I have called today to BHEL HR, They are telling ST (Mechanical) Results will be out by Feb- 2nd week. What is happening yar.................

Wht about other streams yaar...?
21st January 2012 08:34 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
There is no fixed date for interview result
You r may be today....tomorrow or after 1 month....
21st January 2012 12:36 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hey today is january 19th, where is the result???

I think all these are rumours....

If any body knows the correct date please post it here..

I have called today to BHEL HR, They are telling ST (Mechanical) Results will be out by Feb- 2nd week. What is happening yar.................
20th January 2012 03:47 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

hi dear,
All you need to do is get strong in your basic part.They ask questions from books like R.K Bansal,Modi and Seth,Rajput which provides you the depth in the subject.

So keep referring the above books which provides you all the basic part you need to answer.Start preparing the books from your second year of your core subjects.

beside all this if you have personal relations in the BHEL then please try to acknowledge the person about the interview dates, that may help you.

I am telling you all because my friend has used this resources in order to clear his Personal Interview round.

But another important thing i would like to tell you that if you were caught n this fraud, then you also may be terminated and barred for the interview in future. Including other similar companies.
20th January 2012 03:25 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

on which basis BHEL panel called for interview Rank or Roll no.?
19th January 2012 09:16 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
results will be out on jan 19 evening sais by bhel hr miss.praveena
Hey today is january 19th, where is the result???

I think all these are rumours....

If any body knows the correct date please post it here..
10th January 2012 07:11 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
results will be out on jan 19 evening sais by bhel hr miss.praveena
Is it True, Please conform the same................
8th January 2012 05:44 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

results will be out on jan 19 evening sais by bhel hr miss.praveena
4th January 2012 03:01 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

There is no fixed date for interview result
3rd January 2012 08:30 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post i hv called one of my senior at bhel,corp rnd...he told me that result will be out till 20th jan'12 and we will be posted by 25th feb' all the best...
Thanks for the information. All the best..
2nd January 2012 08:05 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream? i hv called one of my senior at bhel,corp rnd...he told me that result will be out till 20th jan'12 and we will be posted by 25th feb' all the best...
31st December 2011 09:58 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Hi all, any idea about bhel interview results?
26th December 2011 12:30 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

when will the bhel ST(finance) results come..
25th December 2011 06:14 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

BHEL (ST/ET) result will be declared in first or second week of Jan'12.
24th December 2011 08:28 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Actually there is only one panel for recruitment so they are traveling across india , so result will be out before 15 jan 2012.
24th December 2011 03:08 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
When interview result will come?
by at any cost before 31st december 2011
24th December 2011 01:18 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

when the st finance interview result will be declare
23rd December 2011 07:53 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

when will interview test result for st mechanical will come
23rd December 2011 06:17 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

when will be bhel result out
22nd December 2011 11:36 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

is the interviewer know the result of writtten test of the candidate? and when is the final result of st will be declared?
20th December 2011 08:29 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

When will be bhel st finance results? My interview was on 7th Nov at chennai
20th December 2011 07:38 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

When interview result will come?
19th December 2011 12:31 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

results will be next week
18th December 2011 03:18 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

when will the results publish? mine was on nov 7 at chennai asked abt project and favourite subjects?
11th December 2011 12:56 AM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Why it takes too much time to announce interview results?
10th December 2011 01:26 AM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

My friend has asked to the hr personnel for the result and they told the tentative is dec last/ jan 1st week.
8th December 2011 03:26 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

When will be BHEL ST (ENGINEERING) Interview results? Is it all the interviews are over?
7th December 2011 05:24 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Results will be out on 15th Jan 2012, when & whr was ur interview, mine was on 3rd nov at chennai.
7th December 2011 05:22 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Result(ST Finance) will be out by 15th Jan 2012, when did u had interview and whre. i had at chennai on 3rd Nov11.
4th December 2011 04:29 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

pl z tell me when will be BHEL st {finance} interview results?
2nd December 2011 10:10 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

When will be BHEL ST (FINANCE) Interview results? Is it all the interviews are over?
30th November 2011 11:34 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Hi dear,

I think companies like BHEL conducts its own test for recruiting members which is of the first stage and the stage stage comprises of interview.

All you need to do is get strong in your basic part.They ask questions from books like R.K Bansal,Modi and Seth,Rajput which provides you the depth in the subject.

So keep referring the above books which provides you all the basic part you need to answer.Start preparing the books from your second year of your core subjects.

30th November 2011 11:32 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Hi dear,

I think companies like BHEL conducts its own test for recruiting members which is of the first stage and the stage stage comprises of interview.

All you need to do is get strong in your basic part.They ask questions from books like R.K Bansal,Modi and Seth,Rajput which provides you the depth in the subject.

So keep referring the above books which provides you all the basic part you need to answer.Start preparing the books from your second year of your core subjects.

30th November 2011 02:22 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

30th November 2011 12:02 AM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Yes Dear , they call the candidate on basis of written test marks only , they arrange them in descending order of marks obtained in written test , about the weightage they give 75 % to marks obtained in written test and 25 % marks obtained in interview , But all the condidates selected for interview are not having so much difference in written exam , they all have near by same...................

k kishor

29th November 2011 11:32 PM
umakant hanwate
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Tommarow i am going to bhel's interview, but i have no idea about such type of interview because this is my 1st interview so plz give me ur ideas and send it on
29th November 2011 05:53 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

When will they announce Supervisor Trainee (Finance) Interview Result?
29th November 2011 10:41 AM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

i would like to share my experience. i attended the st- mechanical interview on 21st november at chennai. the interview took place in a 5 star hotel, and i was the first to get he call. they verified my documents which includes my marksheets, passing certificates. do not forget to take filled in biodata and ta form. there were 4 people in the panel. some of the questios asked were- 1. do you want to continue your further studies? 2. my work profile in previous organisation. 3. an example when u find obstacle while working.4. about bhel corporate office, its products. 5.two cars are standing how to find whether its a petrol or diesel car?6. about various machine tools.7. about boiler.8. preferred place of posting. it lasted for 10 minutes only. iwas not satisfied with myself but hopr for the best. wish u all best of luck......
27th November 2011 07:41 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

bhel interview et they asked like
1.tell abt urself
2.questions on the subject of ur interest
3.tell abt bhel n what u r gng to contribute to bhel if u r selected
4.some questions on ur academic project
5.if u r a girl they r asking how u r gng to work in bhel how do u feel u r fit.. making people nervous
6.some questions on ur work exp also
but girl candidates take it as a challenge and do well
All The Best
27th November 2011 01:24 AM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

HI dear,

I think companies like BHEL conducts its own test for recruiting members which is of the first stage and the stage stage comprises of interview.

All you need to do is get strong in your basic part.They ask questions from books like R.K Bansal,Modi and Seth,Rajput which provides you the depth in the subject.

So keep referring the above books which provides you all the basic part you need to answer.Start preparing the books from your second year of your core subjects.

26th November 2011 09:12 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

When will Bhel ST (Finance) interview results declared?
26th November 2011 02:11 PM
Re: Detail about BHEL interview test for engineer trainees mechanical stream?

Dear friends ,
I have been short listed for interview for the post of supervisor trainee Mechanical in BHEL.
I am from sc interview is on 5th dec. 2011 at kolkatta. please told me that what type of question do they ask.

Ajay Kumar
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