Thread: Tips to score good marks in board exams? Reply to Thread

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22nd May 2016 07:45 AM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

I have passed 2 class in cbse board with 56% . Can I get admission in Bsc hons agriculture in khalsa collage amritsar
14th May 2015 03:10 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

i am in std 10th please suggest me some tips how to score good marks in boards ....please suggest me some learning tips and how to remember equations?
2nd January 2015 04:05 AM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

I was in 12th I complete my slaybus nd I m week in business plz tell me how to get good marks in business.
22nd November 2014 11:45 AM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

I m really not prepared for my board exams not a single% due to some of my family problems...

I have only 2 n a half months to prepare for my exams for a satisfactory marks to atleast 60% n above..please suggest me some tips for preparations as soon as possible...for which i'll be thankfull to u...thanx...
12th November 2014 11:07 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

my biologys first paper is tommoro syllabus is of 8 chapters but i have prepared 5 out of it i am confused that what to do
27th October 2014 08:21 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Hi I am a student of class 12 isc board. I want to score 90 above in my exams. I have 3 months to prepare. How should I prepare please tell!! ASAP
1st August 2014 03:20 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

plz tell me how to remember answers iam 10th class student after i learn ans i forget everything plz help me to remember
27th May 2014 08:46 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

I just joined a school in 10std they are giving more stress to study just give me some tips to study well and peacefully at home and class room please answer me this questions soon because i need to arrange as per your advice so please give me the answer for this question
2nd April 2014 02:52 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Now a days, it is being common for the candidates to score more than 90% of marks in Board Exams especially for those who completed 10+2 from prestigious institutions like
Sri Chaitanya
Narayana etc.

The only key to score good percentage of marks in Board Exams is by having strong preparation.

Here are some of the tips or guidelines

-Try to finish the syllabus for all the subjects 3 months advance to the exams.
Due to this you will get much time to have revisions for number of times.

-Put much concentration towards the subjects in which you are not so strong.

-Try to get the model question papers and previous year question papers and check whether you are able to answer those questions or not.

-Attempt mock tests and analyze your performance from time to time. Know the areas where you are lacking behind and put efforts in overcoming them.

-Try to discuss the topics with your friends and lecturers so that you will not forget them and you will get more points also.

-Have good presentation skills. You should be in a position to present well of the content that you know. Then you will be awarded good marks easily.

Wish you all the best.
31st March 2014 09:54 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

I am not able to remember things which I study so what should iI do to improve it?
7th March 2014 11:17 AM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

i have attempted answer of another question in the same page as time was not available and also the supplement is there any possibility of gettin marks
plz give me quick response as i m tense
27th February 2014 12:17 AM
acjot Kumar
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

sir I have prepared all the syllabus of class 12 cbse for 2014 board exams but do to my family problem I m in tension so I m not able to revise my syllabus or concentrate in my studies please give me tips to study well and how to concentrate in my exams as I m having my English exam on Monday 1 March 2014.
8th February 2014 12:08 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

I'm in class 9th and I want to excel in board exam.plz give me some time tips to get more than 95%.,...
4th February 2014 05:27 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

how to prepare maths 1a and 1b as there is only a month for my public exam
27th August 2013 04:19 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Dear friend,

For getting good marks in board exam or any other exam you have to follow steps in my opinion:-

1. Make a vision what you want to achieve.
2. Make a time table schedule.
3. Implement the schedule on routine basis.
4. Concentrate on your target with focus.
5. Clear your concepts with initially.
6. Do practice on daily basis.
7. At exam centre do your paper without nervous.
27th August 2013 04:05 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i m really frustatd due to unbearable pressure of exams .........
if u could kindly give me few tips of how to score good marks in board exams.......
since xams starts nxt week i want your suggestions as early as possible......
thnkzz and sorry fr trouble.....:-)


First of all, stop worrying now. It will only lower your confidence.

It is said that it is better if you prepare for the exam from the first day wth regular studies, but now when you are left with little time, you should make the bet out of it.

I think, you should now first try to memorize the topics, which you think you are in touch with and are easy to learn. he topics which are difficult should be read twice or thrice.

Devote regular time to your studies. Early morning studies will be beneficial a the mind is most fresh at this time of the day.

Revision is a must in preparation. Since you are a board student , you must revise what you have already learnt.

As I said earlier try to go through the difficult topics atleast twice. You might remember some points out of it, when a question comes from that topic and with those points, you might be able to form a good answer.

It is better to divide the topics into easy, difficult and very difficult. Complete easy topics first, then difficult topics and I think since it is the last hour, it si better to leave very difficult topics.

Hope these points will help you.
27th August 2013 12:12 AM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

i want to do a good result in my board exam...i am a little nervous for my science group.please give me some tips to do better in science group.
11th August 2013 01:21 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

I gained only A2 in my fa1 i am very worried about my aim to score 10 CGPA can i get it if i do my rest exams good
15th July 2013 05:44 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am very weak in studies . I can't consentrate properly

First of all don't think that u r weak in studies... Becoz this fear will make u internally weak...
So forget that u r weak... Just try to develop positive points or views in your mind regarding studies... This will give u a powerful strenght and I know that will make u excellent in studies ...
Second thing ....
You have to do work hard... Try to find the doubt or problem regarding that subject that makes u weak and then try to find out the solution... But don't forget you have to work hard...

You can do anything Becoz nothing is impossible in this world...
So try to give ur best...

All the best...
15th July 2013 05:34 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am very weak in studies . I can't consentrate properly

First of all don't think that u r weak in studies... Becoz this fear will make u internally weak...
So forget that u r weak... Just try to develop positive points or views in your mind regarding studies... This will give u a powerful strenght and I know that will make u excellent in studies ...
Second thing ....
You have to do work hard... Try to find the doubt or problem regarding that subject that makes u weak and then try to find out the solution... But don't forget you have to work hard...

You can do anything Becoz nothing is impossible in this world...
So try to give ur best...

All the best...
7th June 2013 11:57 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

I am science student of 12th class i wanted to get more than 95% in board exams without any tuitions/coaching kindly give me some tips to score well while study at home?
25th April 2013 07:52 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?


All the best for your exam.[/QUOTE]
30th March 2013 05:23 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

thankss for the valuable suggestiovssssss
22nd March 2013 02:21 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

is it necessary to attempt questions serial wise in 12th boards?
17th March 2013 02:03 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

i have my final board exam tommorow the first paper is chemistry how i can get highest marks in it
11th March 2013 04:27 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Can I write the CBSE 12th exam (questions in descending order)
9th March 2013 12:38 PM
Shivam Babu Gupta
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Every student works hard to do well in the exams so that he can achieve good marks in academic year.but as a matter of fact,students do fall apart most of the times when it concerns their exams especially in the cbse board papers which is seen as a dread by the student community every year. is a checklist on what u as a student should have in lieu when preparing for the dreaded cbse exam:
1. revise thoroughly and not mug up
2. go through the previous exam papers for reference
3. get your essentials in place as stationary,id card etc
4. confirm and crosscheck the time and venue
5. find out the easiest travel route as well enquire about other necessary arrangements
6. take ample sleep and rest
these are the things and steps which will help u in board exams. have a nice time.
8th March 2013 08:48 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

I want tips to cover science revision in two days and want to score 95% in ssc board exam and my exams have already started and usually I score 95% but now I am lacking confidence and I feel that I am gonna fail in the exams.plz help me out.
7th March 2013 09:16 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

I am very weak in studies . I can't consentrate properly
24th February 2013 12:08 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

My exams r goin 2 start by d 1st of march. . It makes me totally stressed and frustrated. . I want some ways to secure good marks on dis Chse board 2013. . Please reply soon. .
19th February 2013 11:54 AM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Dear Aspirant,

Tips for getting the good marks in the 10th :

Only thing is hardwork.This thing hardwork can take you a huge heights.

Be confident in what you answer in the exam.

But dont be over confident since it can take you in bad way.

So practice all the previous 3 years papers so that you can get a good idea on the frequently asked questions.

Keep taking suggestions from the teachers and elders.

Take a quick notes of all the important concepts on a separate book.

Keep referring to it daily and if you miss any take a new point in that.

Keep a good handwriting in the answer sheets in the exams.

Avoid the scribbling work in the sheets in the exam.

Try to write known answers first rather than the unknown's.

Follow all the above tips it can gain you good score in the exams.

I cant promise you that you will get the 90% score.Because it is not a single day preparation.

To achieve that you need to be prepared from first day and be dedicated to it.Then only you can achieve it.

Hope this info helps you.
28th January 2013 11:36 AM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i m really frustatd due to unbearable pressure of exams .........
if u could kindly give me few tips of how to score good marks in board exams.......
since xams starts nxt week i want your suggestions as early as possible......
thnkzz and sorry fr trouble.....:-)
Helo, follow these tips friend-

# Try to study as least four subjects out of total five per day.

# Study for 1 hour for a subject delicately.

# Take small breaks in between.

Don’t get tensed, it can result in forgetting things. Have faith in God!!
27th January 2013 09:18 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

by studyng text alone hw much % can b scrd??
17th January 2013 07:11 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

I have only one month for my bord exam ,so what can I do as I am only familiar 30 present of each lesson,and I want to score above 75 %,so ...........pls reply me ,and give me the solution on this ....reply very soon pleaseeeeeeeee
13th January 2013 06:55 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Try to do revisions as more as you can...
Do all your course before one month....
After that go to the revision...
Do revisions of all subjects atleast one times in a day...
Don't be worry before exams..... Just keep all formulas and facts/ideas in your tips .....
13th January 2013 05:57 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Hello friend,
If you want to get good marks in your board exams,first of all you should know how to concentrate on things.Once you have a good concentration you will get maximum output whatever work you do.
1.Don't treat your board exams as loads on free.
2.drink plenty of water,have some sound sleep,take nutrional diet to work your mind smoothly.
3.make schedule of day activities and arrange your subjects accordingly.
4.try to concentrate more on your strong points as this will nullify your weak points.
5.practice some sample papers as this will give you a brief idea.
6.prepare your subjects well and go for mock tests and see where the problem lies,solve this problems. some miscellaneous activities as our mind can concentrate only 40 minutes at a time.
"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."

Best of luck
13th January 2013 04:29 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Hi Guest,

In order to score good marks in the board exams I suggest you to follow the following tips:

The presentation of paper is important, write neat and highlight the main points in the answer.

The handwriting is very important in answering the questions.

Answer the known answers in the beginning, whatever you know the perfect answers you need to answer them in detail.

Before the exam you need to relax for some time ad recollect whatever you know so that you can answer the questions exactly.

Thank you,

All the best.
13th January 2013 12:58 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i m really frustatd due to unbearable pressure of exams .........
if u could kindly give me few tips of how to score good marks in board exams.......
since xams starts nxt week i want your suggestions as early as possible......
thnkzz and sorry fr trouble.....:-)
Dear Aspirant,

Follow this steps for tackling the pressure:-

  • Do take a good sleep every night.
  • Dont read in the night sessions.My suggestions is to read in the early morning sessions.
  • Since these sessions are the most concentration providing times.
  • Dont take any fast food junk items which makes you sick and gets you a increase of frustration.
  • Do meditation at-least for 20 minutes every day before starting the preparation process.
  • Get a healthy food with high carbohydrates and nutritious food with low calories.

Follow this steps for Getting good Marks:-

  • First maintain a good handwriting through out your exam answer sheet paper.
  • Try avoiding the scribbling and cutting down the words in a answer.
  • First impresion is the best impression,so try writing the well know answers in the first page and the less known anwers at the last.
  • By that the examiner can get a idea on which answers you can write well and which not.By that he can understand that you can maintain the things in a mannered way.By that you can get a good marks.
  • Dont write the fake answers.
  • Dont write the wrong answers.This could get your impression low.
  • The marks holds in the correction of the examiner who corrects the paper.So the impression need to be maintained very good through out the paper.So you need to maintain good answers with minimum good understanding hand writing.

Hope this info helps you.

Any more Queries.
Don't Hesitate to ask me. Am happy to help you always. Just ping to my profile.

Best Regards,
13th January 2013 08:55 AM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Tips to do great in exams

• Don't waste valuable opportunities to better yourself by being lazy!
• Always have a positive attitude. Prepare for the worst and expect the best!
• Be relentlessly confident in yourself and your abilities!
• Mind your diet and don't drink alcohol.
• Avoid visiting any social-networking sites! It can be done.
• Don't panic on exam day. On the night before the exam, and in the morning, read through your notes a few times, then put them away.
• Don't panic if you have not studied well. Just think over the question and you might remember something the teacher taught you. After all, you are studying things that men/ women have discovered before without previous knowledge.
12th January 2013 10:05 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

-Its better to start preparation for the board exams as early as we can. If you do this, obviously, you don't need to finish the syllabus with hurry burry in the last days. You can complete the syllabus without any tensions.

-If the time did not permit you to start preparation well in advance to the exams, then carry out your preparation in the last few months.

-But in this case, you have to make use of time judiciously. Every minute and second is valuable.

-Make a complete time table or preparation of yourself of
-what subjects to study
-how much time to study (as per your grip on that particular subject)
-at what time to study.

-Try to finish the subjects which you feel easy in the sense the subjects in which you have some grip of subject knowledge. Later on go with the subjects which you feel little difficult.

-Go through previous year question papers and finish the questions from those papers.

-Simultaneously, finish the questions which are in various model question papers of various test papers.

-If you do this, it is very easy for you to get through board exams, As per high marks in board exams, that depends upon the extra efforts you put towards finishing more chatpers or more questions.

-Try to have neat handwriting and the way of presentation.

-The way how you are presenting the information matters a lot with regard to board exams.

-Whatever the information you have regarding a particular question, present it neatly with side heading and sub headings and diagrams if needed.

-If you present it nicely, obviously the person who will correct your question paper will think that you have good knowledge regarding that question.
12th January 2013 10:00 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

-Its better to start preparation for the board exams as early as we can. If you do this, obviously, you don't need to finish the syllabus with hurry burry in the last days. You can complete the syllabus without any tensions.

-If the time did not permit you to start preparation well in advance to the exams, then carry out your preparation in the last few months.

-But in this case, you have to make use of time judiciously. Every minute and second is valuable.

-Make a complete time table or preparation of yourself of
-what subjects to study
-how much time to study (as per your grip on that particular subject)
-at what time to study.

-Try to finish the subjects which you feel easy in the sense the subjects in which you have some grip of subject knowledge. Later on go with the subjects which you feel little difficult.

-Go through previous year question papers and finish the questions from those papers.

-Simultaneously, finish the questions which are in various model question papers of various test papers.

-If you do this, it is very easy for you to get through board exams, As per high marks in board exams, that depends upon the extra efforts you put towards finishing more chatpers or more questions.

-Try to have neat handwriting and the way of presentation.

-The way how you are presenting the information matters a lot with regard to board exams.

-Whatever the information you have regarding a particular question, present it neatly with side heading and sub headings and diagrams if needed.

-If you present it nicely, obviously the person who will correct your question paper will think that you have good knowledge regarding that question.
12th January 2013 07:00 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

i am studying 12thstd how to study for day and it important too?i sleep at 9.30 and wake up at family and my teachers said to study for 11.00 and have to wake up at 3.00 or 4.00.but i can't.what i have to do???????????
1st January 2013 06:22 PM
Username*25/987*89/ Hey Buddy dont worry i was also having the same problem earlier but then i switched over to studying diffrent subjects after every 2 hours.... did not complete the chapter.!! no problem...!! once u start feeling that u are not being ablt to concentrate well then switch over to a new subjet and come back to this one later ...........!1 I hope this technique helps u.... it was helpful to me.........
12th December 2012 03:38 AM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

As for my knowledge, when you have less time to prepare for exam, don't study everything, because you forget everything when you go to exam hall so study only important questions of all the chapters in a subject. In exam paper you have choices like one question comes from first chapter and the next question comes from the second chapter so we have choices to answer the questions. In these case study all the questions and answers of first five chapter which covers to answer the all the questions in the exam, leave other chapters and study important questions and answers. This is how I prepare at the last min...and I get 75% in all the subjects..
This is for only people who study at the last minute, I hope this make sense.
5th November 2012 07:59 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

hi.... i cnt concentrate on my studies because of unnceary thinking on my mind???i am nt surrounded with friends i like..i tried most to be organised but i got distracted........pls cmment
2nd November 2012 07:01 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

how to memorize the ans of a particular question that does not forget till last! I also read the question with full understanding with my knwledge, but i can't write the question with full ans... Help me!
31st October 2012 05:00 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

hi dear,
Here are some of the important tips from my side which wil help you to get through your board exams and to score good marks.

-Its better to start preparation for the board exams as early as we can. If you do this, obviously, you don't need to finish the syllabus with hurry burry in the last days. You can complete the syllabus without any tensions.

-If the time did not permit you to start preparation well in advance to the exams, then carry out your preparation in the last few months.

-But in this case, you have to make use of time judiciously. Every minute and second is valuable.

-Make a complete time table or preparation of yourself of
-what subjects to study
-how much time to study (as per your grip on that particular subject)
-at what time to study.

-Try to finish the subjects which you feel easy in the sense the subjects in which you have some grip of subject knowledge. Later on go with the subjects which you feel little difficult.

-Go through previous year question papers and finish the questions from those papers.

-Simultaneously, finish the questions which are in various model question papers of various test papers.

-If you do this, it is very easy for you to get through board exams, As per high marks in board exams, that depends upon the extra efforts you put towards finishing more chatpers or more questions.

-Try to have neat handwriting and the way of presentation.

-The way how you are presenting the information matters a lot with regard to board exams.

-Whatever the information you have regarding a particular question, present it neatly with side heading and sub headings and diagrams if needed.

-If you present it nicely, obviously the person who will correct your question paper will think that you have good knowledge regarding that question.

29th October 2012 07:01 PM
radha 2
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Tips to score good marks in board exams:-
If you want to get good score in board you have to read and practice whole Text book ,School notes and Practice sets you don't leave any question.

You should More consitrate on your every question.

Whenever you study, don't sit for too long continuously, you can also take one or two short breaks of 5-10 minutes during a study.
29th October 2012 03:36 PM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

1. Start assignments with some curiosity about the material and a positive attitude toward learning.

2. Designate a place where you go only to study. Use proper lighting.

3. Identify your distractions. Find ways to decrease them or to postpone them until study breaks (e.g., taking the phone off the hook,turning off instant messenger).

4. Decrease noises around you while studying. If you need some background music it should be soft. Keep the TV off.

5. Use "active study" techniques: sit straight in a chair at a desk, start out with questions about the material, outline chapters, underline key phrases after readinga section, write notes in margins, ask yourself what you have learned.

6. Divide your work into smaller manageable tasks that can be completed in a short period of time.
Push yourself to complete one small task, then move on to the next task. Focus on one small task at a time.

7. Use times of peak alertness for studying difficult or less interesting topics. When you are tired or hungry concentration will be lowered.

8.When your mind starts to wander come up with some cue words to say to yourself to focus your concentration again.

9. Take breaks when you have completed tasks or when you feel concentration has decreased. Breaks should be approximately 10-15 minutes.

10. If you have other assignments or issues on your mind write them down on a "to do" list or take a small step to deal with them. Then get back to focusing on the task at hand.
29th October 2012 11:16 AM
Re: Tips to score good marks in board exams?

Special tips for Board Examination

Read the question paper: Don’t start attempting question papers without reading it completely. Give few minutes for reading the question papers. Make you strategy, mark the question that you feel easy and solve them first. Priority is very important so mark the question as per the difficulty level. Attempt those at last which you feel difficult.

Neat and Clear: Always try to write neat and clear especially in theoretical subjects where mistakes can cut your marks. Give enough space after completing one question.

Don’t try to solve serial wise: Solving question paper serial wise not a good way. It is not required that you solve the question paper serial wise. You can’t attempt the question paper completely if you do this, unless you are a genius.

Diet Plan: Healthy diet is very important; you all should take only healthy diet to keep your health and mind good. If your health is good you can pay more attention to your studies.

Meditation: Keep your mind calm with meditation. Meditation helps you to remove your stress and tension.
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