19th February 2012, 09:37 PM
Tips to score good marks in board exams?
i m really frustatd due to unbearable pressure of exams ......... if u could kindly give me few tips of how to score good marks in board exams....... since xams starts nxt week i want your suggestions as early as possible...... thnkzz and sorry fr trouble.....:-) |
20th February 2012, 09:51 AM
Here are some of the important tips from my side which wil help you to get through your board exams and to score good marks.
-Its better to start preparation for the board exams as early as we can. If you do this, obviously, you don't need to finish the syllabus with hurry burry in the last days. You can complete the syllabus without any tensions. -If the time did not permit you to start preparation well in advance to the exams, then carry out your preparation in the last few months. -But in this case, you have to make use of time judiciously. Every minute and second is valuable. -Make a complete time table or preparation of yourself of -what subjects to study -how much time to study (as per your grip on that particular subject) -at what time to study. -Try to finish the subjects which you feel easy in the sense the subjects in which you have some grip of subject knowledge. Later on go with the subjects which you feel little difficult. -Go through previous year question papers and finish the questions from those papers. -Simultaneously, finish the questions which are in various model question papers of various test papers. -If you do this, it is very easy for you to get through board exams, As per high marks in board exams, that depends upon the extra efforts you put towards finishing more chatpers or more questions. -Try to have neat handwriting and the way of presentation. -The way how you are presenting the information matters a lot with regard to board exams. -Whatever the information you have regarding a particular question, present it neatly with side heading and sub headings and diagrams if needed. -If you present it nicely, obviously the person who will correct your question paper will think that you have good knowledge regarding that question. Wish you all the best. |
20th February 2012, 11:02 AM
Your preparation is very good tips for the Board exam. But there are some common tips for preparing the exam:
Try to study as least four subjects out of total five per day. Study for 1 hour for a subject delicately. Take a small break. In break you can talk to your friends but don’t discuss about study. You can watch TV also and watch only that program you like most. You can do anything interesting you like. Then again come to study. Don’t get tensed, it can result in forgetting things that you know very well. Keep studying with fresh mind every time after you take break. Studying in morning is very beneficial as compare to late night study. Studying in morning can be quite difficult but soon you will get habitual for that and you will find more interest in studying. All the best for your exam. |
20th February 2012, 11:32 AM
Tips for board exams believe in yourself
if you have prepared well for th exam , do not worry unnecessarily. Only , make sure you have the right perspective. If you think that anything less than 90% is a failure , you are creating unnecessary stress for yourself Don't bottle up: confiding in some one you yrust |
20th February 2012, 03:54 PM
![]() Quote:
1.listen lessons carefully. 2.in home read once all lessons which you listen. 3.at the time of writing exams you must write neatly. 4.write answer based on marks only. |
6th March 2012, 08:36 AM
Dear frnd. U shud not study continously any subject. Aftr every hour u must have to take break, d break shud b atleast 5 r 10min n not beyond tat. In between break dnt discuss abt studies jst do any other mind relief things. Den ul get concentrated
thank u @maj.bunny@gmail.Com |
18th March 2012, 06:13 PM
its just the beginning of the session.....but in order to get 90% i have to improve alot about (20-25)% especially in maths.....i really want to score good marks in isc 2013 by hook or by crook....PLEASE HELP !
23rd March 2012, 10:24 PM
can u please tell me how to get good marks in 12th board exam................... how to learn? can u give me ideas for remembering formulas, equations and terms............... pls.... am waiting for the reply...
21st April 2012, 01:50 AM
i m a class 12th student.. And i have not yet started studying.. I m a maharashtra state board student i have took commerce..I will start studying from21st april..and i just want to know thatis 12th std hard ..coz i m nt thinking of goin to any clss.. Nd ill only go for bk..as 1 of ma scholr frnd said dat she felt very hrd in 11th... Nd plss give me some tips to get concentration...so dat i get concentration on my studies.. I have to score best marks as my carrier will b decided.. Nd my familys respo..r on me....plss give me some tips... To get best marks in exams.. Nd my handritin is very bad specially in hindi... Plss how can i improve it..
Plss give me very much right tips.. Vich r best..thnxxxx.. A lot.. U will be lyk my god to me |
8th July 2012, 06:02 PM
i am studying in 12 th class and up to now i havent prepared anything bcoz myind dnt get in to studies ,,it goes i to mob or lappy wht i can do to prepare my best for the board exams bcoz i want 90% marks .....to make someone happy so plzz telllme
28th July 2012, 11:31 PM
Read some tips here:
http://examguesspapers.com/topic/53-...uestion-paper/ |
29th July 2012, 01:37 AM
First of all you dont feel stress that you are going to attend board exams ,be cool.Before the exams you dont read thenew topics ,you revise the topics that you have already learnt.It is better to read in the morning ,it is better if you do yoga for about 20 minutes in the morning.Dont indulge in other activities before exams and it is better if you avoid out side food for few days.I think it may help you....
30th July 2012, 01:15 PM
some of the important tips from my side which wil help you to get through your board exams and to score good marks.
-Its better to start preparation for the board exams as early as we can. If you do this, obviously, you don't need to finish the syllabus with hurry burry in the last days. You can complete the syllabus without any tensions. -If the time did not permit you to start preparation well in advance to the exams, then carry out your preparation in the last few months. -But in this case, you have to make use of time judiciously. Every minute and second is valuable. -Make a complete time table or preparation of yourself of -what subjects to study -how much time to study (as per your grip on that particular subject) -at what time to study. -Try to finish the subjects which you feel easy in the sense the subjects in which you have some grip of subject knowledge. Later on go with the subjects which you feel little difficult. -Go through previous year question papers and finish the questions from those papers. -Simultaneously, finish the questions which are in various model question papers of various test papers. -If you do this, it is very easy for you to get through board exams, As per high marks in board exams, that depends upon the extra efforts you put towards finishing more chatpers or more questions. -Try to have neat handwriting and the way of presentation. -The way how you are presenting the information matters a lot with regard to board exams. -Whatever the information you have regarding a particular question, present it neatly with side heading and sub headings and diagrams if needed. all the best......... |
4th August 2012, 11:57 PM
Hello ,
Best tips to score good marks in board exam ......... 1. all subject study for BOOK , SO YOU GET GOOD MARKS.Its better to start preparation for the board exams as early as we can. If you do this, obviously, you don't need to finish the syllabus with hurry burry in the last days. You can complete the syllabus without any tensions. -If the time did not permit you to start preparation well in advance to the exams, then carry out your preparation in the last few months. -But in this case, you have to make use of time judiciously. Every minute and second is valuable. 2. ALL MODAL PAPER PREPARE AND SO, YOU GET GOOD MARKS. BEST OF LUCK |
28th August 2012, 07:44 PM
As I have never been a great learner, I was not interested in theoretical subjects in class 12th and even in class 10th. So for all the friends like me, I list the top 15 tips, advices of scoring better marks so that you can accomplish your dream of getting cent percent in boards and hence forth entering your dream college
CBSE Exam Tips - 1. Start by memorizing important points and sub-points 2. Learn the points and important sub-points by writing them in separate register. 3. Practise 2-3 sample papers in a weak to know your strong and weak points. 4. Revise first those topics in which you are already thorough so as to boost your confidence as self motivation is very important. 5. Never devote a full day to any subject that you find difficult to learn or understand. 6. As there are mostly 10-15 chapters in each and every subject, revise one chapter each day. 7. Give first preference to those topics of a particular subject that consists of heavy weightage of marks. 8. Doing ten year and latest Cbse sample paper are must. 9. NCERT books should be treated as bible and leave no chapter as there might be internal choices in questions. 10. Six marks should be attempted first as the mind is fresh and atleast six points having total words ranging between 200-250 should be there in the answer. 11. Add diagrams and examples to your answers wherever possible. 12. Attempt the questions in descending order. 13. Attempt those which you know the best and leave the rest. 14. One-mark questions should be strictly answered in one word or one line. 15. Last and very much important is the presentation aspect of your answers. |
31st August 2012, 09:01 PM
practice the question based on tat formula
1st September 2012, 12:22 AM
![]() Quote:
-Its better to start preparation for the board exams as early as we can. If you do this, obviously, you don't need to finish the syllabus with hurry burry in the last days. You can complete the syllabus without any tensions. -If the time did not permit you to start preparation well in advance to the exams, then carry out your preparation in the last few months. -But in this case, you have to make use of time judiciously. Every minute and second is valuable. -Make a complete time table or preparation of yourself of -what subjects to study -how much time to study (as per your grip on that particular subject) -at what time to study. -Try to finish the subjects which you feel easy in the sense the subjects in which you have some grip of subject knowledge. Later on go with the subjects which you feel little difficult. -Go through previous year question papers and finish the questions from those papers. -Simultaneously, finish the questions which are in various model question papers of various test papers. -If you do this, it is very easy for you to get through board exams, As per high marks in board exams, that depends upon the extra efforts you put towards finishing more chatpers or more questions. -Try to have neat handwriting and the way of presentation. -The way how you are presenting the information matters a lot with regard to board exams. -Whatever the information you have regarding a particular question, present it neatly with side heading and sub headings and diagrams if needed. -If you present it nicely, obviously the person who will correct your question paper will think that you have good knowledge regarding that question. Wish you all the best. |
1st September 2012, 01:20 AM
Hi dear...............
Tips to score good marks in Board exam: 1. Firstly, study regularly, take out time for at least three subjects in a day. Work more on those subjects, in which you feel you are weaker than other subjects. 2. Do not leave any subject for more than 2-3 days. Every subject should be taken up for study at least in every alternate day. The important and difficult ones may be taken up everyday. 3. Devote at least 6-7 hours for self study. But do not cut down too much on your sleep and enjoyment. Take out a bit of time for relaxing and entertaining also. 4. Whenever you study, don't sit for too long continuously, you can also take one or two short breaks of 5-10 minutes during a continuous stretch of 3-4 hrs. of study.This will help in maintaining your interest. 5. Be in touch with the previous years papers, sample papers etc. Keep on looking what has been the pattern of your board and what type of questions are generally asked. Also refer to their model answers. 6. Whenever you give a test in school and obtain marks, just go through your answer sheet seriously and see where marks have been deducted and how can the errors be avoided next time. 7. Take proper care of your health and hygiene. Do regular exercise, take more of green vegetables, milk and other nutritious food. Do not get tensed. 8. Although you must stick to NCERT books, but in science, maths, you must do some extra questions also. You can purchase a good book or question bank for that. 9. Be in contact with your teachers and ask them to evaluate yourself. 10. At the end of the year, do at least 8-10 model test papers for each subject. This will help a lot. Good luck......... |
8th September 2012, 02:25 PM
i m in 12 sci , dis year i ll be gvng my isc exm , i want to get good marks , comparison to all my eng is very week..... i hv made my tme table many times bt couldnt follow it ., can u plz help me & i ll be very greatful if u suggest a suitable tme table for me....?
29th October 2012, 07:30 AM
Well board examinations are not that tough if you systematically handle that. Let me tell you how. 1) Read the entire text book. Do not leave any inch any corner. 2)Your text books help you but the ten years question papers even help you more. So buy one and solve the entire thing out. 3)If possible buy some extra question paper booklets on every subject along with the answers. This will help you get idea about the different questions that may come for a particular subject topic. This will also give you the idea as how to solve it. 4)Lastly, to handle all these things that I mentioned maintain a proper routine, so that you can practice everything on time. |
29th October 2012, 11:35 AM
Regarding scoring of good marks in Board Exams, it is not so difficult. You have to stick to few important tips: 1. Firstly, study regularly, take out time for at least three subjects in a day. Work more on those subjects, in which you feel you are weaker than other subjects. 2. Do not leave any subject for more than 2-3 days. Every subject should be taken up for study at least in every alternate day. The important and difficult ones may be taken up everyday. 3. Devote at least 6-7 hours for self study.But do not cut down too much on your sleep and enjoyment. Take out a bit of time for relaxing and entertaining also. 4. Whenever you study, don't sit for too long continuously, you can also take one or two short breaks of 5-10 minutes during a continuous stretch of 3-4 hrs. of study.This will help in maintaining your interest. 5.Be in touch with the previous years papers, sample papers etc. Keep on looking what has been the pattern of YOUR BOARD and what type of questions are generally asked. Also refer to their model answers. 6. Whenever you give a test in school and obtain marks, just go through your answer sheet seriously and see where marks have been deducted and how can the errors be avoided next time. 7. Take proper care of your health and hygiene. Do regular exercise, take more of green vegetables, milk and other nutritious food. Do not get tensed. 8. Although you must stick to YOUR PRESCRIBE Books, but in science, maths, you must do some extra questions also. You can purchase a good book or question bank for that. 9. Be in contact with your teachers and ask them to evaluate yourself. 10. At the end of the year, do at least 8-10 model test papers for each subject. This will help a lot. ![]() |
29th October 2012, 11:51 AM
at this moment you concentrate mainly on the areas that you can score more i.e when you go through your question paper you can find that the questions are picked from all lessons for example if you have 10 units and the question paper has 10 essay type questions, then there's possibility that each question from each unit. In this method you omit 5 difficult units and get thorough in the remaining 5 easy units.
In paragraph questions there's a possibility that you will have 40% of questions that can be left as choice. You are already well prepared for essay type questions which can help you in this part also. Next is the short questions. According to me these are very important part of the scoring. You can memorize them easily and you can score full marks. These questions are mainly asked from definitions. So just prepare important definitions from each subject. For 1 mark questions, mostly they are asked from the questions given at the end of the unit in govt. text books. Then is the presentation part. There's one method that first answering essay type questions, then paragraph type questions, then short questions and finally one mark questions. This method can be followed only you have the confidence that you can do it better. Otherwise you can start in a usual manner. There's few usual things which should be kept in mind that while answering big questions the answer should be divided in to short meaningful paragraphs. In between the paragraphs there should be some important points marked with bullets. Important words should be underlined with a pencil. The answer should have sub-headings. The most important thing is, you must attend all the questions, so time management is very important. Spare 10 minutes to check the answers and question numbers at the end of exam. ABOVE ALL HARD WORK ONLY PREDICTS YOUR RESULTS. |
29th October 2012, 12:16 PM
Special tips for Board Examination
Read the question paper: Don’t start attempting question papers without reading it completely. Give few minutes for reading the question papers. Make you strategy, mark the question that you feel easy and solve them first. Priority is very important so mark the question as per the difficulty level. Attempt those at last which you feel difficult. Neat and Clear: Always try to write neat and clear especially in theoretical subjects where mistakes can cut your marks. Give enough space after completing one question. Don’t try to solve serial wise: Solving question paper serial wise not a good way. It is not required that you solve the question paper serial wise. You can’t attempt the question paper completely if you do this, unless you are a genius. Diet Plan: Healthy diet is very important; you all should take only healthy diet to keep your health and mind good. If your health is good you can pay more attention to your studies. Meditation: Keep your mind calm with meditation. Meditation helps you to remove your stress and tension. |
29th October 2012, 04:36 PM
1. Start assignments with some curiosity about the material and a positive attitude toward learning.
2. Designate a place where you go only to study. Use proper lighting. 3. Identify your distractions. Find ways to decrease them or to postpone them until study breaks (e.g., taking the phone off the hook,turning off instant messenger). 4. Decrease noises around you while studying. If you need some background music it should be soft. Keep the TV off. 5. Use "active study" techniques: sit straight in a chair at a desk, start out with questions about the material, outline chapters, underline key phrases after readinga section, write notes in margins, ask yourself what you have learned. 6. Divide your work into smaller manageable tasks that can be completed in a short period of time. Push yourself to complete one small task, then move on to the next task. Focus on one small task at a time. 7. Use times of peak alertness for studying difficult or less interesting topics. When you are tired or hungry concentration will be lowered. 8.When your mind starts to wander come up with some cue words to say to yourself to focus your concentration again. 9. Take breaks when you have completed tasks or when you feel concentration has decreased. Breaks should be approximately 10-15 minutes. 10. If you have other assignments or issues on your mind write them down on a "to do" list or take a small step to deal with them. Then get back to focusing on the task at hand. |
29th October 2012, 08:01 PM
Tips to score good marks in board exams:-
If you want to get good score in board you have to read and practice whole Text book ,School notes and Practice sets you don't leave any question. You should More consitrate on your every question. Whenever you study, don't sit for too long continuously, you can also take one or two short breaks of 5-10 minutes during a study. |
31st October 2012, 06:00 PM
hi dear,
Here are some of the important tips from my side which wil help you to get through your board exams and to score good marks. -Its better to start preparation for the board exams as early as we can. If you do this, obviously, you don't need to finish the syllabus with hurry burry in the last days. You can complete the syllabus without any tensions. -If the time did not permit you to start preparation well in advance to the exams, then carry out your preparation in the last few months. -But in this case, you have to make use of time judiciously. Every minute and second is valuable. -Make a complete time table or preparation of yourself of -what subjects to study -how much time to study (as per your grip on that particular subject) -at what time to study. -Try to finish the subjects which you feel easy in the sense the subjects in which you have some grip of subject knowledge. Later on go with the subjects which you feel little difficult. -Go through previous year question papers and finish the questions from those papers. -Simultaneously, finish the questions which are in various model question papers of various test papers. -If you do this, it is very easy for you to get through board exams, As per high marks in board exams, that depends upon the extra efforts you put towards finishing more chatpers or more questions. -Try to have neat handwriting and the way of presentation. -The way how you are presenting the information matters a lot with regard to board exams. -Whatever the information you have regarding a particular question, present it neatly with side heading and sub headings and diagrams if needed. -If you present it nicely, obviously the person who will correct your question paper will think that you have good knowledge regarding that question. thanks |
12th December 2012, 04:38 AM
As for my knowledge, when you have less time to prepare for exam, don't study everything, because you forget everything when you go to exam hall so study only important questions of all the chapters in a subject. In exam paper you have choices like one question comes from first chapter and the next question comes from the second chapter so we have choices to answer the questions. In these case study all the questions and answers of first five chapter which covers to answer the all the questions in the exam, leave other chapters and study important questions and answers. This is how I prepare at the last min...and I get 75% in all the subjects..
This is for only people who study at the last minute, I hope this make sense. |
1st January 2013, 07:22 PM
Hey Buddy dont worry i was also having the same problem earlier but then i switched over to studying diffrent subjects after every 2 hours.... did not complete the chapter.!! no problem...!! once u start feeling that u are not being ablt to concentrate well then switch over to a new subjet and come back to this one later ...........!1
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12th January 2013, 08:00 PM
i am studying 12thstd how to study for day and night.is it important too?i sleep at 9.30 and wake up at 5.00.my family and my teachers said to study for 11.00 and have to wake up at 3.00 or 4.00.but i can't.what i have to do???????????
12th January 2013, 11:00 PM
-Its better to start preparation for the board exams as early as we can. If you do this, obviously, you don't need to finish the syllabus with hurry burry in the last days. You can complete the syllabus without any tensions.
-If the time did not permit you to start preparation well in advance to the exams, then carry out your preparation in the last few months. -But in this case, you have to make use of time judiciously. Every minute and second is valuable. -Make a complete time table or preparation of yourself of -what subjects to study -how much time to study (as per your grip on that particular subject) -at what time to study. -Try to finish the subjects which you feel easy in the sense the subjects in which you have some grip of subject knowledge. Later on go with the subjects which you feel little difficult. -Go through previous year question papers and finish the questions from those papers. -Simultaneously, finish the questions which are in various model question papers of various test papers. -If you do this, it is very easy for you to get through board exams, As per high marks in board exams, that depends upon the extra efforts you put towards finishing more chatpers or more questions. -Try to have neat handwriting and the way of presentation. -The way how you are presenting the information matters a lot with regard to board exams. -Whatever the information you have regarding a particular question, present it neatly with side heading and sub headings and diagrams if needed. -If you present it nicely, obviously the person who will correct your question paper will think that you have good knowledge regarding that question. |
12th January 2013, 11:05 PM
-Its better to start preparation for the board exams as early as we can. If you do this, obviously, you don't need to finish the syllabus with hurry burry in the last days. You can complete the syllabus without any tensions.
-If the time did not permit you to start preparation well in advance to the exams, then carry out your preparation in the last few months. -But in this case, you have to make use of time judiciously. Every minute and second is valuable. -Make a complete time table or preparation of yourself of -what subjects to study -how much time to study (as per your grip on that particular subject) -at what time to study. -Try to finish the subjects which you feel easy in the sense the subjects in which you have some grip of subject knowledge. Later on go with the subjects which you feel little difficult. -Go through previous year question papers and finish the questions from those papers. -Simultaneously, finish the questions which are in various model question papers of various test papers. -If you do this, it is very easy for you to get through board exams, As per high marks in board exams, that depends upon the extra efforts you put towards finishing more chatpers or more questions. -Try to have neat handwriting and the way of presentation. -The way how you are presenting the information matters a lot with regard to board exams. -Whatever the information you have regarding a particular question, present it neatly with side heading and sub headings and diagrams if needed. -If you present it nicely, obviously the person who will correct your question paper will think that you have good knowledge regarding that question. |
13th January 2013, 09:55 AM
![]() ![]() Tips to do great in exams • Don't waste valuable opportunities to better yourself by being lazy! • Always have a positive attitude. Prepare for the worst and expect the best! • Be relentlessly confident in yourself and your abilities! • Mind your diet and don't drink alcohol. • Avoid visiting any social-networking sites! It can be done. • Don't panic on exam day. On the night before the exam, and in the morning, read through your notes a few times, then put them away. • Don't panic if you have not studied well. Just think over the question and you might remember something the teacher taught you. After all, you are studying things that men/ women have discovered before without previous knowledge. |