Thread: Is ACCA better than CMA? Reply to Thread

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8th June 2015 10:21 AM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

I am a b com graduate(fresher) .sir,should i opt for ACCAor CMA(USA).I would like to have both.So which should be preffered first or to have CMA (India),so that i can be secured.sir please help to have your guidance for the same.
30th March 2015 01:21 AM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

sir i was done my Cost and management accountant . so sir i wonna study more and become a CA so plz tell me that can i take an admission in ICAEW (institute of chartered accountant in england and wales) ? or any where in the world except pakistan
13th December 2014 07:03 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

I have completed my Cost and management accountant from india and looking forward to do a international degree of ACCA but what will be the scope and how many parers it has and how many parers i will get exemption and for getting exemption what i have to do.kindly suggest me in this way..
15th August 2014 12:23 AM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?


I did MBA in finance, since my completion i was working as an accountant for 5 years. I want to do chartered wealth manager course, will it be helpful in building a career in finance or even after will i have to start from scratch to have a career in finance.
19th June 2014 01:09 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Hello..I have taken my CMA course group one an d group two n completed the same as m planning to go for ACCA is it good to skip CMA and join for ACCA..plz reply soon need r suggession
22nd May 2014 07:28 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

I AM Doing ACCA done my 8 papers and now i wants to do CMA so please tell me should i go for CMA by skiping ACCA or not ?
13th March 2014 03:07 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

23rd December 2013 02:37 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

i am pursuing my ca course and i am thinking of doing acca simultaneously just to clear all 14 papers and acquire degree from oxford university and also to get better
placements during job recruitment . i just wanna know , is this route worth enough or should i switch over to cma instead of acca?
30th September 2013 10:14 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

stands for = Cost and Management Accountant.

major areas it covers = Advanced Operational Management & Costing, Budgeting/Forecasting, Standard Costing and VAriance Analysis techniques, Basic Taxation, Basic Audit & Corporate Governance. Deals particularly with Management Info related subjects.

leads to = Industry

ACCA = Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
CA = Chartered Accountant
CPA = Chartered Public Accountant

major areas = Audit & Assurance, Advanced Taxation, Financial Reporting & Compliance, Corporate Governance. Deals mainly with financial accounting and compliance with Audit/Reporting/Taxation ordinance/standards

leads to = Practice but equally effective in industry
28th September 2013 11:44 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

it is better to do the CMA and then complete the ACCA certificate , or to do the ACCA from the very fisrt paper ? since CMA will exempt ACCA students from 7 papers , is it diffecult to pass in CMA ??
20th August 2013 12:06 AM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?


I have completed my Bachelor of commerce. Now i want to do some professional course. I am confused whether i should do ACCA, CMA, CIMA, CPA?
Please help me.
Waiting for reply.

28th June 2013 10:49 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Hello Sir,
I am Bachelor of Commerce (B COM) graduate and last 4 years i am working as an accountant, and i am planning to get a professional certification in Accounting and finance.
Suggest me ACCA or CMA is better for me to get a better career in Finance and accounts ?
1st June 2013 07:47 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

is acca better than cs
13th February 2013 02:35 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

now ACCA members are waived for the Bachelor degree requirement of the CMA
3rd February 2013 01:16 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

hello guys,

I have completed 10 papers of acca, and looking forward to complete the whole thing by june 2013. and then only looking to complete the bsc obu, which would be my first and only degree. I intend to do cma soon after june, would i be eligible to do that? plus is it tougher than acca?
15th January 2013 06:07 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Hi Friends...........

Both the courses are almost equal........but the selection depends on your own decision.........

GOOD LUCK.............
7th January 2013 12:17 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Cost and Management Accountant (CMA) covers areas like advanced operational management and costing, budgeting and forecasting, standard costing and variance analysis techniques, basic taxation, basic audit and corporate governance. Deals mainly with management related information for Industries. Where as Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), CA and CPA, deal with audit and assurance, advanced taxation, financial reporting and compliance, corporate governance etc. This is more towards the financial accounting, audit, reporting, taxation ordinance and standards. The ACCA will be more suitable, as it is related to the field you are now in.
3rd January 2013 08:42 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

what are best possible further courses after ACCA
25th November 2012 11:37 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Dear freinds
I finished my bcom & planing to for some professional certificate.i want to do acca but have heard that its better to go for cma before doing acca bcoz its just 2 papers & after completing cma I can get exempetion of some 5 papers of acca skill level.please give me good suggestions

23rd October 2012 03:52 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
It depends on personal choice nothing is superior to the other.

My professor was a chartered accountant from India and he did CMA after & Now in pursuit of CFA designation.i preferred CMA because it has just two examinations & also can be completed in short span of time and get secured in the industry.I just wanted to test whether finance courses are suitable for me for that the two paper CMA was the best choice. i have seen many of my classmates taking up ACCA exemptions and dropping the course after finding unsuccessful with some papers .Now i am waiting for my Part 2 results lets see after consulting some of my professors i will start ACCA or CFA .

In US CIA is for internal Auditing ,CMA for management accounting and CPA for public accounting but ACCA is culmination of all into one. it have papers from public accounting,management accounting and also internal auditing.

shahid olakara
Dear Shahid,

I am looking into ACCA, CMA and CPA. And to be honest at this stage prefare the CMA for various reasons, however I am a bit worried about the 30 educational hour annual requirement. What I understood is if I don't fulfill this requirement till retirement then my CMA is deactivated and there are specific rules for activating it again.
have you considered this when you started with your CMA? And how will you proceed with this?
Also do you think any of these certificates would help if I am considering a career at a University?
Any advise would be helpful


11th July 2012 03:28 AM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

It depends on personal choice nothing is superior to the other.

My professor was a chartered accountant from India and he did CMA after & Now in pursuit of CFA designation.i preferred CMA because it has just two examinations & also can be completed in short span of time and get secured in the industry.I just wanted to test whether finance courses are suitable for me for that the two paper CMA was the best choice. i have seen many of my classmates taking up ACCA exemptions and dropping the course after finding unsuccessful with some papers .Now i am waiting for my Part 2 results lets see after consulting some of my professors i will start ACCA or CFA .

In US CIA is for internal Auditing ,CMA for management accounting and CPA for public accounting but ACCA is culmination of all into one. it have papers from public accounting,management accounting and also internal auditing.

shahid olakara
5th June 2012 09:28 AM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

I HAVE DONE MY FSc now.amd i want to be a best what should i have to do now,first CMA or ACCA????
21st May 2012 05:53 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

i have completed ACCA, and now i was thinking of doing CMA, but after reading the comments i can assume that people are persuing CMA before ACCA, should i be right in concluding that CMA doing after ACCA will not give me an edge? and is it that easy as compared to ACCA? please elaborate
21st May 2012 05:50 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

i have compleetd ACCA, and now looking for further qualification and i thought CMA would be a good option but here i see people doing CMA before doing ACCA so will it help me or not and can i conclude that ACCA is better than CMA and there is no use of doing CMA it right now?
17th March 2012 06:20 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Dear RBO,

Your route is not possible for attaining ACCA CMA Bsc.

For attaining ACCA 7 paper exemption you do have to clear both the papers of CMA & must have a valid bachelors degree in accounting .

To be eligible to get Bsc from ACCA .You need to have sit and passed papers F7,F8 & F9 and also the paper F4 or ILETS for the english language requirement .

Your route is so tricky but it not possible in the real suggestion is to go for bachelor degree or else start with the acca from the very first paper .

Bes of luck
Shahid olakara.
17th March 2012 06:08 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Dear RBO,

Your route is not possible for attaining ACCA CMA Bsc.

For attaining ACCA 7 paper exemption you do have to clear both the papers of CMA & must have a valid bachelors degree in accounting .

To be eligible to get Bsc from ACCA .You need to have sit and passed papers F7,F8 & F9 and also the paper F4 or ILETS for the english language requirement .

Your route is so tricky but it not possible in the suggestion is to go for bachelor degree or else start with the acca fron the very first paper .

Bes of luck
Shahid olakara.
17th March 2012 06:05 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Dear RBO,

Your route is not possible for attaining ACCA CMA Bsc.

For attaining ACCA 7 paper exemption you do have to clear both the papers of CMA & must have a valid bachelors degree in accounting .

To be eligible to get Bsc from ACCA .You need to have sit and passed papers F7,F8 & F9 and also the paper F4 or ILETS for the english language requirement .

Your route is so tricky but it not possible in the suggestion is to go for bachelor degree or else start with the acca fron the very first paper .

Bes of luck
Shahid olakara.
16th March 2012 03:44 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Basically for an accounting graduate there are 3 basic options in international proffesional accoubting qualifications :

ACCA: ACCA Is the best international qualification in chartered accountancy and also the fastest growing ,within next 20 years it will come to top most position in terms of member numbers by overtaking CPA US and ICAI .so i can assure that acca will give you a promissing future.big 4 firms train thier graduate staffs to become ACCA .acca is mostly indended for middle level management .

CIMA:CIMA Is the largest management accounting body in the world and the exams of CIMA are much more harder than ACCA .it is mostly indended for strategic level managment .CIMA & CPA US has partnership and they jointly provide CGMA For successful qualified members of both accounting bodies without taking any exams .if you want to be a CFO In future then this is your choice .you will get an accelerated progreesion in your career if u are a CIMA Rather than a MBA Fin.

CMA IMA:where CIMA Is from UK ,CMA Is from US.the qualification can be achieved so fast as any other A/C Qualification if you are a genious.there are just two exams for becoming a CMA But its not a easy task to clear those papers people on avergae pass it on 2 to 3 atttemps .IF You are a qualified CMA Then you can become a confered member in Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India and can use the designation ACMA after thier name .also you will a get a 7 paper exemption from ACCA qualification.

I personally choosed CMA ,and completed my first part and waiting for my exams of Part 2 .after completing my exams i will be doing ACCA by taking 7 papers exemption.


Best of luck ,
Shahid olakara
Hello Shaid.

I wish you the best of luck with your studies. I am thinking about doing CMA but I do not have a degree. So if I pass the exams, I just passed the exams and I will not become a CMA because of the lack of a degree and practical experience.
So I am thinking after successful completion of the CMA exams to do ACCA with the 7 exemptions. BUT...only till F9. So then I only have to sit 2 exams and I can get the Oxford Brookes Bsc Applied accounting, I am sure you are familiar with that option through ACCA.

Once I get that Bsc and I hope by then also have the CMA required 2 years of practical experience, I can become a CMA.
So then I will be CMA AND have a Bsc in Applied Accounting AND I can move on to ACCA or an MBA.

What do you think ? Is this possible ?

Thank you and many success to you my friend.

9th March 2012 04:11 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Basically for an accounting graduate there are 3 basic options in international proffesional accoubting qualifications :

ACCA: ACCA Is the best international qualification in chartered accountancy and also the fastest growing ,within next 20 years it will come to top most position in terms of member numbers by overtaking CPA US and ICAI .so i can assure that acca will give you a promissing future.big 4 firms train thier graduate staffs to become ACCA .acca is mostly indended for middle level management .

CIMA:CIMA Is the largest management accounting body in the world and the exams of CIMA are much more harder than ACCA .it is mostly indended for strategic level managment .CIMA & CPA US has partnership and they jointly provide CGMA For successful qualified members of both accounting bodies without taking any exams .if you want to be a CFO In future then this is your choice .you will get an accelerated progreesion in your career if u are a CIMA Rather than a MBA Fin.

CMA IMA:where CIMA Is from UK ,CMA Is from US.the qualification can be achieved so fast as any other A/C Qualification if you are a genious.there are just two exams for becoming a CMA But its not a easy task to clear those papers people on avergae pass it on 2 to 3 atttemps .IF You are a qualified CMA Then you can become a confered member in Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India and can use the designation ACMA after thier name .also you will a get a 7 paper exemption from ACCA qualification.

I personally choosed CMA ,and completed my first part and waiting for my exams of Part 2 .after completing my exams i will be doing ACCA by taking 7 papers exemption.


Best of luck ,
Shahid olakara
19th February 2012 12:19 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

acca or cima fo being an investment banker
19th February 2012 12:18 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

ACCA or CIMA better for being an investment banker???
5th February 2012 09:15 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
ACCA is easier than CMA?
Who can u say CMA is difficult than ACCA ???
25th January 2012 01:40 AM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

is the CMA and the CIMA the same? as in if you hold one can you be exempt from most of the modules in the other one?
18th November 2011 02:55 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

i have done my mba in banking and finance now tell me which one is best acca or cma
13th June 2011 07:25 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

ACCA is easier than CMA?
22nd May 2011 01:24 AM
united india
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Chartered Certified Accountants
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, ACCA London
It focus on technical side of accounting practices & amke jobs in filelds such as corporate accountant, tax accountant, auditor.

Chartered Management Accountant
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, CIMA London
It covers allmost all the accounting practices but not in the same way as in case of ACCA. It lays more emphisis on management reporting, corporate strategies. You will mailny find jobs in forecasting, variance analysis, budget making and strategy.

It is difficult to say which is more better. However, ACCA leads CIMA in terms of reputation and value education. ACCA is an association while CIMA is only a chartered body.

Since, you have experience in insurance field I would prefer you to go for CIMA.
15th May 2011 02:51 AM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

i passed 10th class recently so in college which subjects i should take 4 becoming ACCA OR CA also tell me tht ACCA IS BETTR OR CA ,PLZZZZZZZZZZZ TELLLLLLLL ME
29th October 2010 07:41 PM
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

Cost and Management Accountant (CMA) covers areas like advanced operational management and costing, budgeting and forecasting, standard costing and variance analysis techniques, basic taxation, basic audit and corporate governance. Deals mainly with management related information for Industries. Where as Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), CA and CPA, deal with audit and assurance, advanced taxation, financial reporting and compliance, corporate governance etc. This is more towards the financial accounting, audit, reporting, taxation ordinance and standards. The ACCA will be more suitable, as it is related to the field you are now in.
19th October 2010 05:02 PM
arun kumar jain
Re: Is ACCA better than CMA?

stands for = Cost and Management Accountant.

major areas it covers = Advanced Operational Management & Costing, Budgeting/Forecasting, Standard Costing and VAriance Analysis techniques, Basic Taxation, Basic Audit & Corporate Governance. Deals particularly with Management Info related subjects.

leads to = Industry

ACCA = Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
CA = Chartered Accountant
CPA = Chartered Public Accountant

major areas = Audit & Assurance, Advanced Taxation, Financial Reporting & Compliance, Corporate Governance. Deals mainly with financial accounting and compliance with Audit/Reporting/Taxation ordinance/standards

leads to = Practice but equally effective in industry
19th October 2010 02:57 AM
Is ACCA better than CMA?

Dear sir,

I am an accountant and I want to know if ACCA better for me than CMA or not as I'm experienced in the insurance accounting field for more than 3 years so should I proceed in taking CMA or reverse to ACCA or there is better option than both

Thanks & best regards

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