Thread: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes? Reply to Thread

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23rd August 2016 11:24 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

What course is the best for electrical engineering under c dac. What procedure carrying by it
11th June 2015 12:07 AM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

When is the next cdac entrance test in pune? Where can I get the preparatory books for the test
5th March 2015 06:17 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

I am 2012 batch pass out and I have no experience and my aggregate percentage is 54 and degree marks is 64 so am I eligible for cdac
2nd September 2014 05:23 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

myself Shital ,i want to do cdac course so what is the procedure of this,and which type of questions ask in its entrance exam and now when the exam will conduct..???
plzzzzz rply fast......
2nd September 2014 05:22 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

my self Shital ,i want to do cdac course so what is the procedure of this,and which type of questions ask in its entrance exam and now when the exam will conduct..???
plzzzzz rply fast......
7th July 2014 11:02 AM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

I am diploma in mechanical eng. I want joint
In cad cam course. Please sujest me
26th September 2013 11:52 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

which is best institute in pune for cdac?
whats is its catlog?
26th September 2013 11:46 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

i have completed my engg. and cdac entrance exam was held in august. but i missed it, now what is next date??
my gmail id: radhikapawar31292
plz help me
10th July 2012 10:13 AM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

hai, i am chaithrashree , have completed my engineering(information science) 2012 batch in , i want to join for java or testing course, so want to know whether these courses are available, anddates of 2012 batch entrance exam for cdac bangalore
5th May 2012 09:00 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

hi m soni i hv completed btech in ece nd want to know dates of aug 2012 batch entrance exam...for cdac pune.....
12th April 2012 12:13 AM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

Hi i kirti tiwari i have completed my with computer science branch i some how missed my Entrance this time.. when is the next CET held.. I want the dates for both Bangalore and pune.. Thanks in advanc
17th February 2012 10:24 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

sir i have clear out the cet and got cdac noida.
whats the placement scenario over there.
aare the faculties up to the mark?
what will u suggestme for taking cdac noida
26th December 2011 10:51 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

i got 78.99 percentile in CET of cdac. can i get cdac pune?
22nd December 2011 09:48 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

i got 55.32 percentile in cet of cdac.. i want to know that could i got the college of pune..
11th December 2011 10:26 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

i want to know about cdac pune exam date for 2012.. Plz reply as early as possible..
4th December 2011 04:25 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

hello sir
what are the job oppertunity after completing adac course..plz.inform me
20th October 2011 09:37 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

hello sir
i hav completed my B.E this year i want to know the date of filling application form of CDAC-BANGALORE and CDAC-PUNE .And i want the CDAC cource for CSE branch plz inform me....
29th August 2011 06:04 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

hi i have completed B.Tech IT, and i want to do C-DAC course so i want full details of that plz inform me.
15th July 2011 12:36 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

what is cut off marks in cdac cet
6th July 2011 01:36 AM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

Hi i have completed B.E. in E&comm. and i want to do cdac course so what is the procedure of this,and what is asked in its entrance exam and now this session when its exam will conduct.(pune,Haderabad)
5th July 2011 12:05 AM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

Hi i some how missed my Entrance this time.. when is the next CET held.. I want the dates for both Bangalore and pune.. Thanks in advance
25th June 2011 05:08 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

After givingCET exam for Integrated VLSI & Embeed system ,what is is next procedure of exam and mode of selection process.
21st June 2011 01:31 AM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

cdac entrance exam
6th June 2011 02:24 AM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

hey! i have completed my in I.T this year..i want to do cdac.which course would be better for me n when will be the next entrance exam
22nd May 2011 03:05 AM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

what is the best course offered by cdac for cs branch institute
18th May 2011 02:40 AM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

20th March 2011 09:42 AM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

hi... i had completed my BE in E& i want to enroll my self in CDAC for DESC course so give me information abt dates and syllabus for entrance exam....
17th March 2011 03:02 PM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

what kind of question ask in entrance exam.
22nd February 2011 02:21 AM
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

Originally Posted by pavan lakshman View Post
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?
After completion of engineering you can opt CDAC, but for that you have to start preparation right now, because you can face CDAC right after completion of engineering i.e. in August. Criteria for CDAC is very simple they require only 55% in graduation.

There are two exams for CDAC conducted by Pune and Hydrabad 2 times a year.

Best institutes for PG diploma course are according to their levels is listed below:

CDAC - Bangalore
CDAC - Pune
CDAC - Hydrabad
CDAC - Chennai
CDAC - Noida
CDAC - Kolkata
CDAC - Trivandrum
And Aurangabad.
29th January 2011 06:35 PM
pavan lakshman
Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

Re: Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?
28th January 2011 10:43 PM
Procedure to do CDAC after engineering? Entrance exams and best institutes?

hello sir/madam,
I am final yr computer engg student , i want to do CDAC so please guide me, when is its entrance exam, what is the procedure to do, which is the best institute providing this course.
thank you.

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