Thread: Engineering Branches which have high salaries? Reply to Thread

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24th January 2015 12:35 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

I got a valid gate score in 2014 and I got admission in environmental engineering. but I still have not got my scholarship which I am entitled after a valid gate score.
9th October 2014 12:13 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

ok. Thanks.
28th May 2014 12:08 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

sir i want to become an engineer with computer science MBA after completion of my course by private college how much salary i would get
28th May 2014 12:03 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

sir i want to become an engineer by computer science so how much salary i would get by private college
21st May 2014 12:58 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

I am really interested in mathematics,which branch of engineering will best suite me and what are its scopes?
3rd April 2014 01:08 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

i have interested in civil engineering. many people says the great job oportunities depend on whic college u completed in b tec.if no admission to get these ranking colleges.not to get good job opportunities..........?plese help me....
20th February 2014 06:21 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

Iam a student of Amrita Vishwavidyapeetham,coimbatore of 1st year B.Tech.i have prefered Electronics and Communication Engineering as my parents suggested me to do so.iam in a confusion state whether my decison is correct or wrongt.i want to earn high salary.since i didnt get seat in NIIT,IIT so i joined in Amrita.please tell me whether this route is corrector wrong?what cgpa should i get for earning a job in this field?did i do anymistake in prefering this field?i think like this because i want to earn good salary package and make my parents feel happy..
8th October 2013 04:44 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

Sir mai aeronautics eng. Karna chata hu kya airforce mai aeronautics k liye post hoti hai
16th August 2013 08:38 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

I am a girl and take admission in mechanical enginnering just because of my interest but now all humiliating me by saying me that this proffesion is not for girls so please tell me should I change it or continue with it and also tell me what type of job I got and of what salary.
5th August 2013 12:08 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

minimum percentage in mechnical for get jobs
3rd August 2013 12:46 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

What is the salary of computer software enjeener
31st July 2013 08:25 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

27th July 2013 01:12 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

Which is the best one- aeronautical,marine,electrical or software engineering? Please help me to choose the best one!
22nd July 2013 10:51 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

Sir I just wanted to know that in uit burdwan ,civil department .if I work hard ,can I get an initial package of about 6 lacs p.a
22nd July 2013 10:47 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

Sir I just wanted to know that in uit burdwan, civil department..if I work hard ,can I get initial salary of about 6 lacs p.a
3rd July 2013 12:59 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

how much government companies in india?
23rd June 2013 04:42 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

what is the average salary of an cse engineer in india ?
20th June 2013 02:31 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

Am totally confused which field wil I b satisfied with ......?
2nd June 2013 07:17 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

salaries after B_TECH mechanical ENGG
1st June 2013 01:08 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

hiiiiii buddies
sir i hve completed 10 and now i will go to MS university baroda for civil engineering so how much i would get salary after completing civil
28th May 2013 04:09 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

i m just confused...which course should i do in be..???and i wnt wich is the best course...????????nd wich v have scope?
13th May 2013 01:25 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

MCA and soaftware engeenier amoung this in which we will get good salary?
3rd May 2013 01:59 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

how to prepare for mechanical engineering
30th April 2013 02:10 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

heyy guys...I have done my 12th this year...I jst wanted to query that which branch I should choose in engineering...I like chemistry as sub. Suggest Me..
30th April 2013 02:08 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

heyy guys..I have given my 12th exams...i jst wanted to query that which branch i should choose in engineering....I like chemistry as a sub. Suggest me..
21st April 2013 03:22 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

is agri have good future....? pls hlp me to choose a good course in agri field....
12th February 2013 02:14 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

after complete a diploma in automobile ,so which one will we do for best ..?
6th December 2012 11:07 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

list of engineering branches which have high salaries.









6th December 2012 12:10 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

HELLO FRIEND...........

the package of any companies doesn't depend upon branch but it depend upon in which college you are studying.

If you will be the student of any prestigious college like IITs,NITs then surely you will get the more package than other college students.

So, kindly for your bright future take well preparation of IIT-JEE & AIEEE &

after securing a good rank in these exam you can take admission in good colleges & by performing good in these college you will be selected by many companies with good packages.

GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!(_()(_)()
5th December 2012 11:11 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

Originally Posted by expressraje View Post
Sir, i want to become an engineer. I'm interesting in civil, structural, mechanical engineering. But i want salary about 50,000 after B.E.
Any other fields are there which gives more salary at starting? Excepting related with biology. And how is automobile and electrical-telecommunication engineering ? And what about salary?

Dear Boss,.

It will depends on your institute from where you done your B.E.

Preffer IIT college to get your dream salary simple... !!

I am also engineer and after 3 years of my exp , I have 5 lacs pkg now with MNC group.

Visit for Sarkari Naukri
5th December 2012 06:31 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?


It totally depends on from college you are going to take B.Tech. IIT and NIT are best institutes.
And some high sallary branches are:-

aeronautical engineering
chemical engineering
automobiles engineering
mechanical engineering

Thank you
5th December 2012 06:23 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

your salary depends upon from which college you are graduating,
for instance people from iits get initial salary of 1 lakh per month,
but for an civil engineer its highly impossible to get 50000 thousand as starting salary if you want to work in India,
after two years of experience you can surely get that salary,
generally people from petrochemical and chemical engineering get very high salary.

5th December 2012 04:35 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

There are all engineering branches provide good salary, it depends upon the knowledge,comm. skill of the employee.The top or good engineering college is also responsible for good salary.SO, if you have interest in civil,structural and mechanical engineering then acc. to me you choose structural or mechanical engineering.They provide you good salary in companies.
4th December 2012 08:19 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

[QUOTE=expressraje;204360]Sir, i want to become an engineer. I'm interesting in civil, structural, mechanical engineering. But i want salary about 50,000 after B.E. Any other fields are there which gives more salary at starting? Excepting related with biol
11th November 2012 12:30 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

what is the salary of civil eng and total information about it
14th September 2012 07:01 PM
AshwinKumar S.Hallikar
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

As per my knowledge the below given are the high range offered salary
1) mechanical
3)nano technology
4th September 2012 03:31 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

In india Electrical,Mechanical and Civil are considered to be the best engineering branches but across the world the best branches would be Computer Science and Material Science and Engineering.
13th August 2012 07:00 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

Its strange that you are choosing the branch on the basis of the salary. Mind you that this will surely creat a disaster for you in future

You should NEVER chose a branch on the basis of salary or present salaries reports.

Its a simple funda, if you do your job well you get paid well if not then you will be ignored and you wont earn much

So chose the one which interest you. According to me you should go for civil or mechanical as these are your interests and definately you can earn crores in these fields depending on your talent and hardwork
13th August 2012 05:20 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?


Its strange that you are choosing the branch on the basis of the salary. Mind you that this will surely creat a disaster for you in future

You should NEVER chose a branch on the basis of salary or present salaries reports.

Its a simple funda, if you do your job well you get paid well if not then you will be ignored and you wont earn much.

So chose the one which interest you. According to me you should go for civil or mechanical as these are your interests and definately you can earn crores in these fields depending on your talent and hardwork.

2nd August 2012 08:26 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?


In my view,all the Engineering branches are very good........It totally depends on your choice what you select......If you are good in Programming, then you must go into CS Branch......Mechanical branch is also very good, but it is better for the boys......Electronics branch is very good....I think that nowadays the best paid Branch is the Electronics and Instrumentation branch........So, you must go for it...The reason behind this is that ENI has a lot of scope in abroad.....
All the best for your future.....

Aishwarya Mehrotra
28th July 2012 06:05 PM
guri kaur
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?


-->following are trhe branches in engineering courses:-

*computer science

*information technology

*electronics and communication








*food engineering

-->my dear friend choose according to your interest and according to your willpower means in which you can do best.don't run behind the salary because all the branches are good and have equal scope so work hard and make your logics strong you will definitely get the success.

all the best..go ahead....
24th July 2012 12:37 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

17th July 2012 01:06 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

hello dear,
its very strange that your are choosing your branch on the basis of salary. dear its not at al good that the way you think. you can do engg. in any field all the branches are good and have lot of scope in the market world.
the only need is to study well and prove your talent and so you can get job in any recognized compoany... so plz prove yourself in any field and get good job..

Best luckk.!!
17th July 2012 11:07 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

CAN I GET A GOD SALAR IF I AM DOING ece FROM NIST ( national institute of science and technolgy) pls help me... any package within 10-14 lacs p.a ???? ????? plsssss tell me fast.......!!!!!!!!!!!
16th July 2012 01:49 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

iam studying wat are the qualities required to get a job in infosys? what is the starting salary in infosys?
11th July 2012 03:01 AM
Onkar Kaur
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

Oh Dear, See

1. Your Salary depends on your College rank, better college, better study, better
reputation and finally you'll get better salary packege.

2. Now, your College selection depends on your rank which you've got in entrance
exams like IITJEE/AIEEE/CET etc.

3. You rank of entrance depends on your good preparation for that exams i.e. complete
knowledge of your 10+1 & 10+2 syllabus(with PCM subjects)

Now, I guess, It will be very clear to you that your package doesn't depends on the stream you selected but on your performance rank. So, just chill and concentrate in your studies and select the stream which you really want to do.
5th July 2012 11:31 AM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

I have a great interest in drawing. But i do not want to do architectural engineering. I want to do mechanical or civil engineering. Which branch among the two is good for inputting my drawing talents. I want to do a interior designing course later. Which branch mechanical or civil is good for me. Please anyone give a solution to my question immediately????????????????????????
2nd July 2012 06:41 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

minimum GATE score required for admission in IIT for M.TECH CSE?
20th June 2012 02:03 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

my wbjeeb rank is 63131. whice strem is best for me?
20th June 2012 01:56 PM
Re: Engineering Branches which have high salaries?

my rank is 63131. which strem is good for me?
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