Thread: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc? Reply to Thread

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28th June 2014 11:16 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

I am working as officer in nationalised bank from last 9 years,after clearing net my service WL be counted or not... Pls anyone guide me ...
17th June 2014 12:30 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

Have the chances to appear in UGC NET exam for Lectureship been reduced to 3 since 2013 onwards ? plzzzzzzzzzzzz guide urgent
10th January 2014 08:31 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

i got 54% in my graduation , and 60% in post graduation . should i eligible for net exam ? pls tell me as soon as possible.
30th December 2013 11:58 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

if someone qualify in paper1 and paper2 and failed to qualify in paper 3 in net exam what happen?
6th November 2013 07:48 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

I've got through NET 2013 exam. But, before the results I've reapplied for the same. Now will I get the e-certificate of June 2013 or should I retake the exam, as I've reapplied?
27th October 2013 12:34 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

Originally Posted by kumarpravir007 View Post
hello friend.....
there is no limit for the attempt to appear in the NET exam of ugc
As many times as you can appear for the exam.but it is best for passing in 1or2 attempt.all the best
26th October 2013 09:30 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

hqw many times can i appear for net
26th June 2013 09:40 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

Hi, this is Kamal. I am pursuing my postgraduation (M.A.(Economics)) and I want to write NET. I have heard that we are allowed to write NET after completing PG, but my friends are writing the exam even as we are doing PG. Can anyone confirm if we can validly attempt NET while doing PG?
29th May 2013 01:24 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

is there any limitations of age in appearing Ugc NET exam..
27th August 2012 01:57 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

how many times can we appear in JRF exam of ugc?
6th August 2012 12:18 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

Dear Friend,

NET Stands for National Eligibility Test.

There is no restriction in age limit for NET exam as you can give the exam as many times as you want.

The NET exam is conducted every year by the UGC For lecturership.

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
5th August 2012 02:41 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

i ve completed my master degree in finance and control. Am I eligible for the NET exam? If yes then in which subject i am eligible to appear it.
24th June 2012 10:12 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

I wrote my first and second paper in pencil .. is it ok or what to do unkowingly i did mistake .. please help me to find solutions for it.
20th May 2012 09:22 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

The National Educational Testing Bureau of University Grants Commission (UGC) conducts National Eligibility Test (NET) to determine eligibility for lectureship and for award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for Indian nationals in order to ensure minimum standards for the entrants in the teaching profession and research. The Test is conducted in Humanities (including languages), Social Sciences, Forensic Science, Environmental Sciences, Computer Science and Applications and Electronic Science.

There is no limit in Attempts for both JRF and Lecturership exam.
For Lecturer, minimum age is 21 and in maximum there is no limit.
For JRF,age should between 21 to 28 years for general.OBC,SC/ST candidate get relaxation in upper age limit accroding to norms of ugc.

For latest updates and notification visit on this site --

20th May 2012 03:45 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

22nd April 2012 12:00 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

There is No age limit for applying lecture ship, but there is an age limit (not more than 28) for applying JRF.
19th April 2012 09:39 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

31st December 2011 12:10 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

There is no limit for appearing NET exam of UGC.and the age limit is:
1.for Junior Research Fellowship--not more than 28 years
2.for Lectureship-- No upper age limit defined
Good Luck................
22nd October 2011 09:42 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

I want to know if someone fill up a NET for JRF& Lectureship & let suppose its not been cleared for JRF than will that be concidered in lectureship, if it does not come in JRF.if it is, why don't all fill up for JRF as we get stifend in same ?
kindly let me know the difference between JRF & lectureship clearence criteria in brief.
kindly pls help me out.
7th September 2011 12:41 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

a women of 33 years is eligible for UGC net examination.
31st August 2011 01:47 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

Hi dear,

For net exam there is no any limit to sit in the exam,
but your age must be less than 30 year,
after that you can not apply.
For information regarding NET exam of ugc.
you go through the website

30th August 2011 11:15 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

Dear friend ,

You must have master degree in Humanities and Social Sciences, Computer Science & Applications, Electronic Science also you have scored 55% marks for NET exam

Candidates of Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST)/Physically Handicapped (PH)/Visually Handicapped (VH) should have 50% marks .

Candidates who are appeared in the final year exam are also eligible to apply for the NET test.

Age Eligibility:

For Junior research fellowship: 19 to 28 years.

For lectureship: There is no upper age limit
minimum age is 19 years.

All the best
30th August 2011 08:53 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

there is no limit either in number of attempts or in age so you can appear for UGC exam for lectureship as many times as you want.
27th August 2011 09:37 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

How many students participated at NET-2010? Please reply soon.
20th August 2011 09:59 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

hii ,i am aman.i am doing msc chemistry . i want to know how many times i give csir jrf-net exam ( accordind to new scheme)?
19th August 2011 09:00 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

how many times we appear in UGC-CSIR?reply as soon as possible
19th August 2011 08:55 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

how many times we apper in CSIR-UGC?reply as soon as possible.
2nd August 2011 04:48 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

if we never clear net exam of ugc at the age of 28 then is it true that we can not apply for lectuurership after phd or we can not be a lecturer
13th July 2011 12:42 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

Hi, I am prem. I have completed M.A (History) with 59% from distance education mode from Sikkim Manipal University & my age is 36 Yrs. then i want to know that would i eligible for net exam for lectureship & how many times i can appear?
23rd June 2011 03:42 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

after clearing also we can apply.
21st June 2011 07:52 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

i have cleared NET in first attempt but couldn't get scholarship,, so can i appear again ???
will the best of two will count or only the second one,,?? plz reply :(
16th May 2011 01:53 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?


This is Rajesh, completed an with first class and pursing IPCC (CA Inter) having work experience in various industries. I want to write the Net Exam, not for Research purpose. please answer me for the following questions.

1. Is there any age limit for writting?
2. How many attempts are there for NET.
3. what is question paper model.

Please send me for this [email protected]
13th May 2011 03:08 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

I, Debdip am doing my M.Sc. in Applied Statistics & informatics from IIT Bombay.
Can any one tell me, i shall appear for which Govt. job in statistics except ISS.
27th March 2011 12:30 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

According to UGC Exam for Lectureship:
there is no limit in number of attempts , in age so you can appear for UGC exam for lectureship as well as.

in the year of 2010 u may appear in NET exam.

Some details are :
1. Date of examination: 19.12.2010
application form through banks and on line submission starts from
10.08.2010 .

2. application form through banks and online submission will be closed
on 30.08.2010

26th March 2011 02:35 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

how many times can we appear for ugc net?
25th March 2011 09:14 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

Hi,For Junior Research Fellowship the age is not more than 28 years as on 01.12.2009. A relaxation upto 5 years is provided to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH/VH categories and to women applicants.And for Lectureship their is No upper age limit.You can appear in Exams any number of time ,their is no limits to make attempt.
25th March 2011 05:56 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

Hello friend,

There is no limit for UGC net exam, you can apply several times and also no age boundation.

So, prepare yourself for the exam but this is not so tough.

One year prepapration is lot for this.
25th March 2011 12:00 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

NET 2011

NET exam is going to be conducted by UGC for award of Junior Research Fellowship.This exam is going to be conducted twice in a year.As you requested the number of attempts for the NET exam, there is no restriction on the number of attempts. One can attempt for the NET exam any number of times.

ALL THE BEST....................................
25th March 2011 10:58 AM
kapila Chaudhary
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

There is not any limit for appearing in NET exam of UGC.You can give this exam number of times.
Also,For Lectureship,There is no upper age limit. You should be at least 19 years of age.

25th March 2011 10:50 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?


Infinite (NO Limit) times you can appear for NET exam of ugc.

Eligibility for NET exam: -

1. Pass M.Sc. OR equivalent Degree Examination in any subjects from a recognized institute / university.

2. Age Limit For JRF (NET) = Minimum 19 Years and maximum 28 years.

3. Age Limit For LS (NET) = Minimum 19 years and maximum 28 years.

4. Nationality = India

Good Luck & All the Best
25th March 2011 09:51 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

There is no limit for appearing
NET exam of UGC.
25th March 2011 08:51 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

NET exam is going to be conducted by UGC for award of Junior Research Fellowship.

The pre-requisite to apply for NET exam is a Master's degree. One should have secured a minimum of 55% in the Masters degree to apply for the exam.

This exam is going to be conducted twice in a year.

Once you get the JRF (Junior Research Fellowship), you can apply for lectureship in all institutes with in India.

As you requested the number of attempts for the NET exam, there is no restriction on the number of attempts. One can attempt for the NET exam any number of times.

Try solving the previous question papers and not to attempt the questions which you are not sure of. Good luck
23rd March 2011 11:37 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

I am student of m.a-1 & I want to ask that is b.ed important to become lecturare after clearing UGC/NET OR in the form of UGC it is said that person is preferd more who have done b.ed.secondly,can we follow the straight procedure- b.a,m.a,UGC then follow next-m.phil,p.hd
15th March 2011 11:37 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

how many times we can apply for net?
15th March 2011 11:35 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

how many times we can apply for the net exam?and what is the new syllabus of net for physics and chemistry?
7th March 2011 01:47 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

how many chances we get to appear in ugc net exam in june 2011
1st March 2011 10:59 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

Can a candidate appear in net exam upto 28 years or more than that in age?
4th February 2011 09:22 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

myself simerjeet,38 years old has done MBA(finance).whether I'm eligible to appear in net exam.
2nd February 2011 01:44 PM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?

1st January 2011 12:18 AM
Re: how many times can we appear in NET exam of ugc?


For UGC Exam for Lectureship there is no limit either in number of attempts ,so you can appear for UGC exam for lectureship as many times as you want. However there is an age limit for the exam for fellowship of 28 years.

good luck........
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