Thread: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams? Reply to Thread

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1st October 2011 12:03 AM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

Hi dear,

But you are not eligible for appear in bank exams. Because minimum eligiblity to appear in bank exams is to scored minimum 60% marks in 12th examination.

But, you have scored only 44% marks, then you cannot fulfill the eligiblity creteria. So, you are not eligible for appear in any bank exams.

Only those candidates can appear banks exams, who scored 60% marks in 12th OR 55% marks in graduation.

So, please try in some other recruitment exams, because for banking exams you are not eligible.
30th September 2011 08:47 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

hi friend,

You are not eligible for bank exams. Because you got 48% in 12th. The minimum criteria is to get more than 60% throughout career.
30th September 2011 12:37 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

Sorry to say !

But you are not eligible for appear in bank exams. Because minimum eligibility to appear in bank exams is to scored minimum 60% marks in 12th examination.

But, you have scored only 44% marks, then you cannot fulfill the eligibility criteria. So, you are not eligible for appear in any bank exams.
and also you must have at least 55% in graduation.
4th August 2011 12:27 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

10th May 2011 11:06 AM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

i have secured 58% in 12th n m doing bbm so can i give bank exam???
5th May 2011 11:13 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

correspondence courses eligible or not for bank
9th March 2011 08:41 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

hai i hv got 50percent in 12 board can i give any exam for gvt. Job please reply
27th February 2011 09:01 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

I have scored 80% in tenth & 74 % in twelvth......... so i wanna have a short time job for a bank...... may i know which bank should i go for??
22nd February 2011 01:30 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

i completed my graduation from correspondence with 65% am i eligible for bank po
27th November 2010 12:46 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

Can i give bank exam for 2011. i scored 54% in 12th
27th November 2010 12:02 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

for any bank,whether it's private or govn. there is an minimum criteria of having 60% in 12th exam.for clerk post,PO,branch can do your bachelor degree via correspondence,but if you try to get admission as on regular basis there will be more opportunities for you.
26th November 2010 11:15 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?


Sorry,you are not eligible for appear in bank exams.
Because. the minimum educational qualification criteria are:
A First Class Bachelor's Degree with a minimum of 60% marks or an equivalent grade
A Second Class Master's Degree with a minimum of 55% marks or an equivalent grade
A Doctorate Degree with 50% marks in Master's Degree or equivalent grade
Chartered/Cost Accountant/Company Secretary (ACS) with a Bachelor's Degree
A Post Graduate Diploma from Management from IIM only.

SC/ST/PH candidates having second class with a minimum of 50% marks or equivalent grade in Bachelor's Degree examination OR having a Post-graduate Degree or equivalent recognized qualification, are eligible to apply.

Better you try for some other ...

Good luck...
26th November 2010 10:15 PM
mini rani
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?


Sorry, but you cannot appear in bank exams since you do not fulfill their eligibility criteria.

Educational Qualification For the posts of Clerks and Typists in banks is:
Passed with 60% marks in aggregate in Matriculation/SSC (old pattern)/SSLC/ l0th standard of 10+2+3 pattern or equivalent.

For the posts of Stenographers, Data Entry Operators, Telephone Operators :
A pass in Matriculation/SSC (old pattern) SSLC/ l0th standard examination of 10+2+3 pattern or equivalent.
26th November 2010 09:37 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

Originally Posted by View Post
my name is manjusha chauhan i got 44%in 12th i have passed 12th in 2004
for some major accidental case i could not achieve what i wanted to do...still i am persuing Bsc..
so please kindly reply me can i give any government entrance exam for getting a good job to boost mycareer ahead....

Please sir reply me...i am seeking for any good job..i willl give that exams and achive the target...presently i am working with telecom company...but for my family it is not enough...

i wantto also complee my study that i am trying to do...correspondence course of Bsc tha i am studying....

Pleas help me out for my better career.

Most of the banks ask for 60% or above marks in the +2 and 55% or above in graduation. Therefore you may not be eligible for most of the exams. Even though some banks ask just pass in graduation and +2, in that case you can apply for the specified bank. Look for recruitment notification and the required eligibility.
26th November 2010 08:05 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

i want to know the complete admission procedure of B.Sc.Aviation.All details like preparation of entrans,colleges in pune & mumbai,fee structure,timing of part time course,etc...................
26th November 2010 05:21 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

well friend due to your low marks in class 12th you will face problems in bank exam but it will depend on you as there are only few bank which permit the students with less than 50% in 12th. you can find your place in these few bank .these bank only needs 12th passed for clerical post.

but i am very sorry to say you that you are not elligible for any kind of bank P.O post as allmost all bank needs more than 60% in class 12th and atleast 55% in graduation . there are so many field where you can go and do better so don't feel shamed and try in other fields you will definetely succeed. good luck for your future.
26th November 2010 03:47 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

yes friend minimum 60% is needed for bank exam. Dnt leave your hope. Just concentrate on any other fields and try to achieve it. God bless you to achieve your hope..
26th November 2010 02:36 PM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

Soyy friend
but u can not give banking exams.....but u can give exams of other civil jobs like railways and ssc..
26th November 2010 08:19 AM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?


But you are not eligible for appear in bank exams. Because minimum eligiblity to appear in bank exams is to scored minimum 60% marks in 12th examination.

But, you have scored only 44% marks, then you cannot fulfill the eligiblity creteria. So, you are not eligible for appear in any bank exams.
So, please try in some other recruitment exams, because for banking exams you are not eligible.

good luck...
26th November 2010 06:53 AM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

candidates securing above 60% are only eligible for bank tests.Since you have scored below 50% your not eligible for the exam.

Keep working hard,someday you will surely taste success.

All the best
26th November 2010 02:16 AM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

Its nice that you are boosting your self to work hard and earn money for your sake and your family.

i think you are not eligible for Bank exams because you are not ful filling the criteria to write any exam conducted by government of India

what will you do now??
these are the options where you can try
1.part time jobs centre jobs

because 44% is too less and company and bank will not listen to your tragedy happend 4 years back.

best of luck
26th November 2010 01:09 AM
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

I am very sorry to say,that you are not eligible for Bank Entrance Exem.
The critaria for appling this exem is minimum 60%,and you have only 44%.

Don't warry try some other thing you will be succeed.
26th November 2010 12:47 AM
rahul k
Re: Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

Dear friend

Sorry to say !

But you are not eligible for appear in bank exams. Because minimum eligiblity to appear in bank exams is to scored minimum 60% marks in 12th examination.

But, you have scored only 44% marks, then you cannot fulfill the eligiblity creteria. So, you are not eligible for appear in any bank exams.

Only those candidates can appear banks exams, who scored 60% marks in 12th OR 55% marks in graduation.

So, please try in some other recruitment exams, because for banking exams you are not eligible.
25th November 2010 06:00 PM
Scored 44% in 12th can I give any Bank exams?

my name is manjusha chauhan i got 44%in 12th i have passed 12th in 2004
for some major accidental case i could not achieve what i wanted to do...still i am persuing Bsc..
so please kindly reply me can i give any government entrance exam for getting a good job to boost mycareer ahead....

Please sir reply me...i am seeking for any good job..i willl give that exams and achive the target...presently i am working with telecom company...but for my family it is not enough...

i wantto also complee my study that i am trying to do...correspondence course of Bsc tha i am studying....

Pleas help me out for my better career.


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