Thread: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su Reply to Thread

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23rd September 2013 02:07 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

colour or black & white???which one
22nd September 2013 03:10 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

should i take a colour or black and white print out?
10th September 2013 07:53 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

is gate application form colour or black & whiote
5th October 2012 08:56 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su


YES,you have to submit the hard copy of the form after you have filled the online. This hard copy should reach to the respective zonal GATE office on or before the last date.
1st October 2012 01:12 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

how i gate the informtion about successful online payment...i mean status of my payment
26th September 2012 02:35 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

do we have send a color print out or black and white print out of gate application form??????????????
24th September 2012 12:02 AM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

do we have send a color print out or black and white print out of gate application form?
12th June 2011 12:34 AM
amit gaur054
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

My dear friend.....
You need to send the print-out of generated application form (after online registration), by registered/ speed post to the Chairman of respective zonal GATE office. This application form must be reached to the GATE office on or before the last date expires.

best of luck
26th August 2010 03:38 AM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

Hello Friend
You will have to send the application form otherwise your application form will be rejected..

Just print out the application form and send it along with the demand draft they have demanded from you...

All the best,,
24th July 2010 01:45 AM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

hi friend
after applying for the gate exam online you have to take the print out of the online application form and send the print out along with the demand draft
20th July 2010 11:10 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

my dear friend yes its true u have to send the print out of the application u have filled

and it should reach the office befr last date
15th May 2010 11:22 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

yes you do need to send a copy of the form filled online]
you can send it throgh register or speed post with the necessary documents
21st February 2010 02:56 AM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

dear friend,
after submission form by online,
you must have to send the hard copy along with the bank draft(in case of bank draft payment mode).
if you will not do so,your application will be rejected.
good luck.
18th February 2010 07:26 AM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

you take print out of your online receiving form
then send it with your photograph and signature to
iit kanpur,,,
15th February 2010 11:11 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

yes friend you should take a print out copy of online registered form and send it to the chairman of your zone
23rd December 2009 01:09 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

yes you have to send a print copy of the application you registered online along with the documents required to the authority.......there is no need of sending dd as you have payed online through credit card

best of luck
22nd December 2009 01:21 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registratio

yes you have to definately send the print out of completely filled up application form along with required documents.
29th November 2009 09:42 AM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registratio

yiu have to take the copy the form and send it to iit kanpur along with DD and photo and sample signature.
28th November 2009 06:27 PM
Shafna Ashmi.A
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registratio

Yes u have to take a print out copy of the form and sent it to the chairman of the zone connected...
28th November 2009 01:40 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registratio

Yes, you have to submit the hard copy of the form after you have filled the online. This hard copy should reach to the respective zonal GATE office on or before the last date.
28th November 2009 12:56 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registratio


you must send print copy of submitted form along with DD respectively zone.

best of luck...
28th November 2009 12:32 PM
Shafna Ashmi.A
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registratio

Ya u have to take a print out copy of online registered form and send to the chairman of the zone connected before the last date of submission of forms...
28th November 2009 12:31 PM
Re: Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registratio

Yes Mahantesh,

You need to send the print-out of generated application form (after online registration), by registered/ speed post to the Chairman of respective zonal GATE office. This application form must be reached to the GATE office on or before the last date expires.
24th November 2009 01:57 PM
Do I need to send hardcopy of Gate form, if I applied through Onlline Registration su

Dear Sir/madam,

I had applied for Gate 2010 through online application form and online payment. After That status is showing, correctly filled and successfully submitted to gate.
But after this should I have to send any copy of submitted form to gate by post....?

Please help me in this regard.

Thanks & Regards
Mahantesh M Shetty

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