Thread: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th Reply to Thread

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1st August 2020 09:47 PM
suchi haria
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

If you are determined to work hard you will be able to score good
First of all make a schedule and start working towards it
Pay attention to what is taught to you in class and clear your concept's do not cram
Practise past papers and solve many questions
Focus on your weak subjects
Try to complete you syllabus 2 months prior to the exams so that you get enough time to prepare for the exam
If you follow the above procedure than you will easily be able to get good marks
8th September 2016 02:48 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

If you studied well from starting then nobody can stop you in getting good percentage
5th September 2016 04:50 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

There are no tricks as well as short cut method to get high score in any of the exams. You have only one option i.e work hard ,concentrate on your study and take revision more & more.
You can make time table for your subjects and study accordingly. If you study in the early morning its very good for you..
4th September 2016 03:57 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I have 5 months for public exam how can i study to score 100 percent mark . I am biomaths student
14th August 2016 08:05 AM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I am a 9th student in the 1st term I get very bad marks. so what can I do to get good marks in board exams please help me
15th May 2016 11:01 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I am so dense after coming to class 11 because in class 10 I study freely without any tension but after 10 its to hard to manage our studies
8th May 2016 01:14 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I am a student of 12th suggest some tips to score good marks I secured 441 in the 10th board exam I like to score above 1150 in 12th board exam plz say some useful tips and ideas
18th March 2016 06:23 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

Is German language easy to score in maha. State board exam or should I opt. For Hindi 100 marks
8th March 2016 01:03 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

Dear sir i am a student of class 12th how do i manage my time table for getting good percentage plzzz suggest mee......
23rd January 2016 06:31 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

How to plan and study the main subjects like physics for 12th board exam with in 40 days
18th January 2016 04:00 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I was a Hindi medium student in class10th bt now I m in a English medium school in11th and i want to score 95%in 12th board exams.please give me any suggestion to prepare a proper time table?
2nd January 2016 12:08 AM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

First of all,All blessings to Allah ,I want to tell I that when I going to study before that attend a non as I'm its particular time and pray to God plz Allah help me in this situation but with trust so,observe it I make an intelligent student and I loved to study

This suggestion for all
31st December 2015 10:12 AM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I am student of class 12 I am average student. how can take abave the 90inin board
20th November 2015 09:16 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

i am in class 12th and i am a commerce student i did'nt study dis whloe year and now my annual exams are after 3 months and i want 80 above tell me how should i complete my whole syllabus in these 3 months..? i am so depressed and nevous about it
31st July 2015 10:10 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I am student of class 12th and I don't do any classes, for any sub , how can I score a good percentage in bihar board examination
17th July 2015 09:05 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I'm a student of 12 th I didn't attend my classes in 11th becoz of my health issues but scored 65% in 11th Ipe exam now I'm in 12 th standard I am a good student I wanna gain 95% in board exam and wanna score 140 marks in eamcet so plzzz help me out to get marks lik this suggest me SME tips and guidence for the books plz plzz help me out I can work very hard plzz suggest me tips how should I prepare??? plzzzzz
26th June 2015 04:55 AM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

To do something better and good even its marks; the only thing is hard work. No tricks at all please. Not at all.

Do your best even its mathematics, English or even science. Don't say that there are some tricks that can help you to get some good marks. No, you can't do that.

Don't cheat with your yourself by doing bad or unconditional to get some good marks.

If you are hard working then work hard then definitely you will get good marks even though more than 95%.

But if you are not the hard working person at all; then there is no use of getting 90% marks with the silly and useless tricks.

This thing that help your whole of the life is only the hard work. Nothing else. So, make your habit to do hard work even its for getting 90% marks.

Always remember one thing. Tricks and short-cuts may or may not work in everyone's life. But the hard work always work.
30th May 2015 04:08 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I am a student of class 12th from my lower class itself I was a topper securing 1st place in my 10th board xams but after 10th my studies have completely changed then and there I m losing concentration but till I managed to get average marks above 75% but my ambition is to regain the lost position frndzz plz help me suggest ur ideas
11th May 2015 11:51 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I want a perfect time table for my studies for boards of 12th
10th May 2015 11:29 AM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

Thanks for the above discussion ....that was really very helpful....!!!! Thank you...
7th May 2015 01:29 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I am just entering 12th standard on may11 2015.y tutions have started and i have a great craze to join aeronatical engineering.So i will work hard .
But i dont know how to make a correct time table.Can u plz hel me?
22nd April 2015 05:01 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I want to get 98 percent in science stream in class 12 ND my subjects are physics chemistry biology math English ND physical education so plz give some tricks
4th April 2015 11:22 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I am studying in 12th and I want to score above 90 in board .please help me with some tips to follow.
28th March 2015 03:28 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I finished my 11 std so l fear about 12 can u plz give any suggestion for studies & which book is helpful for take a notes plz give a tips
24th March 2015 12:46 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

There are no such tricks. Hard work is the key to success.
but you can do these things which may give some effect.
1. Try to make short notes while you read the subject.
2. Try to revise short notes at regular intervals.
3. Try to solve previous year papers.
4. Try to learn the formulas and write them in one paper applicable for maths, physics and chemistry if you have anything.
7th March 2015 09:40 AM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I'm a student of ninth I work hard more for my test,exams but when I enter exam hall I forget everything wat I read really I feel sad when this happen to me....I'm weak in maths too plsss give me a suggestion and tips
6th March 2015 09:35 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I'm a student of 9th....I work hard in my test or exam but when I enter a exam hall I forget everything wat I read its my weakness I feel very sad when this happens.....%uD83D%uDE48
6th March 2015 09:31 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

Hello I'm 9th standard I really work hard when ever exam or test comes but when I enter exam hall I forget everything wat I read......I really feel sad of this matter.plsss give me suggestion
14th February 2015 07:30 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

will solving last 5 years pprs of Oct n march help me in getting at least 70 % ? I have no tym to do all things properly BT i have 2 score avg marks. plz help me itss tooo late xams r strtng from 23rd march n today's 14th Feb.
10th February 2015 05:20 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

Hello sir in ankita I got 76%in class 11 now l need 90% above and I have only 1month left please tell me some tricks to learn the subject and timetable of my daily day to learn the subject and im in a commerce stream
9th February 2015 07:04 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

Its easy to score in 12.....
In maths just read 1,2,3,4,5,9... To get 80 percent.
In physics read repeated questions and leave questions in last year paper...for 7 lessons (100 percent)
In comsci read 10 lessons to scores above 80 percent
22nd January 2015 06:41 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I am having problem in learninng physics long question
7th January 2015 07:42 AM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

how we can prepare in last 2 month to score 70 percent in 2 chse exam
3rd January 2015 04:06 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

How can I prepare a madhyamik student,class IX.?The student is not so good.what should be the procedure?what can I do for the student?
2nd January 2015 04:21 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am preparing well for my board exam but i don't have cofident to do well. so what i should do
Be cool be confidence and work hard fixed your time pay attention while teacher teach and ask questions to the teacher without afraid from teacher regular work complete if you do this point confidence increases self
6th December 2014 01:16 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I am the student of 12 commerce and I have not started still to study it is the month of december but i want to score 97% so how it is possible
2nd December 2014 10:45 AM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

hii I'm a student 12th of cbse ofjharkhand & jharkhand also so what should I have in this situation
29th November 2014 05:38 AM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I want 90 percentage in 12 th class but my study is to weak this time how i can complete all my chapter well iam a science student
28th November 2014 11:54 AM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

i am 12 sci student .i hav problems in chemistry and dont folllow the time table at all...please help .i dont know how to cope up
21st November 2014 08:57 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

Im sharan.,Im an averaGe sTudenT..,can aNyboDy pLz Give some better tIps to Get 75% marKs In boarD eXams..,pLz contact My ID [[email protected]]
19th November 2014 12:48 AM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I am II puc science student, Eventhough I Practice I keep on forgetting derivations , maths problems, kindly give me your suggestions please.
6th November 2014 03:02 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

i am a class 12commerce student with a additional subject math i can score more than 80 bt i am afraid of math what can i do
3rd November 2014 05:56 AM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

sir I am the student of class12th cbse of commerce stream. I want to study but i can't concentrate even for 5 mins. I become suffering from headache and want to sleep at that time. Sir, please suggest me some ways to solve my problems so that i can score more than 95percent marks in 12th board 2015 exams.
20th October 2014 10:58 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

ctually i got transfered from haryana board to cbse board.i did not know the reason why m performing so poor.plz help me what can i do to score good marks in commerce subjects and also tell me that how can i will study or make time table??
3rd October 2014 11:33 PM
william Clinton
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If we prepare and work hard but we dont get any good marks.what would be the reason for it?
1)The main thing everyone should have a writing practices of previous questions thoroughly.
2)Revise thoroughly what u have studied.
3)Do not study at early morning,But u can revise at morning.
27th September 2014 10:24 AM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

How many hours of sleep is advisable for a student of class 12th who wants to score 95% marks?
9th September 2014 05:04 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

Hello, i m a 11th arts student..and the fact is that i am in a hostel n i didnot get much time for study..i really wanna get good marks..please give me a correct time-table which will be helpful to me.
31st August 2014 02:31 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

What i study i have not remember after a time so what should i do to learn long last
6th August 2014 07:58 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

I want to get centum in all subject . But chemistry is too tough to me pls give me some idea
5th August 2014 07:19 PM
Re: Tricks to score good marks in board exams? I am a student of class 12th

Plzzzz tell me,how to prepare to score above 85% in 12th board exam (medical) in only 4months & plz tell me the time-table also for last 4months..........Plzzzzz help me .....
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