Thread: How to serve govt. Better? Reply to Thread

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2nd February 2012 09:46 PM
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

If you really want to serve the govt , you may become a social worker. You may participate in social activities.You can join politics and serve the nation.You can serve people.........
Aishwarya Mehrotra
15th October 2010 01:03 AM
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

firstly for serving govt. age is never a factor which can stop you from doing this.there are many ways you can be a good social worker and help people and serve govt.if you want to do govt. jobs then there are so many jobs given by govt. in which age is never a factor you can go for those jobs according to your interest.
all the best
3rd September 2010 01:33 AM
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

Dear friend,
govt is made of public. As you want to serve govt. Better make the public understand to help the govt to get better services from govt.
I think if you can do that then you can serve govt. Better.
Good luck.
31st August 2010 11:26 PM
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

though you havent given your Age...but still if you really want to be a good citizen...and serve the can also do it sitting at your home...At list aware the public in all sectors so that things like corruption,poverty etc are can also join an NGO if you want to serve the country...
30th August 2010 09:57 PM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

Dear Friend,
According to me people are the strength of Govt.,so serve the men then that will be the service to the govt.
there are so many areas which are of utmost concern to government like poverty alleviation,adult education,slums development go for those sector.

Good luck.
30th June 2010 07:47 PM
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

you are always open to govt. posts
there are need of workforce in govt.sector.see employment news.
20th February 2010 09:04 PM
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

dear friend,
if you are really determine to serve for the country,and you age is too much then you can not go for any government job,
but you can do social welfare for the poor people,
and in this way you can serve also your government.
ok best of luck.
14th February 2010 10:59 PM
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

you can serve the country by helping government in those areas which are of utmost concern to government like poverty alleviation,adult education,slums development volunteer and help such out of the line people to lead a better this way you will not only serve the government but the whole country.
14th February 2010 10:04 PM
rahul k
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

I wish everyone could see the difference this program has made in the youth in our community.We are also in the process of becoming a Nonprofit organization so that we can serve our community better.
10th February 2010 11:03 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

if you want to serve the government,and you age is not as required for the any goverment job.
then i will suggest you to be a social worker,and a make your own trust for the help of poor person,in this way you can serve your government.
10th February 2010 11:02 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

if you want to serve the government,and you age is not as required for the any goverment job.
then i will suggest you to be a social worker,and a make your own trust for the help of poor person,in this way you can serve your government.
5th February 2010 04:14 PM
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

Hi. . I want to give you a suggestion.hope you will get my point.if you really want to serve the govt. You may be a social may participate in social can join can serve the nation .you can serve people. . Good luck.
4th February 2010 04:49 PM
rahul k
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

constitution is a set of rules for government—often codified as a written document—that enumerates the powers and functions of a political entity. These rules together make up, i.e. constitute, what the entity is. In the case of countries and autonomous regions of federal countries the term refers specifically to a constitution defining the fundamental political principles, and establishing the structure, procedures, powers and duties, of a government. By limiting the government's own reach, most constitutions guarantee certain rights to the people.
2nd February 2010 08:48 PM
Re: How to serve govt. Better? is your online resource for not only finding volunteer opportunities in your community, but also creating your own. Use to help you do your part. America’s foundation will be built one community at a time – and it starts with you. is managed by the Corporation for National and Community Service.
2nd February 2010 04:42 PM
Esha Sharma
Re: How to serve govt. Better?

You haven't specified that which age group do you belong as that will help us in providing acurate answer for your query.
2nd January 2010 07:13 AM
How to serve govt. Better?

Though my age has barred to write service commision exams, i would like to serve in an dept., say, traffic control, mvi`s etc. Is it possible

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