Thread: How should I prepare for IAS entrance exam? How many exams it has? What is the pattern of the exam? Syllabus for the same? Reply to Thread

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26th February 2013 09:55 PM
Re: How should I prepare for IAS entrance exam? How many exams it has? What is the pattern of the exam? Syllabus for the same?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am doing my 2nd year B.E. now. I want to write I.A.S. exam. How should I prepare and when should I appear for the exam? How many exams it has and what is the pattern of the exam? What is the syllabus? And what is the physical fitness for I.A.S. post?
To prepare yourself for the exam here are some basic tips:
1.Read newspaper daily.
2.Study ncert books class 6th till 10th.
3.Prepare aptitude from RS aggarwal.
4.Read some good GK books.
5.Practice some good english books.
6.prepare notes for difficult topics.
7.Concetrate more on General Studies.
8.never skip your studies.
9.Study daily for 6-7 hrs.
10.Work Hard.

For syllabus you can visit

And the physical fitness includes:

Male height ::165 cms
Female height ::155 cms

And weight should be proportional to height.
18th February 2013 11:12 AM
Re: How should I prepare for IAS entrance exam? How many exams it has? What is the pattern of the exam? Syllabus for the same?

how many marks need to Qualifi the ias exam ?
16th February 2013 10:18 AM
Re: How should I prepare for IAS entrance exam? How many exams it has? What is the pattern of the exam? Syllabus for the same?

If I will finishing a graduate in Education subject. I would like to apply IAS so, is there any problem?
4th February 2013 11:09 PM
Re: How should I prepare for IAS entrance exam? How many exams it has? What is the pattern of the exam? Syllabus for the same?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am doing my 2nd year B.E. now. I want to write I.A.S. exam. How should I prepare and when should I appear for the exam? How many exams it has and what is the pattern of the exam? What is the syllabus? And what is the physical fitness for I.A.S. post?
I am happy to inform you that you are eligible for Civil Services after passing B.E.

I.A.S exam is also called as Civil Services exam.

Civil Services exam is conducted by U.P.S.C once in a year.

Civil Services exam is conducted for other post like:-
> Indian Administrative Services
> Indian Police Services
> Indian Foreign Services
> Indian Revenue Services
> Indian Postal Services

In I.A.S exam there are three stage Of selection:-

In prelims exam:-
> General Studies
> Civil Services Aptitude Test

In mains exam:-
> > General Studies
> > Two optional subject chose by you.

List of option subject:-
Animal Husbandry & Vetinary Science
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Civil Engineering
Commerce & Accountancy
Political Science & International Relations
Electrical Engineering
Public Administration
Indian History

all the best!
4th February 2013 03:01 PM
Re: How should I prepare for IAS entrance exam? How many exams it has? What is the pattern of the exam? Syllabus for the same?

17th December 2012 12:25 PM
Re: How should I prepare for IAS entrance exam? How many exams it has? What is the pattern of the exam? Syllabus for the same?

what is minimum passing for IAS ENTRENCE ?????
6th May 2012 12:08 AM
Re: How should I prepare for IAS entrance exam? How many exams it has? What is the pattern of the exam? Syllabus for the same?

I'm doing 2nd year How should I prepare and when should I appear for I.A.S. exam? What is the physical fitness for I.A.S. post?
20th April 2012 11:14 PM
Re: How should I prepare for IAS entrance exam? How many exams it has? What is the pattern of the exam? Syllabus for the same?

IAS details :

Eligibility :

Educational Qualification :
Candidates must be graduate in any stream under university
Citizen of India
Age limit :
min of 21 years & Max of 30 years for General
Max of 33 years for OBC
Max of 35 years for SC/ST

IAS Exam consists of Preliminary & Mani Exam
Preliminary Exam consists of objective type questions
Syllabus :
It consists of Two papers
No of questions 200
duration : 2hrs

Paper I :
Current affairs
indian political system
general science
history of india

Paper II:

logical reasoning
analytical ability
decision making & problem solving
general mental ability
numerical ability
English language

Main Exam consists of written exam
it includes questions of 200 marks
IAS main Exams consists of general science paper of 600 marks
Two optional papers of 600 marks each & Eassy paper of 200 marks
Duration : 3hrs
20th April 2012 08:46 PM
Re: How should I prepare for IAS entrance exam? How many exams it has? What is the pattern of the exam? Syllabus for the same?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am doing my 2nd year B.E. now. I want to write I.A.S. exam. How should I prepare and when should I appear for the exam? How many exams it has and what is the pattern of the exam? What is the syllabus? And what is the physical fitness for I.A.S. post?

IAS Stands for Indian Administrative Service Examination and this examination is conducted by Union Public Service Commission.

This examination is divided into 2 stages :- 1)Preliminary 2)Main 3)Personal Interview .

Preliminary Exam is consist of two papers and both the papers are objective type questions . Main Exam is consist of nine papers and there is two optional papers of Main examination . The candidate should have a clear all the levels of Civil Service examination . Mostly preliminary notification will be publish in the month of February in the official website and Main exam notification will be publish in the month of October in the official website as well as employment news papers.

Preliminary Pattern :-

Preliminary Exam Paper I: 200 Marks - 2 Hours
  • Current Events of National and International Importance
  • History of India and Indian National Movement
  • Indian and World Geography - Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the world
  • Indian Polity and Governance - Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues
  • Economic and Social Development - Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives
  • General Issues on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change
  • General Science

Preliminary Exam Paper II: 200 marks - 2 Hours
  • Comprehension
  • Interpersonal skills including communication skills
  • Logical reasoning and analytical ability
  • Decision-making and problem solving
  • General mental ability
  • Basic numeracy (Class X level)
  • English language comprehension (Class X level)

Main exam Pattern :-

Minimum Qualification to apply for this examination is graduate degree with any desire subject of a recognized University or equivalent qualification and those who are pursing in the final year of degree course may also eligible to apply but pre-final year of degree course may not eligible to apply for Civil Service Examination .

Age must have attained minimum 21 years and maximum 30 years and upper age limits is exits as per Government rules . 5 years relaxation for SC/ST category and 3 years relaxation for OBC category .

This year notification was already published and last date for receipt application was already closed . So you can't apply for this examination .

More details , Visit the official website :- Click here !!!
15th April 2012 05:07 PM
How should I prepare for IAS entrance exam? How many exams it has? What is the pattern of the exam? Syllabus for the same?

I am doing my 2nd year B.E. now. I want to write I.A.S. exam. How should I prepare and when should I appear for the exam? How many exams it has and what is the pattern of the exam? What is the syllabus? And what is the physical fitness for I.A.S. post?

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