Thread: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2 Reply to Thread

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14th June 2020 10:56 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

I am b a r c level 2. I work in a company. I want to leave that company . company is not give me noc and nor my elora id password.Suggest some way for this.
My mail id is [email protected]
Contact. No. 9313408891
12th January 2019 11:25 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Dear sir i have completed b.Tech in the stream of mechanical engineering.with 63% marks and I want to level 2 course from BARC please suggest me I am very thankfully to you.
Email I'd [email protected]
27th March 2016 04:09 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Hello sir, I m ASHISH Chaudhary nd my qualification is BE MECHANICAL ENGINEER in 2014 with 71% from vmu in Chennai.
I want to do level 'll from Barc please tell me the level 'll courses criteria .
31st January 2016 12:00 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Sir I'm Pradeep Kumar. I have passed 12th commerce. I am working in mech.power plant sector. 3year's experience I want BARC Level-ii course

With regards
Pradeep Kumar
[email protected]
4th December 2014 01:50 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

i am ajay .i have passed 10th with maths and complited DME by distance learning education,
i have 8th year experience this field so can i apply BARC LEVEL II.
Plz give me reply .
ajay pawar
[email protected]
26th November 2014 01:11 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

hi sir
iam steady ITI coures for COE & Karnataka state open university diploma in mechanical engineering sir,
Its possible to attend the BARC Certificate Level II Industrial Radiographer course,

with regards
email:[email protected]
26th November 2014 01:00 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

i am Sir :-
i am ajaj ahmad.and my qualification 12 iti and traning in barc .traning after
11th August 2014 06:37 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

I am Kartick Ghorui I already completed my
BARC RT Lable-1on January 2012.
How can I apply BARC RT Lable-2 course
Please infom me.

Kartick Ghorui
[email protected]
6th March 2014 03:46 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Sir, pls tell me time table for barc level 2 and detail about application and course fees. ...arun raut 0 9898022836
22nd February 2014 04:42 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

I already competed my barc rt 1 on dec 2012.
I also have asnt 2 in rt ut mt pt. when & how can I apply for barc rt 2 course..plz reply me
mob 918890259333
mail: [email protected]
2nd February 2014 09:14 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

respected sir , I am bsc maths have completed barc level1 in dec 2012 but i dont have my certificate with me . It is with my company and i want to apply for barc level 2 but my company is not giving my certificate what can i do to get other copy of barc level1 certificate please guide me cont 8511839653 ,9892445317 email : [email protected]
23rd January 2014 06:49 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

sir, i am bsc student and passed barc rt level 1 since 2.5years with field experience. Now i am intrested for level 2.What i hve to do for it.
6th October 2013 12:35 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

sir, my name is vinoth I completed my BE mechanical and ASNT level 2 and open VM ndt system, how can I study BARC level 2 for getting RT(camera)
30th August 2013 11:42 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Sir :-
i am ajaj ahmad.and my qualification 12 iti and traning in barc .traning after ndt course..ndt requarment plz call me 9967304223
[email protected]
5th August 2013 12:40 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -1
28th May 2013 06:41 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Dear Sir,
Please provide the Next Schedule Date of Course for BARC RT Level II Course against Batch 58th & 59th.Also the Course Circular as it is not available in the website.
S K Moharana
[email protected]
26th May 2013 02:16 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Sir,this is Rajeev Sharma Certified Radiogrpher 2009 Batch.Now i have to apply for Site In Charge course as possible as soon.Please Send me the process to apply,Programme Schedule for 2013,Application Form & Fee Details.Sir it is most urgent to me..

[email protected]
20th February 2013 01:22 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

i am qualified with BE(mech) first class and i have 5 years of exprience with RT film interpitation & evalutation. i Have RT level II as per SNT TV 1 A,

[email protected]
13th February 2013 11:26 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2


Please provide the schedule of RT-2 courses to be conducted by BARC during 2013.

Dr.B.Munirathinam, SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota-524 124.
2nd January 2013 12:50 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Dear Sir,
I am Sohit Kumar i have passed BARC RT Level-1 2011, i want do BARC RT Level-2,
pls,tell me when i apply, how i can apply and what is the procedure,my qualification is 12th and asnt level 2,RT.UT.MPT.PT.
If am eligible to attend BARC RT LEVEL II exam,send me the details about fees,application,exam schedule on 2013 ,corse details.

with regards
Sohit kumar
email: [email protected]
27th November 2012 06:11 PM
Rajendra singh Rajput
When BARC RT Level -2 courses held on

Dear Sir

Sir i am rajendra singh rajput and i am interest to joining the RT Level-II as soon as possible. so Please tell me when courses is start.

Warm & Regards

Rajendra Singh Rajput
New Delhi
12th September 2012 04:53 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

28th June 2012 10:23 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

sir, iam T.vijay kumar M/S VISITS IND registered on HPCL V/R VISAKHAPATNAM (on NDT service).They offering to the radiography job to us.Present iam working in UT services. So , we wanted an advise how to purchase the camera & i wanted to do the level II in barc.

Please send your advice to my email : [email protected],
#24-111-39,Vivekanandanager, Chinnagantyada, Gajuwaka, visakhapatnam.
3rd June 2012 01:34 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Sir i have passed barc level 1 in rt aug 2010,i want do barc rt level 2.
pls,tell me when i apply, how i can apply and what is the procedure,my qualification is 10 2.and asnt level 2,RT.UT.MPT.PT.

id [email protected]
10th May 2012 02:21 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

dear sir,i am hsc(physics & maths) with 60%,working in rt (one year experience),how do you join in BARC level -1
any institute addresses,or contact numbers, please give me .

thanks & regards
mail id :[email protected]
15th March 2012 12:08 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

[]Sir, I want to do BARC Level-2, but i have no notes for advance preparing this course. pl. tell me how can i find BARC Level-2 notes. pl. tell me as soon as possible also give me address & contact no.

Thanking you
[email protected]
15th March 2012 11:58 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

i have completed BARC RT Level I,what is the procedure to join Levell II ,and when is the exam shcedule.

27th February 2012 04:07 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Dear sir,
i am working in saudi arabia,and i have the saudi aramco level II certificate and Radiation protection permit(RPP),and i have nine years experiance in RT technician,and i completed DME also.If am eligible to attend BARC RT LEVEL II exam,send me the details about fees,application,exam schedule on 2012 may,corse details.
Thank you,
Email:[email protected]
27th February 2012 03:59 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Dear sir,
i am working in saudi arabia,and i have the saudi aramco level II certificate and Radiation protection permit(RPP),and i have nine years experiance in RT technician,and i completed DME also.i am eligible to attend the BARC certificate for level II course,if i am eligible please send me the course date , details about fees ,application and examination schedule in may 2012
Thank you
Email:[email protected]
10th February 2012 03:54 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Dear sir,
Its possible to attend the BARC Certificate Level 1 Industrial Radiographer course, My Qualification 12th fail in Maths(56 marks)
thanks. please reply me
Email:[email protected]
10th February 2012 03:48 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Dear sir,
i am working rt(NDT)field at chennai. i am 10th pass with 80.2%.but 2 maths fail with 52%. i want do the BARC level 1 course. 2 fail is eligible the BARC level 1 course please reply me sir
16th January 2012 10:31 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

dear sir,
respectfully I am mr.dhiren roy working bequeral industries pvt ltd from 2005 to contenew as a sinior rt technicion and site co-rdinetor I very interest to attend BARC level II cource that why pease aknowdge me 2012 exame schedule and firm.

regarding Dhiren roy
16th January 2012 09:43 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Dear sir
respctfuly here by I want to know schedule of 2012 BARC level II

please reply me maximum detail regarding BRAC level II schedule

Dhiren roy
BARC level I
mail [email protected]
10th November 2011 03:58 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

sir I pankaj gautam working in pvt orginagation still working as rt lvl I candidate . dear sir i wanna BARC rt lvl II self how to apply for this pls guide me as soon as possible and give response on my [email protected] and my contact no 919785685064
30th August 2011 08:44 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Next barc rt level ii Course Examination declaration
29th July 2011 05:07 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Sir, I have passed my BARC RT level I in 2000 .Now I am working in Oman from last seven years.Now I want do BARC RT level 2.Please tell me how I can apply and what are the procedure. Arvind kumar Pal [email protected] 0096899478109,96935740
24th June 2011 12:46 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

sir,i m degree in science with physics,chemistry & math.i have already rt -1 from BARC. i want to do radiography level -2 from BARC. pls.tell me the procedure to do this course.

Thanks & regards
arakhit parida

[email protected]
15th April 2011 06:25 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

fess of BARC Level-II Exam.
14th April 2011 01:52 PM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

The eligibility requirement is a Diploma in Engineering or a Degree in Science with Physics and Mathematics subjects with at least minimum two years practical experience in radiography or Degree in Engineering. Candidates with M.Sc. in Mathematics or Physics with 1.5 year experience in radiography or applicant qualified as Certified Radiographers or RT level-I with 3 years experience in Radiography is also eligible to apply BARC RT Level -2. The procedure for joining the course is mentioned in the official website.

11th April 2011 08:45 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Dear Sir,
This is v,veera mohan rao, and my educational qualification is diploma in metallurgical engg.,ASNT L-II(R.T,U.T,M.T,P.T) and i have 4 years experience in the field of quality control.
i am also applied for ASNT L-III(U.T,M.T) in may 2011 exam.
I would like to join in BARC-II(R.T) Please give me a eligibility,last date for application,yearly schedule of examination,fee details.

Thanks& Regards
v.veera mohan rao
[email protected]
1st March 2011 12:58 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Sir i want Barc
14th February 2011 01:21 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

I am continuing M.Tech,Environmental Sciences $ Engg in Sambalpur University ,Odisha in the second semester.I want to work
in BARC in Environmental sector.Please guide me.

Haripriya Mishra ,[email protected]
26th January 2011 01:26 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

isthere any minimum marks of gate required in barc
10th January 2011 12:57 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Its possible to attend the BARC Certificate Level 1 Industrial Radiographer course, My Qualification X pass
11th December 2010 02:31 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

barc entrace exam for 12th class basis
6th December 2010 04:26 PM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

What is the eligibility criterion for RT BARC Level-II for person who is ASNT RT Level-II.
5th December 2010 01:45 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Sir , I have already RT Level-1 in BARC,I want to do RT Level-2 in BARC.How can apply,procedure to join the Exam pl. tell me as soon as
possiblealso given my address & contact no. Thanking You Chittaranjan Jena 09975692882 [email protected]
21st November 2010 08:34 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Sir, I want to do BARC Level-2, but i have no notes for advance preparing this course. pl. tell me how can i find BARC Level-2 notes. pl. tell me as soon as pissible also give me address & contact no.

Thanking you
Gopinath Pradhan
[email protected]
17th November 2010 01:05 PM
gurraj singh
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

Originally Posted by vikrantthakur View Post
sir, i m a diploma engg ( mech ) working in a fabrication industry . i want to do radiography level -2 from barc. am i eligible or not pls. tell me. if i m eligible pls. tell me the procedure to do this course.

thanks & regards
abhishek gautam
[email protected]
You are not eligible for the course as the minimum criteria is minimum of 60% marks in the qualifying degree(B.E.)/ P.G. degree
30th October 2010 01:51 AM
Re: Procedure for joining BARC RT Level -2

i am working in qatar ,i passed in qatar radiographer exam,4years before i passed in barc level1,but original is not to me, now i will self study for barc rt level 1 or 2,it is possible or not
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