Thread: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.? Reply to Thread

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23rd June 2016 06:35 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

is it better to do the job after btec or to pursue mtech for better career?please answer
13th June 2016 12:30 AM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

my rank is 614 which branch and college available in my rank please send my email address? [email protected]
28th March 2016 11:04 AM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

my gate score is 765 and my rank is 1066. Can I get admission in iits for mtech in mechanical engineering? is there any chance of getting psu in india? what all specialization I can get in mechanical at this score in gate?
24th March 2016 06:46 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

17th February 2016 06:00 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

What is the best course for mechanical engineer at that time for future best opportunity.
18th December 2015 04:35 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

I'm preparing for gate exam.And i want to do mtech in iit's/iisc.i have already choosen two courses. one is petroleum and second one is aerospace.i dont knw the best.could u please tell me which one is the best and also having highly packages for both after doing mtech in respective course??
22nd August 2015 12:58 AM
Career advisor
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

After BTech in Mechanical Engineering,there are lots of specialization courses in which you can study in your MTech.
List of Some are as follows:
*Industrial Engineering
*Automobile Engineering
*Manufacturing Engineering
*Design Engineering
*Production Engineering
*Thermal Engineering
21st August 2015 05:35 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

i want to take aeronautical engineering in mtech so plz suggest me the scope in that field
21st August 2015 03:53 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

I have done b.e in industrial engineering and management which branch is good for Pls do suggest soon
27th July 2015 10:32 AM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Hello Friend..

Following are the best course for Mtech in Mechanical Engineering:

*** Thermal Engineering (best one)

**Automobile Engineering

**Manufacturing Engineering

**Product Design and Development

**Industrial Engineering

Important : The most important thing is that opt the course in which you have keen interest in that because it's post graduation in that subject and the interest in that subject will help you to understand the subject well..

All the best..
24th July 2015 03:44 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

I am naresh I got 310 rank in pgecet in mechanical can I get seat in university and tell me for m-tech which specilizations is best in mechanical engineering and tell me when appgecet-2015 counselling?
27th June 2015 06:19 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Is there any mtech program named as THEORY OF MACHINES or DYNAMICS OF MACHINES ?
24th June 2015 07:57 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Best courses in Chemical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?
8th April 2015 01:45 AM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

I was completed in mechanical engineering .I would like to do give me information about the eassy courses in
12th September 2014 01:38 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

I completed in mechanical engineering. I want to do as a girl which course is more prefferable to me
6th July 2014 11:43 AM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

I am interested in designing
in mtech
and i want to do mba after completion of mtech
can i have a good future with these both?
3rd July 2014 10:57 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

I am 3rd year btech mechanical student i interest in m tech
Which course best in india
30th June 2014 06:22 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

hi.., iam Nandini completed my btech(mechanical) with 78%.,i would like to know which is the best and evergreen specialisation in mtech(MECHANICAL) for girls
though there were less opourtunities for girls in this field.,my preference is to take production engineering., is it suitable for me., if not please suggest me the best one as my goal is to be settled as leturer.
my email id: [email protected]
thank you.,
30th June 2014 06:18 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

hi.., iam Nandini completed my btech(mechanical) with 78%.,i would like to know which is the best and evergreen specialisation in mtech(MECHANICAL) for girls
though there were less opourtunities for girls in this field.,my preference is to take production engineering., is it suitable for me., if not please suggest me the best one as my goal is to be settled as leturer.
my email id: [email protected]
thank you.,
10th June 2014 09:02 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Respected Sir;


I completed Mechanical Engineering.What are the scope of M-tech course "Computational Analysis in Mechanical Sciences" ? Can I attain easy placement in this field ? Where will I get placed ?

The syllabus as follows ;

1st semester ;

Applied Mathematics , Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow , Optimization Techniques , Advanced Material Technol

ELECTIVE - Automation and Computer Integrated Manufacturing , Reliability Engineering , Operations Analysis and Modeling

2nd semester ;

Finite Element Analysis , Advanced Machine Design , Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow , Modeling and Simulation

ELECTIVE - Numerical Methods in Mechanical Vibrations , Project Analysis and Management , Rapid Proto Typing.
28th May 2014 12:45 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

I have completed my I want to do in computer aided design or automobile engg can u say which one is better mail to me [email protected]
16th March 2014 01:45 AM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Sir. Krishna Iam final year mechanical engineering student.i has 8.2 CGPA out of 10.shal i do petroleum engineering or indurtrial &production engg.reply me plz sir
5th March 2014 09:21 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

hi i completed BE mechanical engineering in karnataka. so whcich is da best field in mtech to become an rto officer in karnataka.. and pls tell da procedure to become an rto officer???
31st January 2014 01:29 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Now am mechanical last yr student. I want to do in Industrial Safety Is it good for future...can u suggest in which colleges this course is available..
28th November 2013 05:30 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

In India there is also M.Tech in Armaments & Combat Vehicles and also Guided Missiles.
These courses are offered by Defense Institute of Advanced Technology.
26th September 2013 05:28 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

i have just completed my mechanical engineering(2009-2013) ,im in choosie in deciding courses,,can you please attach all the list of Mteh courses,,and if i opt for marine or petroleum enginneering,will i get jobs in dubai?
23rd September 2013 02:00 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

non-renewable resources
thermal engineering
biofuel engineering
these are some of the feilds in mechanical engineering where there is lot of scope in the future
15th September 2013 04:23 PM
Cholleti Niranjan
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Mechanical engineering is evergreen stream.A lot of specialization available in MTech for mechanical students.Here I am giving some important courses
1.Thermal science and Heat transfer
2.Fluid mechanics
3.Mechanics of solids
4.CAD/CAM technology
5.Advanced manufacturing
7.Automobile engineering
8.Production engineering
9.Industrial engineering
10.Air-Conditioning system
9th September 2013 12:20 AM
Home 4
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?


Best courses in Mechanical Engineering ;--

Computer Aided Manufacturing.

Industrial Engine

Mechanical Systems Designering.

Heat Transfer and Thermal Power

Computer Aided Design

Mechanical Handling and Automation

I.C. Engines and Gas Turbines

Pollution and Noise Control.

Combustion and Propulsion
7th September 2013 07:02 PM
A.prashanth yadav
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?


Best course in mechanical engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech

Heat Transfer and Thermal Power
Mechanical handling and Automation
Refrigeration and Air conditioning
Manufacturing System Engineering
i.c Engines and gas Turbines
Computer Aided Manufacturing
Pollution and noise control
Manufacturing system Engineering
Combustion and propulsion
Heat Transfer and thermal power
computer Aided Design
engine Technology

all the best!!!!!!!!
7th September 2013 02:39 AM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

i had completed my in mechanical engineering with 72%....can u suggest me which course is better for ladies in
3rd September 2013 08:01 PM
Cholleti Niranjan
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Dear aspirant,
If you are doing your BTech in Mechanical engineering you have many subject in MTech.But some of them are having more value now a days they are
----->Thermal science and heat transfer
----->Strength of materials
----->Fluid mechanics
----->Computer aided design
----->Theories of machine
----->Manufacturing techniques
So you can take any of the above specialization in your MTech.My advice is to do your MTech in famous colleges like IIT'S and NITS,so that you can get many opportunities.Doing MTech in ordinary colleges in not useful that much it only provides a certificate for you.So work hard and did well in the GATE exam.If you scored good marks in GATE you can easily get seat in IITS for MTech.And also based on your good GATE score some of companies may offer jobs for you.
Your's Friend
31st August 2013 10:34 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

My dear friend,

There are many specialization courses in the mechanical engineering for the degree which are listed below :

1) Manufacturing Systems Engineering
2) Industrial Engineering.
3) Mechanical Handling and Automation
4)Computer Aided Design.
5)Mechanical Systems Design
6)Pollution and Noise Control.
7)Combustion and Propulsion
8)Thermal Energy and Environmental Engineering
9)I.C. Engines and Gas Turbines
10)Heat Transfer and Thermal Power
11)Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

But above three are best
31st August 2013 01:19 AM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

hello friend

The many subjects in the mechanical engineering for the degree is

it's up to your interest should have to select stream.

Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Industrial Engineering.
Mechanical Handling and Automation
Pollution and Noise Control.
Computer Aided Design.
Mechanical Systems Design
Computer Aided Manufacturing.
Combustion and Propulsion
Heat Transfer and Thermal Power
Thermal Energy and Environmental Engineering
I.C. Engines and Gas Turbines

best of luck
30th August 2013 05:29 PM
Tai 1
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Subjects in the mechanical engineering for the degree is:

Industrial Engineering.

Mechanical Handling and Automation

Pollution and Noise Control.

Computer Aided Design.

Mechanical Systems Design

Computer Aided Manufacturing.

Combustion and Propulsion

Heat Transfer and Thermal Power
28th August 2013 11:38 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

i m doin my 2nd year mechanical engineering can any one suggest me wat course shall i tak fr my higher studies
25th August 2013 01:33 PM
Cholleti Niranjan
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Hello friend,
I think you are completed your bachelor degree in engineering and you want to do MTech in mechanical engineering.If you want to get admission into the MTech you should crack the GATE exam.Once you crack the gate exam you choose any of specialization of mechanical.You can choose any of specialization which you really interested.Since Mechanical is a evergreen branch you will get plenty of opportunities with any specialization.But some are playing key role in the world they are
Thermal engineering and Heat transfer
Fluid mechanics
Manufacturing technology and productin
Industrial science
Computer aided design(CAD/CAM)
30th July 2013 01:20 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Is their any exams we need to take in order to study in germany??
25th July 2013 11:03 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

I am mechanical final year I want to study M.S. in Germany so which specialisation should I take. I want the specialisation which is best all the ways
24th July 2013 12:12 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

i want to do cad,catia,ansys after mechanical engineering ,can u tell me sir whether it has good futer or not
17th July 2013 12:22 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Hi friend choose any for you have intrest..

1. Engine Technology

2. Automobile Designing

3. Computer Aided system

4. Industrial Engineering

5. Production Engineering

6. Combustion Technology ....more..etc

For more courses go to
17th July 2013 12:03 AM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what will be scope for ME ENGINEERING DESIGN

Design of Mechanical System is the primary goal/purpose of Mechanical Engineering!!!

Thus, most Mechanical Engineers are primaril;y involved in design only!!!!

Even Mechanical Engineers under other fields like manufacturing have to design certain elements like jigs, fixtures, etc.

Thus, Engineering Design is the breath of Mechanical Engineers...

Engineers good in design have a very reliable scope!!

Skills required:
* Problem Solving Ability
* Knowledge in Dynamics of Machines
* Analysis of problem
* Drawing (Technical)
* Interpretation of drawing

These skills will automatically get inculcated once a person starts studying design!!
16th July 2013 11:53 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
which country is best for ms for mechanical engineering
If you have good marks, consider Germany: English-taught programmes, marginal fees, world-class facilities, moderate living expenses (for Western standards), good public security and generous stay-back and work options.

Due to Germany’s strong high-tech oriented economy there is always a great demand for well-qualified and achievement-oriented young engineers, scientists, IT professionals etc

After Germany you may also opt USA as education quality of US is much better.

For USA you need to write GRE and TOEFL before applying.
16th July 2013 11:19 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

Hi, I am entering third year BE(mech). I want to know the MS courses offered for mechanical engineering and suggest some colleges.
9th July 2013 11:51 AM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

can i specialise in petroleum engineering after a btech in mechanical engineering?
9th July 2013 09:09 AM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

dear friend.....

Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech

1.Heat Transfer and Thermal Power
2.Mechanical Handling and Automation
3.Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
4.Manufacturing Systems Engineering
5.i.c Engines and Gas Turbines
6.Computer Aided Manufacturing.
7.Pollution and Noise Control.
8.Manufacturing Systems Engineering
9.Combustion and Propulsion
10.Combustion and Propulsion
11.Heat Transfer and Thermal Power
12.Computer Aided Design.
13.Thermal Energy and Environmental Engineering
14.Combustion Technology
15.Industrial Engineering
16.Engine Technology
17.Computer Aided system
8th July 2013 11:20 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

suggest me a best specialization b/w machine design and automobile engineering for
4th July 2013 01:20 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

sir,can u suggest me with a easy and useful theoretical specialization in ( mechanical branch )
23rd June 2013 01:41 AM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

I have interest in mtech nw I am gng 2 final yr which course is best to take in mtech???? [email protected] mail me
17th June 2013 02:40 PM
Re: Best courses in Mechanical Engineering for taking specialization in M.Tech.?

what are the mtech courses for mechanical engineering which are highly paid ?
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