Thread: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad? Reply to Thread

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22nd April 2014 12:46 PM
Re: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?
22nd April 2014 12:43 PM
Re: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

my daughter is in 5th class year and she wants to join for the Olympiad exam. how can I apply with school formalities?
22nd April 2014 12:12 PM
Re: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

My daughter studying in class can we directly apply for this olympaid?
18th April 2014 12:47 AM
Re: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

Originally Posted by aishwarya baldota View Post
my daughter is studying in 5th std st marys school pune.can she apply for olympiad this yr & also let me know the procedure
B]all the student from class 1 to 12 are eligible for imo,nso, ieo,nstse and many more exams for more detail go to
29th March 2014 08:47 AM
Re: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

My daughter studying in class can we directly apply for this olympaid?
27th September 2013 09:09 PM
Re: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

I am a student of class 9.My school didn't received forms of science and G.K exams.Can I appear directly in these exams?
13th September 2013 03:26 PM
Re: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

Hello Sir,

My daughter is studying in class V. Her school had not recieved forms for olympiads. Can we appear for it directly? And how?
16th June 2013 07:45 PM
Re: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

my daughter is studying in class v. pl inform me how to get forms for appearing in the maths Olympiad.
27th September 2012 08:02 PM
Re: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

my son is studying in 9th grade in Sri Lanka. He needs to apply olympaid exam 2012 mathematics. From where he will get application form.
How he will apply for that?
11th August 2012 08:28 PM
kusuma sharma
Re: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

my son is in 5th class in ICSE board . I want him appear in 2012 olympaid exam for maths, science, computer ,gk. kindle guide me how to apply
22nd January 2012 03:57 PM
Re: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

Physics,Chemistry and biology(PCB) at 10+2 level:Occupational Therapy;Biotechnology; Agriculture;Dairy Farming;Anthropology;Traditional Medicine;Genetics;Microbiology;Nutrition and Dietetics;Medicine;Paramedical;service;Horticultur e and Floriculture;Aquaculture;Marine biology;Dentistry;nursing;Veterinary science;Pharmacy;Physiotherapy{it has great demand in forein countries and great scope bt not in INDIA};Home science;Poultry farming;Zology;Chef;Chemist;Foreign science;Research;Botany;Cosmetology;Teaching.

Physics,Chemistry and Computers: Teaching;Artificial Intelligence;Engineering;Design;Information technology;Multimedia;Robotics;Bio-informatics.................

these all are the stream's in future but it depend's on your strength,ability,will power to achieve.........!
21st January 2012 02:43 PM
Re: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

my son is studing in 5th standard he wants to apply for 2012 olympiad mathematics,science and when is the last date for filling up the form?.I want all information for how to fill the form?
6th January 2012 11:52 AM
pushpa mahant
Re: Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

my son is studying in 5th standard he has to apply olympaid exam 2012 mathematics, science, english & Gk. from where he will get application form. How he will apply for that?
19th October 2011 02:47 AM
aishwarya baldota
Can a candidate of pursuing 5th standard apply for Olympiad? Procedure to apply for Olympiad?

my daughter is studying in 5th std st marys school pune.can she apply for olympiad this yr & also let me know the procedure

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