Thread: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology? Reply to Thread

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26th February 2020 11:42 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

How many marks mtech entrance to get out of 240 to get seat in cse in manipal PG MET exam
28th April 2017 01:26 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Will I get aeronautical engineering in Manipal University with 85/200 marks in MU OET 2017?
10th May 2016 10:36 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

i got 81/200 in 1st attempt to Manipal engineering entrance exam. i belong to OBC. Is there any chance of getting an admission in Manipal college? Pls answer ASAP
17th May 2015 11:42 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

what are the prospects of anybody getting into manipal university with a score of 48
8th May 2015 11:27 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I scored 118/200 in mu-oet 2015. can i get a comp sci or electronics branch at manipal campus. Also what is its fee structure
8th May 2015 11:24 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I have scored 118/200 in mu-oet in 2015 . can i get comp sci or electronics branch at manipal main campus . Also what is the fee structure for the entire course?
5th May 2015 01:47 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

5th May 2015 01:28 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I HAVE SECURED 90/200 IN 2015 please tell us can i get seat in Manipal University.
4th May 2015 06:43 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Originally Posted by ab7777 View Post
The cut offs are only for Manipal university and NOT the jaipur and sikkim campuses. Also i would like to add that these are only rough estimates made on the basis of previous year's counselling results and manipal university doesnt officially release any cut off figures for any stream.

If you have any more queries, you can reply to this post.
Good luck
Sir, I got 73/200 in MU OET 2015. Can I get EEE or Mechatronics in any campus?
1st May 2015 01:26 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Originally Posted by abhinavsinha123 View Post
i have got 73/200 in manipal engg entrance exam.would,i be eligible to get admission then which courses would and get and what will my expected rank.
thank you !
I too got 73 outta 200 but in 2015. Please tell, can u get seat in any of the campus(Manipal University). Can u get eee in sikkim campus,
thanks in advance...
19th May 2014 10:51 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

i have secured 110/200 in the mbbs entance exam of manipal university. how much chance do i have to get into the university? and if so what will be the tentative annual fee?
16th May 2014 10:47 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Is it possible to get a seat in manipal with 89/200 marks.Pleasee replyyyy
15th May 2014 04:37 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir I have scored 108/200 in Manipal.. will I get CSE in MANIPAL's main campus

Bro I have also scored the same marks n m also nt sure about the streams.. so if u come to know abt ur streams kindly mail me at

I would cherish it if u hlp me out

13th May 2014 11:41 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

my son has scored 105/200 in MU OET 2014 what are his chances of getting manipal university main campus?
13th May 2014 11:39 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

my son has scored 105/200 in MU OET 2014 what are his chances of getting manipal university main campus?
13th May 2014 11:36 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

my son has scored 105/200 in MU OET 2014 what are his chances of getting manipal university main campus?
10th May 2014 12:28 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I have scored 123/200 marks in Manipal. Can i get Computer science branch in Banglore branch
9th May 2014 09:10 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

sir i have got 94/200 will i be able to get civil engineering at manipal campus
9th May 2014 02:48 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

For B.Tech CS, one must score more than 135/200. A score under 100 is poor and your chances are less.
8th May 2014 07:35 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I have got 104 marks out of 200.what is my expected rank.will i get civil. Please reply.
5th May 2014 10:04 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Sir, I have got 112/200 in Manipal.Can I get CSE/IT in Manipal campus.Thanking You
5th May 2014 05:36 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I have got 112/200 in MUOET-2014 can i get ece or cs ...pls reply :(
5th May 2014 11:09 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

getting 80/200 will land me to what rank in MUOET??? pls. sir i nee a reply asap.
4th May 2014 01:00 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Sir, I got 100/200 in btech online test. Which branch may I get in Manipal MIT campus?
2nd May 2014 01:37 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Sir I have scored 108/200 in Manipal.. will I get CSE in MANIPAL's main campus

1st May 2014 12:16 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I have secured 156/200 marks in MUOET-2014 for B-Tech. What all BRANCHES will I get? PLZ PLZ REPLY SOMEONE!!
1st May 2014 03:07 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Sir my score in manipal online entrence test is 104/200 for btch can I get admission for electrics and electronics branch in manipal campus .please reply
1st May 2014 12:19 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Originally Posted by ab7777 View Post
The cut offs are only for Manipal university and NOT the jaipur and sikkim campuses. Also i would like to add that these are only rough estimates made on the basis of previous year's counselling results and manipal university doesnt officially release any cut off figures for any stream.

If you have any more queries, you can reply to this post.
Good luck
i have scored 87/200 in the recent manipal test for btech. what is the cutoff score for industrial engineering?
27th April 2014 12:52 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

i got 90/200 in manipal for Can i get admission for computer sci. or IT ? plz tell me fast.
26th April 2014 09:58 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I got 120/200 for the 2014 manipal otbs - btech. What will be my rank and what branch can i expect?
26th April 2014 09:56 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

i got 120/200 for the 2014 otbs manipal for btech. What rank would I get and what branch?
25th April 2014 01:43 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I have secured 80/200 in manipal for Is there any chances of mine in any branch of manipal
24th April 2014 08:40 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I have got 87/200 in MUOET 2014.IS THERE ANY CHANCE OF GETTI?
23rd April 2014 09:12 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

i have got 73/200 in manipal engg entrance exam.would,i be eligible to get admission then which courses would and get and what will my expected rank.
thank you !
23rd April 2014 09:10 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

i have got 73/200 in manipal engg entrance exam.would,i be eligible to get admission then which courses would and get and what will my expected rank.
thank you !
22nd April 2014 09:24 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I hav scored 116/200 in the B tech entrance . Will I get got branch in Manipal ?
19th June 2013 08:38 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Originally Posted by View Post
I've scored 111/240 in entrance test for conducted on 4/6/2012, What rank I may get and is there any chance of getting Construction Engineering seat.
Hi Coolnarayan,

I got your mail from Need ur help. I got 120/240 with 103 rank @ MUOET 2013 for Mtech civil. Do I have a chance for getting structures ?


18th June 2013 07:51 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

my rank is 2591 in manipal institute online exam for m tech can i admission?
12th June 2013 01:14 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

with 25189 rank in manipal exam , can I expect civil, mechanical, electrical branch of b tech or any ? What is the placement rate of manipal university ?How much amount is refundable if admission is not taken?
26th May 2013 11:47 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Originally Posted by ab7777 View Post
The cut offs are only for Manipal university and NOT the jaipur and sikkim campuses. Also i would like to add that these are only rough estimates made on the basis of previous year's counselling results and manipal university doesnt officially release any cut off figures for any stream.

If you have any more queries, you can reply to this post.
Good luck
Are this cutoff marks for MU-OET 2013 Mtech entrance admissions ? What are the cutoff marks for Mtech in Structural Engineering ??
24th May 2013 07:30 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

got 117 in manipal exam with 6000 rank what branches coulld i expect
24th May 2013 02:28 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I got 101 marks. Will i get a seat in manipal?
2nd July 2012 04:23 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

how may i get details about masters in hospital administration in manipal institute of technology?
5th June 2012 08:59 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I've scored 111/240 in entrance test for conducted on 4/6/2012, What rank I may get and is there any chance of getting Construction Engineering seat.
5th June 2012 08:52 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

I've scored 111/240 in entrance test for, What rank I may get and is there any chance of getting Construction Engineering seat.
19th May 2012 09:59 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Are these cut-offs only for the campus in manipal or does it include jaipur and sikkim campus as well????
The cut offs are only for Manipal university and NOT the jaipur and sikkim campuses. Also i would like to add that these are only rough estimates made on the basis of previous year's counselling results and manipal university doesnt officially release any cut off figures for any stream.

If you have any more queries, you can reply to this post.
Good luck
19th May 2012 01:59 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

Are these cut-offs only for the campus in manipal or does it include jaipur and sikkim campus as well????
15th May 2012 02:50 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

The cut off marks for admission in manipal university is around the 100-105 range.

securing 105 marks gets you right on the borderline and you may just make it to the last counselling session but not get a good branch in engineering.

As far as 142 marks are concerned, a person with 140+ will easily get admission with a branch of their choice. Also, based on the results last year, 140+ marks leads to a rank of under 2000.

Good luck to you both
13th May 2012 10:31 PM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

brother mujhe toh patah nahe chal rha hai 142 laake ke meraa hogaa ke nae teraa kaise bta sakta hun
12th May 2012 03:22 AM
Re: How may I get details about cut-off marks in manipal institute of technology?

i m getting 105 marks in manipal xam is their any chance of getting any engineering branch.......?
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