Thread: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala? Reply to Thread

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10th March 2012 03:07 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

i am doing final year graduation in i would like to know what are the courses avilable after commerce graduation in kerala?
16th November 2011 05:28 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

Is there any scope in career with B.Com Accountancy-Mathematics? What to do after B.Com?

My e-mail ID [email protected]
29th May 2011 07:57 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

Hi dear, › BioPlanet Bioinformatics › Recruiters › India
here these are some of the important links where you can find the colleges and about the entire details that ou have asked for along with colleges all over india as well as in kerela.. all the best to you and good luck hope yu find a sutaible one out of them and dear friend about the scope of bioinformatics i have personally feltthat its scope is tremendous because some of my friends have done graduation and post graduation in bioinformatics and few are selected in companies in bangalore and a few are getting scholarship for projects that they are doing in delhi.. hope you can also avail such opportunities and the scope is very vast .. good luck to you.. bye bye
23rd May 2011 02:32 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

chance of study of degree course without passing plus two in kerala
18th May 2011 04:45 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

Which is the institute to study bio infomatics in malappuram district
27th April 2011 03:53 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

Presently i am doing my plus two with biology as my main subject.I would like to know whether there is any oppurtunity to join for B.Sc in bioinformatics without computer science.[since i opted only bio for my plus two studies]And i also want to know about the colleges best for this in Kerala as well as in other states near to Kerala.If anybody is there who could clear my doubts, kindly make it fast.
25th March 2011 11:02 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

i had completed my msc bioinformatics.........want to get a good job.what i want to do next.plz help me....
28th December 2010 07:09 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

I would like to know any indian universities offer mphill bioinformatics through distance education .please reply me
13th December 2010 03:01 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

Originally Posted by DHINI SUDHEER.K View Post
I am doing plus two[Biology] now.I would like to continue my studies with Bio informatics.How can I join? What are the job opportunities? Which is the better institute in Kerala?
Pls replay if anyone know.
Kerala has no good universitities/lkpokfaijoerfiulfhhehaknsadnfoi;fneaow;ilndslanjfe ol;inedmkf.a
9th November 2010 12:56 AM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

Sincere advise to all, pls don do a B.Tech in bioinformatics, you will be narrowing down your field a lot and there is no scope or job after a you will be forced to do a masters again in bioinfo and tough to branch out if u don like or enjoy the field. they say there is a lot of scope and the field is growing but there is no scope!
27th October 2010 01:29 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

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21st September 2010 06:37 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

im doing btech bioinformatics in tamilnadu agri university.i want to do higher studies in drug designing which course can i do after btech
31st July 2010 03:04 AM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

Bio informatics:is the application of statistics and computer science to the field of molecular biology.

You can go for the higher study in the universities like JNU,WBUT,UPTU etc.......

For more information you can log in to the website,

All the best.
30th June 2010 02:44 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

Can I know the names of the companies which hire students of M.Sc Bioinformatics and wats the starting package for this?
27th June 2010 02:36 PM
[email protected]
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

after completing your msc in bio info you can apply for many jobs in the field of
genetic engg
data management
tissue culture
25th June 2010 07:06 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

You can go for

22nd June 2010 11:58 AM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

what are the job opportunities after M.Sc in Boi Informatics
17th May 2010 01:09 AM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

you can do in the field of bioinformatics and you can do mba in bioinformatics
you have the opputunity in the research field and in the companies etc........
best of luck....
11th February 2010 09:59 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

bioinformatics is the application of IT for analysis and systematic classification of biological is a multi-disciplinary subject encompassing in it biology,IT,physics,chemistry etc...
several colleges in kerala and tamil-nadu like bharat university offer btech in bioinformatics.
although, the placement rate for course is on the higher side yet you can only be good in this profession if you have a master's degree, so opt for a course which has integrated gateway to mtech to save time and money
11th February 2010 08:45 PM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

as you are a biology student you can do bio informatics as your degree .. it has very good scope in future .. job oppurtunities are good as compared to other fields
11th February 2010 01:05 AM
Re: Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala? › BioPlanet Bioinformatics › Recruiters › India
here these are some of the important links where you can find the colleges and about the entire details that ou have asked for along with colleges all over india as well as in kerela.. all the best to you and good luck hope yu find a sutaible one out of them and dear friend about the scope of bioinformatics i have personally feltthat its scope is tremendous because some of my friends have done graduation and post graduation in bioinformatics and few are selected in companies in bangalore and a few are getting scholarship for projects that they are doing in delhi.. hope you can also avail such opportunities and the scope is very vast .. good luck to you.. bye bye
10th February 2010 11:42 PM
Bio informatics - higher studies? Job opportunities? best colleges in Kerala?

I am doing plus two[Biology] now.I would like to continue my studies with Bio informatics.How can I join? What are the job opportunities? Which is the better institute in Kerala?
Pls replay if anyone know.

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