Thread: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year? Reply to Thread

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17th July 2015 10:39 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

My son is in third year Dhanbad in mine machinery wants internship in BHel haridwar in,Dec 2015 for 30 day/in june2016
19th September 2013 09:53 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

sir i m pursuing btech from electronics and communication...5th semester...sir i wanna do
from government reputed companies...i want to know the procedure for applying in these companies...especially of dmrc...
22nd April 2013 05:46 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

please tell me procedure for summer training in isro........i am 3 rd ece student.
9th February 2013 09:08 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

what is the precentage crireria for summer training in bhel ongc for ec 3rd yr student
26th December 2012 06:51 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

i have 62 aggregate in college %,obc,what is the eligibility criteria ,cut off for ob is 60 or 65
6th January 2012 02:50 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

Sir,iam persuing b tech 3rd year eee.actually i wana ask u one thing.what r the government&private companies for eee studets....thank u.
11th September 2011 01:25 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

sir , we are 40 student of of EEE branch of veltech technical university chennai . we want to do industrial visit in BHEL or NTPC what are the procesure we have to follow for this .
sir please reply us as early as possible. My email id is [email protected].
16th April 2011 01:14 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

sir i am student of b.e. 3rd year metallurgy branch from o.p. Jindal institute of technology and i want to do my summer training in ongc how can i apply for the same.
14th April 2011 03:04 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

In those reputes companies.....they'll give notifications.....You have to check the top sites for the information about these notifications like
13th April 2011 10:52 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

Hello sir,i m student btech 6th sem in IT branch.i wanna do summer training for 45 days in bhel,isro and give your contect no.
3rd April 2011 04:13 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

sir do all these psu companies ask percentage of degree only or an aggregate of all semesters?
29th March 2011 06:28 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

hello sir
i want to get summer training in ec in madhya pradesh.i am a2nd year student.sir kindly help me n send me the details at [email protected]
27th March 2011 01:37 AM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

According to me-
In those reputes companies.....they'll give notifications.....You have to check the top sites for the information about these notifications like
All the best.
26th March 2011 11:28 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

25th March 2011 08:22 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

sir, i want to know the criteria and procedure for companies like BHEL, DRDO,ISRO,NTPS
24th February 2011 08:41 AM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

Sir i m student of 3rd year e.c.e branch,i want summer training from BHEL plz tell me procedure n criteria.......
20th February 2011 12:06 AM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

sir, im btech 3 yr.from mechanical..n my% is i liable 4 govt or psu job or sc/st quota..
12th February 2011 03:14 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

Sir,i m the student of B.Tech ECE branch 3rd year 6th sem now...and i want to do major training from Reputated Institutes such as BHEL,IOCL,NTPC,ISRO or any other, please tell me the criteria & procedure for applying or any other requirement.....THANKS!!
9th February 2011 01:04 AM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

Please inform me the Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO for 3rd year B.Tech.(ECE) student? My mail is [email protected]
7th February 2011 12:28 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

tell me about summer training 2011 for 3rd year ece student
31st January 2011 02:21 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

sir i am a student of btech pursuing engineering in ec branch from uptu and i want to do summer training in drdo,isro,ngc,bhel nd some other reputate companies ,what are the basic citeria and procedures for applying?
29th January 2011 12:13 AM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

sir i am a student of b.tec 3rd year & i want to summer training in drdo or bel.what can i do?
23rd January 2011 09:23 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

It is very easy to get intern in PSUs ....First contact the placement cell of your college or you may directly go the website and apply online.
23rd January 2011 09:05 PM
Re: Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

In those reputes companies.....they'll give notifications.....You have to check the top sites for the information about these notifications like
22nd January 2011 06:36 PM
Criteria and procedure for training in companies like BHEL, NTPS, ISRO after B.E (ECE) 3rd year?

Sir, i m Pursuying B.E. in ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING from MEDICAPS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT INDORE...n i m in 3rd year 6th sem now...and i want to do major training from Reputated Institutes such as BHEL.NTPC,ISRO or any other, please tell me the criteria & procedure for applying or any other requirement.....THANKS!!

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