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5th August 2013 03:48 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Sir, my name is sarvani, I just want to know whether b, oharmacy students are are eligible fot this bank exams. If they are eligible for what podition they are suitable and how to apply for this exams. Icompleted my b.pharm with 71 percent.
18th April 2013 06:00 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?


Eligibility for Bank PO:

**The Candidate must be a graduate in any discipline from a recognized univerisity.

**Candidate must be between 21-30 years of age.


**For OBC 3 years relaxation.

**For SC/ST/Ex- service personnel 5 years.

**For physically handicap 10 years

**Candidate must have secured 60% aggregate in graduation.

**Some ohter banks aggregate is 55% as there rules.

all the best........
15th April 2013 03:59 AM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Dear Friend,

Exactly, you are preferable for bank PO exam after B.Tech with 60# marks.

The educational qualifications regarding with Probationary Officer exam are below mentioned:-

# Opponents must have finished their bachelor degree in any curriculum from any approved institution.

# There is no need of percentage in this exam.

# Opponents of last year of bachelor degree aren't preferable for this exam.

The age criteria and relaxation regarding with bank Probationary Officer exam are below mentioned:-

# 20-30 years(IBPS PO).

# 21-30 years(SBI PO).

# Relaxation:- 3 years, 5 years and 10 years for OBC, SC/ST and PH opponents.

# Citizenship:- Opponents must have an Indian citizenship.

14th April 2013 09:40 AM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Hi Friend.............

Eligibilty for IBPS Clerk:

Educational qualification

Any degree from recognized university.

Age Criteria:

Minimum: 18 years

Maximum:28 years

Upper age relaxation for reserved category candidates is as follows:

3 years for OBC.

5 years for SC.

10 years for PWD.

Selection process:-

Written exam,

Personal interview.

Syllabus for written exam:-

General english,


Numerical ability,

Marketing aptitude,

General awareness/Computer knowledge.

Eligibility for IBPS PO:

Educational qualification:

Any degree from recognized university.

Age Criteria:

Minimum: 20 years

Maximum: 30 years

Upper age relaxation for reserved category candidates is as follows:

3 years for OBC.

5 years for SC.

10 years for PWD.
13th April 2013 06:23 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Eligibilty for the IBPS BANK PO exams:
Min educational qualifications is Graduation Pass
Age should be between 20 and 30 years
OBC gets 3 years and SC/ST gets 5 years age relaxations

Questions will be asked from the below sections in the IBPS PO Exams:
Quantitative Aptitude
General Awareness with special reference to Banking Industry
Computer Knowledge
English Language
Descriptive Paper on English Composition

Eligibilty to apply for the SBI PO exams:

Graduation pass in any stream.
No minimum percentage of marks is required in Graduation

Minimum 21 years
Maximum- 30 years
13th April 2013 04:51 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Yes. You are eligible to give Bank PO Exams.

Have a glance over the required eligibility criteria to give Bank PO Exams.

Academic Qualification :
-One should have completed Graduation with any of the stream from a recognized university.
-No percentage of marks required for the candidate. Just completion of Graduation makes the candidate to be eligible to give Bank PO Exams.

Age criteria :
-Candidates who are from General category should possess an age between 21-30 years.
-Relaxation is there in upper age limit upto 3 years for the candidates of OBC category.
-For the candidates of SC/ST category, relaxation is there in upper age limit upto 5 years.

From the previous academic year, IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) is conducting Common Written Exam for the recruitment of PO positions for 19 public sector banks.

I suggest you to have good preparation for this exam and crack it.

All the best....................
13th April 2013 04:23 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Hi friend.........

Bank PO Eligibility:

Candidate should have to complete the Graduation from any recognized University.

Candidate required the min 55% of marks. So you are eligible for this exam.

The candidate age limit should be between 21 to 30 years.

3 years relaxation for OBc

5 years relaxation for SC\ST.

All the best...........
13th April 2013 01:13 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Dear Kavya,

The acronym for PO is Probationary Officer.

Yes, you are eligible for bank PO examinations.

Bank PO examinations are conducted by both IBPS and SBI every year at different time interval.

The selection procedure for the IBPS and SBI PO examinations is mentioned as below:-

* Written examination.

* GD(Group Discussion) - Only in SBI examinations.

* Personnel interview.

* Medical examination.

The eligibility criteria required for the IBPS and SBI PO examinations are prescribed as below:-

* Completion of graduation in any stream from any accredited college or university.

* Final year contenders are not eligible.

* Percentage is not required.

* Age limit:- 20-30 yrs - IBPS PO.
21-30 yrs - SBI PO.

* Age relaxation:- 3 yrs for OBC and 5 yrs for SC/St contenders.

* Nationality:- Indian.
31st March 2013 10:46 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Dear friend the following eligibility must be required for the bank PO exam:

Education qualification:-
The minimum educational qualification required for applying to bank PO exam is that the candidate should hold a bachelor's degree from any recognized university. The percentage of marks required generally ranges from 50% to 60% for different banks.

Age limit:-
Candidate must be above 21 years of age and must not be more than 30 years of age.

Relaxation is there in upper age limit and also in percentage of marks for the candidates of SC/ST.

The selection procedure will be by
-Written test
-Personal Interview.

Best of luck.......
31st March 2013 07:49 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Originally Posted by kavyakasu View Post
Respected sir,my good is kavya.sir,i just completed my with computer science and engg.I have 60%aggregate.can i eligible for this bank po exam?how can i prepare for this one?.plz give me the suggestion .thank u sir
I am happy to inform you that after passing B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering.
Bank P.O exam is conducted by:-
> State bank of India
> I.B.P.S

> Pass graduation with any stream from recognized university.
> Age limit for Bank P.O is 21-30 year.
For ST/SC candidate is 21-37 year.
> Only Indian can apply for bank P.O

There are three stage of selection:-
> Written Exam
> Group Discussion
> Interview

For more detail log on to:-

31st March 2013 06:21 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Hi dear...

Yes, you are eligible for Bank PO Exam as you fulfill the given criteria.

> Candidate should have secured at least 60% aggregate marks in graduation from any recognized University.

> Your age should be between 21 to 30 years.

Different Banks have different eligibility criteria and different exams conducted.

But the above given criteria is generally followed by every bank.

So, you could go and buy a form for the upcoming PO, and you should check this with the respective banks website.

All the best...!!

31st March 2013 05:26 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Dear Friend,

Exactly, you are preferable for Bank PO exam after B.Tech with 60% aggregate marks.

Bank exams are for those opponents who want to make bright future in banking department getting Clerical or PO position.

To get job in Banking department, you will have to give banking exams organized by State Bank of India and Institute of Banking personnel Selection.

State Bank of India and Institute of Banking Personnel Selection organize bank Clerical and PO exams every year at different time interval.

The educational qualifications regarding with SBI Clerk and PO exams are below mentioned:-

* Opponents must have finished bachelor degree in any curriculum from any approved institution.

* Opponents of last year aren't preferable for this exam.

* The age criteria must be lie in between 18-28 years for Clerical position and 21-30 years for Po position.

* The relaxation of age is assumed for OBC and SC/ST opponents is 3 and 5 years.

* Opponents must be an Indian.


31st March 2013 03:39 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Why are you applying for the Bank PO entrance exam? You have completed Bachelor of Technology degree in Computer Science. You should instead of Bank PO, apply for the Public Sector Undertaking.

However if you are still only interested in doing Bank PO, do the following. Firstly I will point out that you are eligible for the Bank PO entrance exam from Institute of Banking Personal Services (IBPS).

The criteria to appear for this entrance exam is graduation degree. The percentage is not considered. Therefore any candidate with graduation degree can apply for the IBPS Bank PO.

The exam is conducted in the month of June every year. The notification is released on the The notification generally is published couple of months in advance. Follow the procedure mentioned in the notification to apply for the Bank PO.

Eligibility Criteria

1. The applicant should be Indian citizen to appear for Bank PO.

2. He/She should hold a valid graduation degree from any recognized college.

3. There is no percentage criteria.

4. The minimum age to apply for exam is 20 years while 30 is the maximum age.

5. The OBC candidate is eligible for maximum of 3 years relaxation in upper age limit.

6. The relaxation is up to 5 years for SC and ST.

7. There is 10 years of relaxation for Person With Disability

The IBPS Bank PO exam is conducted on the behalf of 19 Public Sector Banks. After clearing the exam you can apply for the following banks:

Allahabad Bank

Andhra Bank

Bank of Baroda

Bank of Maharashtra

Bank of India

Central Bank of India

Canara Bank

Dena Bank

Corporation Bank

Indian Overseas Bank

Indian Bank

Punjab National Bank

Oriental Bank of Commerce

Syndicate Bank

Punjab & Sind Bank

United Bank of India

Union Bank of India

Vijaya Bank

UCO Bank
31st March 2013 03:26 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Yes you are eligible for Bank PO exam. You can apply for IBPS and SBI PO exam also.

Eligilbity of SBI Probitonary Officer->

To appear in sbi po exam candidate should be graduate degree with 55% marks in any discipline from a recognized university. Reserve candidate get relaxation of 5% in qualification.

Age of candidate should minimum 21 and maximum 30 years. Relaxation in Upper age for SC/ST is 5 years ,OBC is 3 years, PD 10 year, Widow 9 year.

For detail visit on--


IBPS stands for Institue of Banking Personnel Selection. IBPS conduct the Common written exam for po and clerk for 19 public sector of bank.

Allahabad Bank
Andhra Bank
Bank of Baroda
Bank of India
Bank of Maharashtra
Canara Bank
Central Bank of India
Corporation Bank
Dena Bank
Indian Bank
Indian Overseas Bank
Oriental Bank of Commerce
Punjab National Bank
Punjab & Sind Bank
Syndicate Bank
Union Bank of India
United Bank of India
UCO Bank
Vijaya Bank

Eligiblity for IBPS PO exam->

To appear in IBPS po exam candidate should have graduate degree in any decipline from recognised university. There is no any percentage criteria in graduation.

Age should between 20 to 30 years. Relaxation for sc/st/ex-serviceman 5 year, obc 3 year, pd 10 year, widow 9 year in upper age limit.

31st March 2013 03:20 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Yes, you are eligible for bank P.O. after completion of B.Tech. with 60% marks.

Bank P.O.(Probationary Officer) exam generally conducted by SBI & IBPS(Institute for Banking Personal Selection) for 19 Public sector banks which needs no percentage of marks criteria for application to Bank P.O. Exam.

Eligibility for SBI/IBPS P.O. Exam:-

-The candidate must be an Indian National.
-Should have completed Graduation in any stream of education from a recognised University.
-Should be within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate.
-Should be a computer literate one.

Some private bank need percentage of marks criteria for application to P.O. exam.
31st March 2013 05:59 AM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Dear Friend,

The educational qualifications regarding with Bank PO exam are below mentioned:-

* Opponents must have finished bachelor degree from any approved institution.

* Opponents must have computer knowledge.

* The age criteria must be lie in between 20-30 years for IBPS PO and 21-30 years for SBI PO.

* Opponents of last year aren't preferable for this exam.

The books for bank PO exam are below mentioned:-

28th March 2013 03:10 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Originally Posted by kavyakasu View Post
Respected sir,my good is kavya.sir,i just completed my with computer science and engg.I have 60%aggregate.can i eligible for this bank po exam?how can i prepare for this one?.plz give me the suggestion .thank u sir

Dear Friend,

yes , you are eligible for BANK PO exam ..........

The candidate should be a graduate or equivalent. The same should be in any stream from a recognized university.......

you have knowledge about basic computer handling......

Age Limit should be between 21-30 years for general category...

Relaxation on upper age:

SC/ST: 35 years...

OBC: 33 years...

PWD: 10 years...

All the best......

26th March 2013 06:24 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Dear Kavya,

The acronym for PO is Probationary Officer.

Yes definitely, you are eligible for Bank PO examination.

Bank PO examination is conducted by SBI and IBPS.

The eligibility criteria required for Bank PO examination are prescribed as below:-

* Completion of graduation in any discipline from any recognized college or university.

* Final year contenders of graduation are also eligible for this examination.

* Nationality:- Indian.

* Age limit:- 21-30 yrs.

* Age relaxation:- 3 yrs for OBC and 5 yrs for SC/ST contenders.

* Nationality:- Indian.

The selection procedure for Bank PO examination is mentioned as below:-

* Written examination.

* GD(For SBI only).

* Interview.

25th March 2013 09:05 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

The eligibility criteria for appearing for ibps exam are:

You must be the citizen of INDIA
you must have a minimum age of about 20yrs and maximum age of 28yrs.
you must have passed any degree with minimum pass percentage of 60 from any recognised university.

The age criteria differs for different category and different posts

As you satisfy all the criterias you are eligible for appearing for this exam...

25th October 2011 02:02 AM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Yes, definately !

If you have scored minimum 60% marks in your course then you are eligible to appear in the bank P.O exams.

Because to appear in Bank P.O exams, the Candidate should have completed their graduation with at least 60 % aggregate marks from the recognized University.

And your age is between 21 to 30 years and you should have a basic computer knowledge also, if you are interested to appear in this exams.

So, if you are interested to appear in bank P.O exams, then please purchase some competition books from the market and keep practice because in now a days, the
competition is very high and the number of post less. So, its very difficult to get
clear in this exams. So, please prepare well for Bank P.O exams......
10th October 2011 04:29 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

hi friends...

definitely , the person with minimum 60% marks in his/her graduation is eligible for the BANK PO exam..
work hard u will definitely get job in BANK..
try to solve previous year question papers it will helps u a lot...n also try to solve as many questions as u can.. Because in bank exam question paper consist of approx 200 questions and u have to solve these questions in very less time period.

question paper includes
*Quantitative aptitude
*General awareness
*General English
*Computer knowledge.

there are 2 rounds in BANK recruitment
1. written test
2. interview

when you clear written test after that u are eligible for the giving interview.

all the best for future. :-)
5th October 2011 04:01 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Required Educational Qualification for Bank PO Clerk exam

To Pass 10+2 or any Bachelor/Master's Degree with minimum of 50% aggregate.
To pass 10th with minimum of 60% aggregate

Age Criteria:
you should be Between 18 To 28 years .

Age relaxation is given to Student who belongs to following Community:
OBC : 3years
SC/ST : 5 years
Ph Disabled :10 years
Widows : 9 years
5th October 2011 04:18 AM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

respected sir ,
i m from pune university,
here last year marks gonna mention on degree.
i have got 55 % aggregate and in last year 60 %.
on university degree 1ST CLASS(60%) is mention.

so , can i eligible for all bank PO exam ?
10th September 2011 04:22 AM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

the attachments are ..........see here i have forgoton in last reply you can see here................
and also go to the site for all the bank po exams details and there cirteria
10th September 2011 04:19 AM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

yes are eligible for all the bank po exams if you will satisfied all other eligibility criteria
see the attachments for all other criteria
ok all the best
13th August 2011 10:20 AM
vipin bihari chaturvedi
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Hi dear,

Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Yes, definitely !

If you have scored minimum 60% marks in your course then you are eligible to appear in the bank P.O exams.

Because to appear in Bank P.O exams, the Candidate should have completed their graduation with at least 60 % aggregate marks from the recognized University.

And your age is between 21 to 30 years and you should have a basic computer knowledge also, if you are interested to appear in this exams.

So, if you are interested to appear in bank P.O exams, then please purchase some competition books from the market and keep practice because in now a days, the
competition is very high and the number of post less. So, its very difficult to get
clear in this exams. So, please prepare well for Bank P.O exams......

13th August 2011 02:15 AM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Originally Posted by kavyakasu View Post
Respected sir,my good is kavya.sir,i just completed my with computer science and engg.I have 60%aggregate.can i eligible for this bank po exam?how can i prepare for this one?.plz give me the suggestion .thank u sir
Dear friend,

you have just completed your b-tech degree so you have lots of higher study scope

M-TECH :- you must be cleared the GATE exam.
MBA:- you must be cleared the CAT or MAT exam.
MS:- only b-tech course
JRF:- only b-tech course
PHD:- with valid GATE score.

all the best
12th August 2011 03:06 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Originally Posted by kavyakasu View Post
Respected sir,my good is kavya.sir,i just completed my with computer science and engg.I have 60%aggregate.can i eligible for this bank po exam?how can i prepare for this one?.plz give me the suggestion .thank u sir
The bank PO exam is conducted for candidates to join in the bank for the post of proabtionary officer.

For writing this exam you must be a eligible,as far regarding your qualification as you have done with computer science you are eligible for the exam.

The candidates must have a degree from a recognzed university with 60% aggregate for the post of probationary officer and must have a age limit of 21-30 years.
12th August 2011 01:37 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Originally Posted by kavyakasu View Post
Respected sir,my good is kavya.sir,i just completed my with computer science and engg.I have 60%aggregate.can i eligible for this bank po exam?how can i prepare for this one?.plz give me the suggestion .thank u sir
Of course,you are eligible for Bank PO with 60% aggregate computer science,as it is all the banks need as far regarding the education qualification.

The other criteria's for eligible for bank PO are:

1.The candidate must be a citizen of India.

2.The candidate must have a age limit of 21-30 years.

3.The candidates must have a degree from a recognized university with 60% aggregate.

4.For the bank PO the candidates must have known about computers and should know to operate MS Office.

For more information regarding this exam you can check at the official site of the bank in which you are applying.
29th July 2011 06:34 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

I am a btech student with 55% aggregate.But i have back papers.Am i able to write the exam for the post for PO.
6th July 2011 07:02 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Yes you are eligible.

The eligibility criteria for bank PO exams are:

1) You have to show your degree of passing by the end of the time decided by the bank authorities.

2) You should have a minimum of 55% marks throughout your graduation (relaxation for SC/ST)

Graduation can be done in any discipline.

and some banks demand 60% marks in aggregate.

3) You should have a degree in computer from NIT's or other institutes.

4) Your age should be between 21 years and 30 years.

To know about the upcoming bank exams, click here.
1st May 2011 12:42 AM
Rohit Vashisht
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

For most of the bank's Probationary Officers examination, minimum educational qualification required is that the candidate must have a graduate degree/BE/B-Tech degree with minimum 55-60% aggragate marks. Minimum % of marks required may vary from diffrent bank's recruitment examination.

So you can appear for Bank's PO recruitment examination on the basis of your B-Tech degree with 60% marks.
30th April 2011 07:03 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Yes you are eligible for all banks exam .

Eligibility for BANK PO

Graduate with minimum 55 % marks in some banks and in some it is 60% as you have got
60% so it mean that you are eligible for all banks .

Age should be between 21 to 30 years


You should have a basic computer knowledge.

So it mean that you are eligible for all banks and you can fill their application form
whenever it is notified it employment newspapers.
30th April 2011 05:19 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Yes, you are eligible for the Bank PO exam after B Tech. as eligibility criteria is as follows:

1. Must be a citizen of India
2. Must be a computer literate
3. Must be Graduate in any feild with atleast 50% aggregate marks.
30th April 2011 05:11 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Eligibility criteria for Bank PO job

Age limit:

Minimum 21 years – Maximum 30 years for general category candidates.

- For OBC 3 years relaxation.

- For SC/ST/Ex- service personnel 5 years.

- For physically handicap 10 years.

Educational Qualification:

Graduate with minimum 55% marks aggregate from recognized University.

Eligibility criteria varies from bank to banks.

As you are having 60% in B.Tech then you are eligible for Bank PO examination.

All the Best....
30th April 2011 04:49 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Yes you are eligible.

The eligibility is as follows:

1.A graduate with minimum 60% marks.

2.Age limit:21-30yrs.
30th April 2011 04:38 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Originally Posted by shubham13 View Post
i am a final year student who is going to appear in 8th sem in may. i will get my provisional degree by june 2011. corporation bank exam is in may. am i eligible for its exam as results will be out later by the time i would have completed my graduation.

plesae reply any1.......HELP!!!!
no dude
final year student can not appear for bank PO EXAM
30th April 2011 04:35 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i got 65% in but 55% 12th standard. am i eligible for bank P.O.
all the best
30th April 2011 04:31 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

yes you are eligible for bank PO examination. the general eligibility criterion for bank PO examination is candidate should have minimum of graduation degree with 60% marks from in recognized university. also the age of the candidate should be with 21 to 27 for general category candidate. this eligibility criterion varies from bank to bank. before applying for any Bank PO examination read the notification carefully for exact eligibility criterion for that examination.

as you have 60% marks and you have graduation degree in computer science then definitely you are eligible for bank PO examination. as you have degree in technical branch then you will face more opportunity after joining as probationary officer.

you may apply for database administrator job in bank with you computer science engineering degree.

best wishes.
30th April 2011 04:31 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
si r i complete my bca this year with 67%.iam interested to know can i eligible
for bank po exam.if yes than how can i apply for these exams.
you are surely eligible for bank PO exam.....
for applying for this exams you have to read everyday newspapers and check employement news.
than you have to fill up form online only.
all the best
30th April 2011 04:29 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Originally Posted by kavyakasu View Post
Respected sir,my good is kavya.sir,i just completed my with computer science and engg.I have 60%aggregate.can i eligible for this bank po exam?how can i prepare for this one?.plz give me the suggestion .thank u sir
ye you are eligible for all the bank PO exams.
your % is very good.
you don't have any problem
all the best
30th April 2011 04:03 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i got 65% in but 55% 12th standard. am i eligible for bank P.O.
Bank PO eligibility differs from one bank to another bank..

since you didnt mention any name i am giving you a general criteria for it..(it may vary)

as minimum eligiblity criteria is One must completed his graduation with atleast of 55% aggreagate and 12th class with a percentage of 60% for probationary..

and for clerical one need to clear 12th class with a minimum percentage of 60%..(or in highest degree)

so i think you are eligible for at-least SBI bank PO... AS above is the eligibility criteria for SBI BANK...
30th April 2011 03:21 PM
Somesh Goenka
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

The bank PO exam is conducted for the selection of
Probationary Officers post of various banks.
Each bank conducts it own exam.


Educational Qualification:

Candidate must be a graduate in any discipline.
Candidate must have secured 60% aggregate in graduation.
For some banks aggregate is 55%.

Age Limit:

Candidate must be between 21-30 years of age.

Exam Pattern:

Books for preparation:

30th April 2011 02:21 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

solve this problem........
1)Gain bandwidth product of 2 stage CE amplifier compared to single stage
a). greater b). lesser c). same etc
30th April 2011 02:16 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Eligibility criteria for Bank PO exam:

Education qualification:

Candidate should have Minimum graduation degree with any discipline with 60% marks in an recognized university.


Age should be between 21 to 30 years.

If you fulfill with above mentioned criteria,then you can appear for any Bank PO exams.
30th April 2011 02:12 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Education Qualification
For the post of PO candidate should be graduate in any discipline
from a recognized university. Those appeared in the final year examination
are also eligible.

Age Limit
Generally the age limit required by most of the bank for the post
of bank PO is between 21 to 30 years.
30th April 2011 02:06 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

Surely you are eligible for the bank PO exams.

Here is the eligibility criteria for bank PO exams.

-One should have completed his graduation from a recognized institute with a minimum of 55% in their graduation and 60% in their graduation.

-Some banks will put graduation with 60% as the eligibility criteria.

-One should be in the age group of 21-30 years.

-Relaxation is there in upper age limit and also in percentage of marks for the candidates of SC/ST.

The selection procedure will be by
-Written test
-Personal Interview.

Written test consists of questions from various categories
-Quantitative aptitude
-General awareness
-General English
-Computer / Marketing knowledge.

One need to qualify in each of the categories and there will be negative marking for the wrong answers.

So if you are having a minimum of 60% in 10+2, then you can become eligible for bank PO exams
3rd April 2011 01:42 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

i am in ELECTRICAL with 65% but 55% in 10 2 and 72% in i eligible for bank p.o. and do i need a computer certificate
3rd April 2011 01:39 PM
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

i got 65% in but 55% 12th standard. am i eligible for bank P.O.
28th March 2011 07:59 PM
kapila Chaudhary
Re: Eligible for BANK PO exam after B.Tech with 60% Aggregate?

As per educational eligiblity criteria you are eligible for Bank PO exam.

PLease see below the detailed eligiblity criteria for details.

Eligibility Criteria for Bank PO Exam:
•Candidate must be citizen of India.
•Candidate should have completed their graduation with at least 60 % aggregate from the recognized University to be eligible for this course.
•Candidate must be computer literate to be eligible for this course.
•Candidate must be above 21 years of age and must not be more than 30 years of age.
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