Thread: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT Reply to Thread

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24th May 2012 03:42 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Plz tell me whether to go for MCA or B Tech??? And is it compulsory to do M Tech after B tech???
24th May 2012 03:22 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Which is better??? MCA or BTech.... And Which is affordable???
6th April 2012 10:41 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

I would say go for your interest. Go for what you like. Thats always the best as you have to live with this career throughout your life. Believe me its very important.

And all 3 courses which you listed have good scope with MBA having greater in money and scope and MCA also good and MSc aint bad too...

So whichever you chose you will rock
31st January 2012 06:51 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

I would say go for your interest. Go for what you like. Thats always the best as you have to live with this career throughout your life. Believe me its very important.

And all 3 courses which you listed have good scope with MBA having greater in money and scope and MCA also good and MSc aint bad too...

So whichever you chose you will rock

1st December 2011 07:18 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

thanks alot faiyaz!!!!
15th November 2011 06:30 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Now i m in tyit and i want to do MBA IT but i want to know that how to give this exam in the sense there is any entrance exam like
CAT,MAT etc and what is the syllabus for there exams .As i live in thane so where we will get the mba forms and when this exam
will take place.Which are the institute for this course. how to prepare for this course and what is the syllabus for this course please give in details.
14th November 2011 11:42 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Sir, i am pursuing my T.Y.Bsc IT and want to know the fees required for MBA(IT) according to per year and how many years this course take s to complete. As i am in T.Y. so their is any percentage requirement to do MBA(IT) OR their is anything else like the pass class students are
not able to appear for it please suggest. Please suggest which is the good university or any reputed colleges that gives the placement and
related private courses in thane or in nearby stations.
20th October 2011 04:29 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Now i am doing my B.Sc I.T.
Which is the better option after i.t. to get good job .
18th October 2011 03:41 AM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

I am doing BSc you suggest next level of education?
9th October 2011 05:01 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

u can apply for ca,cs,icwa if u r frm commerce. for science u can apply for bca, and other professional corces and for arts stream u can apply for mass comm or fashion disigner
7th October 2011 07:28 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

can you please suggest me what all are the entrance exams necessary for doing MBA(IT/SYSTEMS)
and when it should be pursued -after graduation or before graduation of bscit
26th September 2011 01:21 AM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

my dear friend
here i have to say depending upon your interest only whether go for highre studies or job.but sincerally my suggestion is if you have interest to study higher studies go for higher studies only.than don't concentrate on job
all the best
23rd September 2011 11:53 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Originally Posted by vina yadav View Post
after graduation in B.Sc I.T,which field should be better for me either to pursue M.B.A,M.C.A,M.Sc or to do first job and then continue studies.
And I dont have any idea about M.C.A please give me some idea and detail information about every field.
Also along with graduation,which language should be better for me to study
like java,vb etc.
hi dear ,
as per ur question i want to suggest u that u should job then u should take admission in ur pg . because its time when everybody ask for work ex. it will help u in pg admission and at the time of ur next good job.
all the best>
11th September 2011 06:44 AM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

I am doing bsc(it) course from distance education.I am in third year.what is the right path after it?
7th September 2011 04:28 PM
manoj rajpurohit
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT is not sufficient in these days, yo should go for the higher stud, this is a time of competition. there is a huge competition in these days in which if you have no sufficient knowledge then you will not survive.

i am telling you that you should go for the higher study,

Yes you can go for the MCA, and you can also go for the in this case you will take more knowledge. you have in IT so you can take the java field, there are many scopes in this field.

best of luck.
20th August 2011 03:48 PM
amaan khan ak
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Originally Posted by vina yadav View Post
after graduation in B.Sc I.T,which field should be better for me either to pursue M.B.A,M.C.A,M.Sc or to do first job and then continue studies.
And I dont have any idea about M.C.A please give me some idea and detail information about every field.
Also along with graduation,which language should be better for me to study
like java,vb etc.
after graduation u can have many options.
all three options are good and have their own value.
mca is also a good option for your future prefernce.
u can do mca and along with this u can learn programming language.
java is the best language now a u can choose this is very easy language and easy to learn and take less time to learn.

so choose the right option.

all the best
11th August 2011 05:49 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

dear friend

boss that is depend on u
if u have good finance conditon then i think study is better option then job
then can good chance for job option

else u can job
11th August 2011 11:11 AM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Hey Friennds
I completed my BSc IT and i am thinking about SOFTWARE TESTING Cource.
So give me an advice is s/w Testing will give me an good carrier
15th July 2011 09:05 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

You should go for the higher studies and then search for a job because then it will be more convenient to search a job.

You should give preference to your interest because all the courses you listed are good and are job oriented.

But as per the scope MBA & MCA will be better then M.Sc if you want a good job.
29th June 2011 05:03 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Hello i am done wid my Bsc.IT... waiting for results... i want to knw for Post Graduation...Msc.IT Or MCA ???
9th June 2011 02:58 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

after completion of bscit can i go for any type of engineering????????
5th June 2011 12:18 AM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

I finished my so that I want to study in madras university,how can i join that university and total amount details.
26th May 2011 12:11 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

I think you have to go for Master degree i.e. Msc IT
it is good and after that you will get good job in IT software companies and they pay high salary to you...
24th May 2011 09:51 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

is it benificial to me to do hardware and networking after bsc it?????
24th May 2011 06:25 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

after graduation in B.Sc I.T,which field should be better for me? i hate programming....
which is best for me M.C.A or M.B.A...
13th May 2011 05:21 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Is part time MBA IT has a scope as i am working after compeleting my BSC IT graduation
30th April 2011 01:18 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

I think you should go for higher study ....If you think to job then i will suggest you first complete your higher degree and then apply for job,,,,,,
23rd April 2011 07:55 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

2nd March 2011 11:57 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

hey guys please tell me that after doing bscit,i want to do mba abroad.what eligibilty is there and its too time consuming.what should i do?
24th January 2011 05:38 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

whitch cource is better after bscit know a day for carrier grouth.
................pls mail me at
24th January 2011 09:09 AM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
after completing bsc physics which is best to study eother msc or mba in msc which branch of physics have a scope now

I think suits best to you, you would be learn the same subject.
22nd January 2011 08:19 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

after completing bsc physics which is best to study eother msc or mba in msc which branch of physics have a scope now
2nd January 2011 10:11 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

You are a graduate and i think it is enough for any type of job but higher study is also important if you don't want to lag behind other . So i would like to suggest you both to do if you able to do.
1st January 2011 07:36 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

better u can do ur higher stuides doing some p.g like M.c.a, will help really in ur future,....then u can apply for any job./..
1st January 2011 11:37 AM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

my dear friend,
according to my opinion u can go forhigher studies.for your various higher studies option r
2.MBA etc.
u canchoose any of the above one.
if u can chose MBA,then for ur various MBA related courses r management management.
3.industrial management
u can choose any of the above cousses.
if u do higher studies then u can get advantages like
1.u get more salary
2.your post will be high.
so take decission &make ur bright future.
good luck.
1st January 2011 03:54 AM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

i think after completion of IT you should go for the MCA or MSc(IT).this
is better choice.the course are more value able course.go for that.
best wishes.........
31st December 2010 11:49 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Originally Posted by vina yadav View Post
after graduation in B.Sc I.T,which field should be better for me either to pursue M.B.A,M.C.A,M.Sc or to do first job and then continue studies.
And I dont have any idea about M.C.A please give me some idea and detail information about every field.
Also along with graduation,which language should be better for me to study
like java,vb etc.
After B.Sc IT going for higher studies is the best option. Go M.Sc IT which will suit your career the best.

Going for other course is not suitable for IT.

Do it in a well recognized college and do your project well.

That will fetch you a good job.

All the best.
31st December 2010 10:03 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

In this competitive environment the role of higher education is very important. so i will suggest you to go for higher studies.after higher studies you will definitely get good job. choose the field according to your interest. i will recommend you to do M.C.A . try to learn java and .NET,VB and VB.NET .knowledge of these languages is sufficient.
31st December 2010 09:53 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Q. what are the job opportunities after bsc(pcm) ?also after graduation in B.Sc pcm in wat should i do ???

A. You have several opportunities

1. To complete MSc and search for job
- in teaching line (schools, universities)
- in research field
- in centres for sciences P C or M

2. To go straight to job and get into a company that provides learn-while-you-earn type job. This will get you the advanced basics of your field
31st December 2010 07:37 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Hello friend,

it's just not enough for getting a good job or better career prospect only with BSC IT.
So, opt for further studies first then look forward at job market.
Since, you are (IT), MBA (IT) will be much better for the point of job prospect and present Market value.
Between MCA and (CSE) preferance are given to one.And also because number of MCA graduate has increased to such a considerable extent that it getting tougher for find place in job Merket.

ood luck.....
31st December 2010 06:01 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Hi friend

1)B.Sc IT you cannot expect a good salary it take 5 to 10 year to settle in Life

so better go for MSc then you have lot of Job opportunity and side by side finish Computer course like

*IBM Main Frame
*Dot Net

they will really help you in your field

2)You can also go for MBA ,But do it in Best university by writing the CAT Exam,then it will be very much valid

Best of luck Choose is yours choose the Best for your Further
31st December 2010 05:29 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Dear Friend
As i know its depend on your interest that you want to do job then can apply for job but its batter to do masters degree so you can do following courses after B.Sc:-
M.Sc in IT
M.Sc in CSE
its depend on your choice.
so after masters you camn get more job opportunities
good luck...
31st December 2010 04:05 PM
dreksha chaudhary
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Dear friend,

It depends on your interest and financail conditions. If you are interested in study then it is very good, profesnal corses like MBA and MCA are too expensive and you have to spend alot of money so if your fininancial conditions sound then go for MCA & MBA.

MSc is also good but job oppertunities are less comparing to MCA & MBA.

So you decide your own after analizing your interest and fininancial conditions.

If you are interested in job then try for defence servises, Research centers and police services.

All the best.
31st December 2010 03:15 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Originally Posted by vina yadav View Post
after graduation in B.Sc I.T,which field should be better for me either to pursue M.B.A,M.C.A,M.Sc or to do first job and then continue studies.
And I dont have any idea about M.C.A please give me some idea and detail information about every field.
Also along with graduation,which language should be better for me to study
like java,vb etc.
Dear friend,
You are eligible for any MNC job,but i think hagher study is require for a respective job in IT industry...
31st December 2010 02:56 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

i think after completion of B.Sc IT you should choose either MCA or M.Sc IT. I don't think MBA IT will be suitable for you.

but what you will choose it will totally depend on you. actually there are almost similar course MCA and M.Sc IT. but there is some difference in syllabus. the way of teaching is totally different and expense is also more in MCA than M.Sc IT.

actually if you go for MCA then you will learn your subject as well as you will learn to be professional. but if you go for M.Sc IT then you will learn your subject more but there will not any scope to develop your personality. there will not any subject related to the communication or HR in M.Sc IT. i think you should choose MCA if you want to join in IT industry after completion of your master degree.

but if you want to study further and you want to go for research field then M.Sc IT is better.

best wishes.
20th December 2010 04:01 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

what are the job opportunities after bsc(pcm) ?also after graduation in B.Sc pcm in wat should i do ???
10th December 2010 03:54 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT


1st December 2010 05:53 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

hey hi
with just Bsc you cannot fetch a good need more qualification for a better job so its better you go in for higher studies
all the best
25th November 2010 07:35 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

I suggest you to go for higher studies because having an extra degree in hand will fetch you further.It all depends upon your interest friend.
If your interested in market field then you can opt for MBA from a better
If your interested in computer stream then go for MCA so that you can compete with with the students.
Prefer either MBA or MCA.That's better.

all the best
25th November 2010 03:32 PM
Re: Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Give me some idea about M.B.A in I.T as I have no knowledge about M.B.A in I.T as what to prepare,when to fill form,which classes is better etc
MBA(IT) is different from general MBA. in MBA you have to study only management subject. also whatever you will learn will related to business management.

but in MBA(IT) you have to learn business management and information technology also. so many computer subjects are extra in MBA(IT).

the scope and job opportunity for MBA(IT) is better than general MBA student. the pay scale also high. but it is also very difficult subject.

you may directly join in MBA institution. or you may join through CAT/MAT examination. if you go with examination you will get a good institution to take admission.

best wishes.
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