2nd May 2010, 06:48 PM
Higher Studies or Job first? after BSc IT
after graduation in B.Sc I.T,which field should be better for me either to pursue M.B.A,M.C.A,M.Sc or to do first job and then continue studies.
And I dont have any idea about M.C.A please give me some idea and detail information about every field. Also along with graduation,which language should be better for me to study like java,vb etc. |
2nd May 2010, 11:47 PM
I would say go for your interest. Go for what you like. Thats always the best as you have to live with this career throughout your life. Believe me its very important.
And all 3 courses which you listed have good scope with MBA having greater in money and scope and MCA also good and MSc aint bad too... So whichever you chose you will rock Cheers |
3rd May 2010, 01:47 PM
You can go in any of the following :
1. Msc.(IT) 2. MCA 3. MBA 4. Msc.(CSE) These all are best if you work hard & show your interest then you will definitely got a good job. Best of luck |
3rd May 2010, 07:53 PM
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B.sc (IT) is just not enough for getting a good job or better career prospect. So, opt for further studies first then look forward at job market. Since, you are B.sc (IT), MBA (IT) will be much better for the point of job prospect and present Market value. I will not advice you to opt for MCA, that's because MCA has no longer remain as prosperous as it was previously.Between MCA and B.tech (CSE) preferance are given to B.tech one.And also because number of MCA graduate has increased to such a considerable extent that it getting tougher for find place in job Merket. Now the dicission is your's. Best of Luck ![]() |
4th May 2010, 01:44 PM
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People thnik that MBA (IT) and system are more or less same but there is huge differance in between them.Dont go on that topic just focus on your path that is MBA (IT). After getting that dergee you will be able to work as Consultant, Project manager, system analyst, Business analyst, Domain consultant, Analytic manager etc. in IT companies. For persuin that course it is better to get into some good institute, so go through CAT,MAT,XAT or else like entrance. Best of Luck ![]() |
4th May 2010, 03:42 PM
I htink you should go for further studies. You can do MBA from a good institute and have reputed job then or you can go for M.Sc also if you don't want to change your field.you should go for M.Sc(IT) from gud reputed DU colleges and then go for Phd which will be the best combo pack for you to enhance your career growth.... Good Luck!!!! |
4th May 2010, 04:05 PM
M.Sc it is he best option if u r planning to end up in teaching profession... If not do MCA in a good college where there is campus recruitment.. looks like u r frm india.... If going for MCA u can choose Amirtha university..its one among the best.... For M.Sc every university is same only thing matters is how much teaching, communicating skill u have.. good luck.... |
5th May 2010, 11:10 AM
I have done my deploma in Hardware and Networking and also will be completing my BSc.I.T this year. Please suggest me should i go for MSc.I.T or MBA I.T. or any other related post graduation path, because I am already working with a reputed company and have gained an experiance of more than 3 years in hardware and networking Domain. Please suggest me What should i go for, for the post graduation ?
6th May 2010, 01:56 PM
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Since, you had done B.sc (IT) and also working in reputed company for last 3 years, it will be much better for you to persue MBA (IT/System). Dont think just opt to MBA weather IT or System, both are relieable for you. As you mentioned you have 3 years of experiance in hardware and networking Domain, so after getting MBA IT or System you can get executive post like that of Domain Consultant, Business Analyst etc. Best of Luck ![]() |
6th May 2010, 02:57 PM
Thanks a Lot Faiyaz.... Can you please tell me somthing more about MBA (System) & what exactlly Its all about..? and What is the difference between MBA IT and System. Because I have done MY BSCIT but I am not keen towards programming n all other related stuff...! Please suggest me.
10th May 2010, 02:42 PM
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MBA (IT) VS MBA (System) MBA (IT) is all about studing technology subjects along with managerial one. This course is being opted by professionals from any background who are familiar with IT. But MBA (System) is all about application of technology you have learned with managerial skills, so this field requires professionals from strong Technological background, if you are not familiar with Programming and all then will be difficult for you. If we talk about job prospect then MBA (IT) takes a good lead, because any small or big company requires MBA (IT) for handling there day to day functioning of business. And as we know India is no.1 in IT in world, so definitely we require more MBA (IT) and MBA (system/Operations). According to me MBA system is hardcore subject and professionals from good academics record or having good familiarisation with programing and technology find jobs or good jobs. Now, decision is your's weather op for MBA (IT) or MBA (System). Remember today MBA requires Talent + Brand so if you want to explore good career prospect better swithc to some reputed or good Institute for persuing that course, also because when you will complete your MBA 2 or 3 years later at that time requirement and expectations of Market for such profession will be higher. Best of Luck ![]() Regards ~Faiyaz~ |
10th May 2010, 08:08 PM
if you want to give some time to prepare for your higher studies then you can go for the job option first. In the mean time you will be having some technical experience as well as you will be prepared to face any kind of entrance exams for higher qualifications because in todays competative era preperation n experience are the golden keys to get settled here.
lastly the decision is totally yours. listen what your mind says. all the very best for your future. |
13th May 2010, 09:31 PM
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Yeah I also agree if you are facing Monetory problem then better first get into some partime Job like- Private Tutor, Partime teacher in some primary school, some News paper office, Call Centre etc. Being in a Partime job, simultaneously you can opt for MBA (Partime or Evening) which are regular courses and is of same value as that of MBA day. I will not suggest you to go for M.sc (IT) because it will be hard to get into some IT Industry as because between B.tech, MCA and Msc. (IT) first preferance will of B.Tech, then MCA then M.sc (IT). And after persuing MBA (IT) you would not have to suffer much for getting into some good job. Best of Luck ![]() Regards ~Faiyaz~ |
14th May 2010, 12:25 AM
hello friend
its only the mattter of your interest and your requirement that wht you will do for your future if you wish to do job then its good or you can go for further studies so its upto you what you wnt to do ok all the best |
15th May 2010, 11:01 PM
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26th May 2010, 06:23 PM
dear friend,
if you are technically strong in your IT subjects then you must go for higher studies.if you have current financial middle background then go for job .after earning money or during you can also learn. |
1st June 2010, 01:24 PM
right nw i m in last year of BsCIT....I wanna knw which course i shall opt after BscIT for getting a good job in IT industry...
Also hw to get into that course n which is the best college in mumbai for doing that course...??? |
3rd June 2010, 02:17 PM
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If you have MAths as one of the main subject in +2 and have passed in it, then you can enroll for MCA, and better to go through MH-CET only through it you can expect some Good College in Mumbai for that. Otherwise if dont have Maths then opt for MBA (IT or Marketing) taht would be better for you to get into IT industry. And admission to any Goood college in Mumbai would be absed on MH-CET. Regards ~Faiyaz~ |
3rd June 2010, 02:34 PM
higher study efficient you get job as a senior officer but job gives you experiences in reletive fields,so you think which is better for you
3rd June 2010, 02:43 PM
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i think you should opt for java as the language..because vb is a very simple language and you can just buy any book and get through it in few months..am telling this through my experience.. |
3rd June 2010, 03:20 PM
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1.MCA-Look if you are going to do MCA then its going to be fruitful one because the top level IT companies and consultancy firms like TCS, Wipro, IBM, Oracle etc offers great job opportunities to a candidate with an MCA degree. In this era of computers the candidates find various opportunities in large corporations having an in-house systems department. They can even approach any IT company as a system developer and for various other roles.And you can do specialization in the following fields as follows: Systems Management Systems Development Systems Engineering Application Software Internet Management Information Systems (MIS) Software Development Troubleshooting Hardware Technology Networking 2.MBA-The MBA IT Program is of two-year management course organized into four semesters. In the first year students gain knowledge on all the disciplines of management with focus on Information Technology through 14 rigorous courses followed by a summer project in the Industry. During the second year students can take up the electives according to there interest in any one of the functional areas of Finance, IT or Marketing. Apart from the 10 courses, their will be two projects. In the 3rd Year the students will study an existing system under the astute guidance of their faculty and finally in the last semester the project asks for constant visits back in the Industry, asking the students to address the industry problems and provide consultancy. All the academic courses require case studies, reports and course projects by students, as programme seeks to develop managers for an integrated understanding of all business functions.The course encorporates flexibility in accordance with the latest practices in the Industry. Overall the rigorous curriculum of the MBA programme has a judicious blend of courses that provide an in-depth understanding of the operational and strategic aspects of managing with Information Technology. The MBA IT Program focuses on knowledge and skills required by management professionals who plan to work for Indian and multinational corporations. It provides the students with a general management perspective and introduces them to the latest concepts and practices related to functional areas of management. The substantive exposure to Indian and international management practices with a strong case-study orientation is a unique feature of the MBA Program. In addition, the MBA Program is structured in a flexible manner so that working executives can pursue this program without disturbing their careers.And you know the placement will be in the corporate body too. 3.M.Sc-You are doing a good degree but it not enough in today’s competitive world. You will have to develop something special in u which will differ you from others. Better you should opt any specialization according to your interest like u can choose any Networking, programming language or u can opt any database like Oracle and learn it quite hard. Then go for their certifications ( like OCA, OCP, MSCE, CCNA etc.). Once you are certified, with M.Sc. u will get more exposure in the job market. But i would better say opt for MCA or MBA , by opting M.Sc course you will have less prospective and opportunities. So, i would suggest better opt for MCA or MBA. For any further queries free to post here. Best of Luck, help100% ![]() |
3rd June 2010, 04:51 PM
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once u complete the cource u will be able to get a godd job compared to ur b.sc qualification and java language would be the best one when compared to other languages |
3rd June 2010, 09:41 PM
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4th June 2010, 06:29 PM
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job or higher study depend on your wish and family economic conditions. well, i suggest you to go for higher studies.Thats because,you are in touch with studies.Once you lost touch,you find it difficult to continue. M.B.A is a good option with lots of exposure and money.That means, good grouth in career. M.C.A is also a good option. |
8th June 2010, 04:10 PM
9th June 2010, 04:35 AM
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22nd June 2010, 01:32 PM
i am looking for a good master degree cource after bsc it..m likely interested in programing languages and have a bit of knowledge in it...so which master cource should i prefer for my higher studies??and m realy confused whether i should study in india or in abroad for my higher studies..!!!
23rd June 2010, 09:14 PM
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Well, since you are Interested in Programing Languages, then MCA is a good option for you. There in MCA you will find more or less every Programing Languages ranging from C to Oracle. So, if you have studied Mathematics in +2 and have passed init, then you are eligible for MCA. Or one another good option is complete your M.sc (IT) and Enroll for M.Tech (IT) through GATE. But, more or less I think MCA is better option, so that after it having some PG or PGD courses after that will lead you to good and promising career prospect. Regards ~Faiyaz~ |
24th June 2010, 12:00 AM
my dear friend,
as per me it will be better if you go for higher studies after doing B.Sc IT. it will be better if you do M.Sc or M.tech or MBA. as after doing any one of this you will complete your masters degree, after completion you will get higher package . |
24th June 2010, 01:51 AM
to do a job your gates of success will closed and you should make your limits .so higher studies is the best opportunity for you if you have all the means to attain it.
24th June 2010, 10:26 AM
dear friend
after completing B.SC(IT) u have two options 1. u can do job in ths case u will not get enough scope and u can't get promotion so easily as well as u will not get more salary. 2.u can go for higher studies in this case there are many ways 4 u like MBA(for business line) MCA(computer application 4 software line) MCA IS basically a software line of computer application after completing this u can join software industries. there is a lot of scope of this subject. all the best 4 ur carrier. |
27th June 2010, 02:40 PM
as you completed your bsc. you can get jobs for the junior posts but in my view you should carry out your studies first and in the menwhile take a job for experiance
2nd July 2010, 01:20 PM
![]() No, it is not possible to Persue M.Tech after having Bachelor degree. Either it is BCS or else, but persuing M.Tech is not possible. If you want to persue M.Tech (CS) then first complete your MCS/M.sc (CS) and then go through GATE, only after that you can do so. Regards ~Faiyaz~ |
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