Thread: Form filling for class XII boards form? Reply to Thread

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28th February 2017 12:14 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Sir I had passed my XII from upboard in 2015 and
Now I have only my roll number is there any thing which tells me the name of the institution from which the form was filled .
25th August 2014 08:32 AM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

if my fri.wants to change his subject and her bord form for class 10 u.p. bord has filld online then what proces will she do to change her subjects in class12
3rd December 2013 09:36 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

22nd September 2013 04:43 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

how to apply as private candidate for class 11in uttarakhand boards by music?
12th March 2013 09:16 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

hi i have faild in 11th commerce isc....can i get admission in 12 as private candidate or regular student in cbse or bihar board...plzzz help how can i apply for private candidate in bihar board or in cbse....plzzzz do rply throught [email protected] do help
9th January 2013 03:50 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

I am 15 yrs.Old. I sstoped my study after my Mother's Deth. Now I wish to give APBSE's S.S.C. exam as a private candidate. Is I am elegible for the same. If yes Kindly Please let me know the last date of form filing,Form submitting & fee etc. Please look in matter and reply on Email = [email protected]
Thank you.
29th November 2012 04:08 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Originally Posted by Hemant14 View Post
I m doing my 10+2 from a private.i would like to know that what has to be fille in certain columns of the form like:
1.School Board of class XII(column-14)
2.Type of institution of class XII(column-15)
3.Name of the qualification passed/appearing.
5.Name and address of the school appearing.
Please Guide me
Hi there,
Well the first options wants you to mention the board you are in, that is, West Bengal board or Delhi Board or Maharashtra Board etc. The next option signifies the name of the institution you are in. The third option wants you to fill in the prior qualification you had. Obviously in your case that will be your 10th level qualifications.The fourth option wants the specific type of board, that is, ISE or WBHS etc. Last one is but obvious, the address of your school. While filling up the form, make it sure that a teacher, preferably your class teacher is near you to correct you where you go wrong.
22nd September 2012 09:18 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Sir muje apna 12class ka compartment ka form fill krna h...mera y 4th chance h plzz y bataye ki muje apna kon sa roll no usme fill krna h 2nd time walla ya fir forth time walla
22nd September 2012 04:21 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

where is the form for class 11 scholarship?????????????????
26th August 2012 10:55 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

sir am failed in cbse 2012 examination in pcm now i wants to give private examination of cbse 2013 please inform me where i received the private form
10th August 2012 03:46 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

me 12th pass hu with commers or ab me science se krna chahata hu to me ek sub se 12th form bhar skta hu. meri email h [email protected]
10th July 2012 09:12 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

mai up board se 10plus 2 karna chata hu last date kab hai eligibility kya hai
16th June 2012 01:18 AM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Hi friend,

1.In this part of the question you need to fill up the name of the board.

2.Here you need to write the name of your scool.

3.Here you need to write the qualification you passed,means your 10th class.

4.Here write down the name of your board.

5.Inthis section you need to write the address of your school.

All the best for your exam.:
9th June 2012 10:50 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

please tell me that in which date of 2012,the enrollment form class xii student will given by wbchse
10th January 2012 09:38 AM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Is bseb announces form fill up date of class 10.if not what will be probably time
30th December 2011 07:39 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

i have this Question in aipmt form...{Type of Institution of Class XII?} should i mention whether my college is private or government or whether shd i enter that i'm not a private student for hsc boards???
30th November 2011 07:16 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Hi dear, this part you have to fill the name of you board,from which you studied.For example-cbse,isc,wbchse,or any other state board. this column you have to fill that your school is goverment or private once's. this column you have to write the name of your 10th exam (for example-icse etc) and the name of the class 12 exam you are appearing (for example-isc etc). you have to mention the name of your board (weather cbse or any else). you have to write the name of the school through which appearing or giving exam from private.

30th November 2011 12:21 AM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

what is tha last date of form filling high school private exam
11th November 2011 03:48 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

4th November 2011 02:29 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

hi i am preethi i was doing my 11th this year due to some reasons i had to discontinue my schoolings so i don't want to waste a year so can i directly do my 12th board exams for matriculation in 2012
in march or april and can you even tell me how and where to apply it for private board exams ............... please do the needfull........... please send me the required information on this EMAIL ID..........
EMAIL [email protected]
21st October 2011 02:52 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

how i am get a 80 persent mark in 12th bihar board
14th October 2011 04:51 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Are bhai mpbse 12th ke form bharne ki last date kya ?
1st October 2011 07:48 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

mp board class k form kab bhare gayege
1st October 2011 12:39 AM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Hello sir, My name is XYZ...I just wants to know that I had completed my 12th in 2004 from PCM. But Now I wants to go for MBBS course for that I have to qualifiying 12th from PCB. So can you suggest me is there any procedure giving only BIo exam? or Can i fill form for 12th now?
30th September 2011 11:45 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Form filling for class XII boards form? this part you have to fill the name of you board,from which you studied.For example-cbse,isc,wbchse,or any other state board. this column you have to fill that your school is goverment or private once's. this column you have to write the name of your 10th exam (for example-icse etc) and the name of the class 12 exam you are appearing (for example-isc etc). you have to mention the name of your board (weather cbse or any else). you have to write the name of the school through which appearing or giving exam from private.

best of luck

thanking you
30th September 2011 11:36 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Hi dear, this part you have to fill the name of you board,from which you studied.For example-cbse,isc,wbchse,or any other state board. this column you have to fill that your school is goverment or private once's. this column you have to write the name of your 10th exam (for example-icse etc) and the name of the class 12 exam you are appearing (for example-isc etc). you have to mention the name of your board (weather cbse or any else). you have to write the name of the school through which appearing or giving exam from private.

30th September 2011 08:08 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

3.-SSC or Class 10th
4.-Either CBSE or ICSE or other UNIVERSITY NAME
it is the procedure which is generally followed
30th September 2011 11:21 AM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Form filling for class Xth private boards form? and what document is required.
24th September 2011 10:57 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

hai my dear
iam telling you what you fill in the application
1.cbse icse and other state board exams
2.private or governmental
3.ssc or class 10th
4.cbse or icse or other university
5.either private candidate or school name from where you filling
good luck for your future
23rd September 2011 11:49 AM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

I want to give the exam of 12th com. from CBSE as a private candidate.
21st September 2011 02:44 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

i want to form fill up for class 12th only hindi subject after completion 12th exam.
20th September 2011 11:03 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

what is last date of private 12th in mp board ?
20th September 2011 02:20 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the last date of filling the up board class 12 private form?
last date of filling the board class 12th form is 15th oct.....
19th September 2011 09:00 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

sir i had passed 10th from up board in 2001 after this i had a diploma in ITI from electration trade but no apprentics. now i want to clear 12th exam from u p board private so plz tell me the last date of admition form and right way.....
15th September 2011 02:32 AM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Hi dear, this part you have to fill the name of you board,from which you studied.For example-cbse,isc,wbchse,or any other state board. this column you have to fill that your school is goverment or private once's. this column you have to write the name of your 10th exam (for example-icse etc) and the name of the class 12 exam you are appearing (for example-isc etc). you have to mention the name of your board (weather cbse or any else). you have to write the name of the school through which appearing or giving exam from private.

14th September 2011 09:06 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

I am a candidate of up. I got less mark in mathematics. I wants to fil the onlin privet form. Pliz let me know the wave site on witch direct onlin privet form for up candidate is abelable.
10th September 2011 08:14 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Last deat of up bord form praivet
9th September 2011 02:36 AM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

kya hum net par form fill kar sakte hai please help me
8th September 2011 11:37 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

whats the private exam date of mp board 10th class?
6th September 2011 12:46 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

i had not passed this year in 10 2 , want to fill up next year,s appearing form of 10 2 .so what are the procedure and last day date of form fill up?
5th September 2011 04:25 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

i stil didnt get the form!!!
1st September 2011 12:59 AM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

Hi dear, this part you have to fill the name of you board,from which you studied.For example-cbse,isc,wbchse,or any other state board. this column you have to fill that your school is goverment or private once's. this column you have to write the name of your 10th exam (for example-icse etc) and the name of the class 12 exam you are appearing (for example-isc etc). you have to mention the name of your board (weather cbse or any else). you have to write the name of the school through which appearing or giving exam from private.

31st August 2011 02:02 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

what is the last date of form filling 12th class for up board Allahabad 2011-2012.
27th August 2011 04:00 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

I wont to fill class X privet form from up board
25th August 2011 12:53 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

i want do the 10 2 uttarakhand board in this year . so plz tell me last date of form.
24th August 2011 05:48 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

sir,please tell formwhere i will get private form of cbse 12th class
23rd August 2011 03:15 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

last dt of submission of xii private form delhi
11th August 2011 12:53 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

from when the private form for reappearing in cbse 12th exam will be available?
I failed in 12th cbse board this year and i am from bihar. ;(
For Delhi the forms will be available from 20th of august, what about the other regions...?!
Can v hav a link to the list for dt if its there on the site, or else if anybody cud mention it here?!!

My email id: [email protected]
11th August 2011 11:16 AM
[email protected]
Re: Form filling for class X boards form?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
can i change my subject in private 12 class exam i failed by taking science in yr 2010-2011
pls give me
10th August 2011 07:13 PM
Re: Form filling for class XII boards form?

IN 1ST name of the sch1.- CBSE, ICSE or OTHER STATE BOARD9 like UP Board,Bihar Board, or MP)
3.-SSC or Class 10th
4.-Either CBSE or ICSE or other UNIVERSITY NAME
5.-Either PRIVATE CANDIDATE or The SCHOOL NAME from where you are filling form..
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