Thread: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college Reply to Thread

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6th January 2012 10:39 PM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

i am a b.a. Final year student.
I want to ask that can i take particepate in banking exams like clerk etc
even though i am not with math streem since 10th standerd
14th September 2011 02:37 AM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

Hello i am rishabh and i m in 10th class and i not like in studys and i am so weak in maths and science and etc. subjects but i m interested in acting and i want to become an Actor. So tell me that what should i choose after passing 10 th medical,non medical,arts or etc. please help me........
23rd June 2011 07:35 PM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

hi i completed my gratuation in BA now i am in dubai i want to know how can i get a job here as fast as possible plz help me
24th March 2011 01:19 AM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

just wannna say you a line sucess is not final and failure is not fatal but it is the spirit to stand again and fight counts so dont get disheartend my friend just look up and feel you are no less to any other and do some course with passion and commitment choose any sub ject you like its upto you and never back off . you will be the winnner . all the best and good luck
23rd March 2011 11:59 PM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

First do't lost your hope. because there is no end if you have hope. then find out in yourself that what is your best interest and work out for it. if you had English in B.A. and have good command on it then do m.A. with English and you may join teaching line in English as you know your maths is week but i want to say that if you take coaching for math for some time then you will take part in many competitive exam as bank etc.
but don't lost your hope.
11th March 2011 01:07 PM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

hey,,,m doing bachelor of jornalism and mass communication from lucknow university.I want to make my carreer as a lecturer of journalism. Please help what to do next?
1st September 2010 01:51 AM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

hello dear

don't worry.

every thing will be allright.

so it will be better to do higher studies.

you can do mba from open university.

it will be better for you.

all the best.......
31st August 2010 03:22 AM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

Dear friend,
dont get upset so much.
you have a no. Of option to do something great in your life.
there are so many times to get back yourself in your form.
concentrate on you study,maintain some proper rules of a life,
always be happy then you must get a good result.
as you have completed the Bachelor degree,then dont be so upset,take it easy,.

Good luck.
5th May 2010 10:20 PM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

Originally Posted by riya joon View Post
hi..!i am B.a student(open collage).and became very dull n career councious to siting at home..before 2 month i have fallen in dipration because of not having any better career...i want to do something but don't know wht??how??because i have done my 12 also through a open collage..and this 2-3 years education gap has totaly shattered me.i can't paas out a engg. entrance exam because i have forgoten all patern of say i could have better opsion after my graduation but i don't think without start any regular classe n updating my mind i would be able to do any thing better..who;e day i keep dreaming that i would be became these that and will earn lots...but i don't see a ray of hope of my bright future...and start crying...kindally help me out and sugges me any degree,diploma.can i go for HM pusa entrance exam????what and how would i have to do for it hence i am a arts student.what should i have to study for paas out entrance exam of it????
Hi Riya
What is this Riya You have a degree of BA. Please dont get hopeless because after graduation you have many option.Firstly I want to say you that please complete your MA.You dont think that it is open learning or regular focus on your aim not much advice from every budy,ok.
Let me tell if you are good command on your engkish and have good pesonality then i tell you to go for B.Ed with MA, and then get some computer certification course but from any good institute like Aptech,SMU NIT .Then try in any goverment school... any , because now a days school give good pay scale with good facility.

Please be a confident person .... You have much time to go further to fulfill your aim.
God has decided every thing for every budy and god is so great that they have to decide a good future for good human being like you baby.
May god give you every thing Which you need.
Good luck:
5th May 2010 09:59 PM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

Originally Posted by riya joon View Post
hi..!i am B.a student(open collage).and became very dull n career councious to siting at home..before 2 month i have fallen in dipration because of not having any better career...i want to do something but don't know wht??how??because i have done my 12 also through a open collage..and this 2-3 years education gap has totaly shattered me.i can't paas out a engg. entrance exam because i have forgoten all patern of say i could have better opsion after my graduation but i don't think without start any regular classe n updating my mind i would be able to do any thing better..who;e day i keep dreaming that i would be became these that and will earn lots...but i don't see a ray of hope of my bright future...and start crying...kindally help me out and sugges me any degree,diploma.can i go for HM pusa entrance exam????what and how would i have to do for it hence i am a arts student.what should i have to study for paas out entrance exam of it????
first dont lose your hope since the education is important but it is not always the sole responsible holder and guarantor for a good salary. Now a days there are numerous opportunities for the web developers and QA testers in the software field which requires no technical qualification to the study. try to get a course study in any of the above. u are having a plenty of jobs available in the internet both for the companies and also the freelancing jobs which you can do in the home itself, which requires only the internet and a PC. All the Best !!!!!!!
5th May 2010 08:41 PM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

he friend dont get so much depressed.........just think positively and every thing will be fine....according to me BAJC will be the best course for you.........BAJC stands for bachelor of journalism and communication........this course need only creativity with every one has in it.........

you can also go for the HM course..............both the BAJC and BHM courses are really very good.......after getting into it you will be able to have a beautiful just go for the one in which you are more interested.............and apply for it.....

all the best
5th May 2010 01:29 PM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

Job Profiles for Art Graduate Freshers :-

BPO- Associates, Customer Care Executive, Data Entry Operators, Sales Associates/Executives etc.
KPO- Content Writer (Technical & Non Technical), Executive Data-Entry Operators, Knowledge Analyst etc.
Media Houses- Journalist, Editor, Sub-Editor, Reporter, Anchor-Person, PRO, Proof Reader, Feature Writer etc.

so you can try for all these fields......the expected salary in these job is around 10000/- and may vary according to the company......

best of luck
30th April 2010 04:22 PM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

pls could u tell me which carrier is best for me iam a graduate in art streem?pls get back to me soon
8th April 2010 01:48 AM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

hi friend,
why are you thinking like this,only you are not like this,
there are many people in the worlds whose situation is more bad than you,
but yet the are fighting with the life and making their carrier,
so do not think like that,
starts making your carrier from right now,
o k
good luck and all the best
6th April 2010 02:59 PM
rahul k
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

dear friend,
i think you dont believe in yourself,
firstly, believe in yourself and create a
confidence, dont lose your confidence,
there are lots of opportunity in world,
complete the graduation and get makes your
career in teaching...
just faith in god, they will help you,
just work hard............

8th February 2010 06:22 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

my dear friend,
donot lose your confidence, accept it as a challenge,
there is still many thing to do.
you can do your graduation.
and then after you will get a lot of job and opportunity.
and do not think what other tell about you.
8th February 2010 06:16 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

my dear friend,
donot lose your confidence, accept it as a challenge,
there is still many thing to do.
you can do your graduation.
and then after you will get a lot of job and opportunity.
and do not think what other tell about you.
8th February 2010 01:18 AM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

just wannna say you a line sucess is not final and failure is not fatal but it is the spirit to stand again and fight counts so dont get disheartend my friend just look up and feel you are no less to any other and do some course with passion and commitment choose any sub ject you like its upto you and never back off . you will be the winnner . all the best and good luck
7th February 2010 11:13 PM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

There are many oppurtunities for you but the income will be very low, i suggest you for teaching. Just start teaching in school and tutions also, after experience you may get good salary..........
7th February 2010 08:52 PM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

a lonely heart is as good as sergent peppers' band.
the night is darkest before the dawn, maybe the turn of cycle towards happiness is imminent. people who have vivid mind, innovative attitudes do a lot of thinking...they want to be in limelight but if they could't do that, they grow frustrated. i'd just admonish u to pursue ur own interest....this whole world is an illusion and dont simply copycat the world...and dont care what others will say because its ultimately ur do what u want to.....afterall, we are our own desires
6th February 2010 11:06 PM
Shafna Ashmi.A
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

The world is very big.. U have wide oppurtunities.... First believe in urself... Everything is possible... My suggestion for u is u better take part in UPSC examination. Hardly 1 year is enough to prepare for the examination... U should be determined and have full confidence.... there are 22 postings.. U can catch any one of these... Or u can write postal,BSNL or railways exams... It ll give u good career oppurtunity
6th February 2010 03:25 PM
Esha Sharma
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

Hey Friend
Don't need to get so depressed friend. Now India is enriched with lot of carrier opportunities you just need to keep your eyes and ear open, if you want to opt a teacher profession then go for B.ed and if you are a person with creative mind then opt for fashion designing, interior designing etc. these are very good areas to go with.
All the very best and always remember "you are not defeated until you consider yourself defeated"
5th February 2010 03:49 PM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

Hi . .dear ..dont get upset so have a no. Of option to do something great in your life. .i am going to suggest you a little option .but promise you will follow. You will go for can do mobile engineering in one year..with can go for animation courses ..these two courses are in demand today..except this you can go for diploma in nursing and can earn 1 lakh n 50 thousand per month in abroad ..these are very simple courses and makes a good future. These all courses are too good n stress less. Last option is you can go for diploma in any branch of engineering..if you have passed your graduation then you can work in bpo part time to earn for your learnings and courses.but first of all decide but to do..choose one option will get success soon.mail me at [email protected].. . . . I will guide you further and help you to make your carrier. . Good luck dear.
5th February 2010 03:00 AM
gunjan pande
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

hello friend

please dont loose your hope.
you can go for btc will fetch you a very nice teaching job along with a good salary.

do believe in GOD and start working out for it.

all the best
4th February 2010 02:49 PM
Re: Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

dear friend

first do't lost your hope. because there is no end if you have hope. then find out in yourself that what is your best interest and work out for it. if you had English in B.A. and have good command on it then do m.A. with English and you may join teaching line in English as you know your maths is week but i want to say that if you take coaching for math for some time then you will take part in many competitive exam as bank etc.

but do't lost your hope

best of luck

if you want
3rd February 2010 05:07 PM
riya joon
Guide Me: I have lost all hopes, I am a B.A. student through open college

hi..!i am B.a student(open collage).and became very dull n career councious to siting at home..before 2 month i have fallen in dipration because of not having any better career...i want to do something but don't know wht??how??because i have done my 12 also through a open collage..and this 2-3 years education gap has totaly shattered me.i can't paas out a engg. entrance exam because i have forgoten all patern of say i could have better opsion after my graduation but i don't think without start any regular classe n updating my mind i would be able to do any thing better..who;e day i keep dreaming that i would be became these that and will earn lots...but i don't see a ray of hope of my bright future...and start crying...kindally help me out and sugges me any degree,diploma.can i go for HM pusa entrance exam????what and how would i have to do for it hence i am a arts student.what should i have to study for paas out entrance exam of it????

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