Thread: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course? Reply to Thread

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6th July 2014 01:43 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

sir, i want to know about future prospects and campus placements in Geo informatics in Andhra university
6th July 2014 01:41 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

sir, i want to know about future prospects and campus placements in Geo informatics in Andhra university
3rd July 2014 08:59 AM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

which is a better course with better future oppotunities..msc environment from FRI Universiy or Msc in Geoinformatics from TERI University?
2nd July 2014 05:22 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

Originally Posted by surekha manjari View Post
wat is geo infamatics ?and wat kind of job oppurtunities are available for this course?
are there any job oppurtunities for geo informatics ?
is there any value in india for geo informatics ?
27th May 2014 11:49 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

what about the geoinformatics studies in central university karnataka?
27th May 2014 11:47 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

what about the geoinformatics studies in central university karnataka
5th May 2014 11:02 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

sir,i wish to join geoinformatics course in anna university,how much cutoff marks should needed to join in this course
14th April 2014 03:26 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

i have completed BE in E&TC, can i take admission for geo infomatics after this?
9th August 2013 11:00 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what can ido in pg after finishing geoinformatics ug also tell me about its job opportunities.
it is branch of science and technology in which you will deal field of GIS,GPS, maping,remote sensing,geographical structure that is very interesting things . aftet complete your course you can find job in DRDO,ISRO,NASA etc.
8th August 2013 12:57 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

Hello Sir,
i am thinking of doing Geo-Informatics Engineeringin 5 year integrated mtech program from cuj (central University of jharkhand). Is it a good branch? What are the future prospects and job opportunities in this branch from 5 years from now? Please reply A.S.A.P..[/QUOTE]
8th August 2013 12:52 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

Hello Sir,
i am thinking of doing Geo-Informatics Engineering in 5 integrated mtech program from cuj ( central university of jharkhand). Is it a good branch? What are the future prospects and job opportunities in this branch from 5 years from now? Please reply
8th August 2013 12:44 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

Hello Sir,
i am thinking of doing Geo-Informatics Engineering in 5 integrated mtech program from cuj(central university of jharkhand). Is it a good branch? What are the future prospects and job opportunities in this branch from 4-5 years from now?
28th July 2013 09:44 AM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

i join integrated mtech program in central university jharkhand then anyone suggest me in GEO INFORMATICS IS THERE ANY SCOPE CAN I GET A GOOD JOB AFTERCCOMPLETING THIS COURSE
17th July 2013 06:35 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

im doing civil engineering U.G.......i want to know about inPG environmental engg & geo informatics....
im intrested in studying land structures ,land forms then wat i have to study after my UG ??
tell me good solution sir....
14th July 2013 10:44 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

Sir,I am going to join in BE Geoinformatics in Anna University.After studying this what kind of jobs i can get and what kind of jobs i can prefer.Please give me some ideas.
24th June 2013 01:21 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

i want to study GEO INFORMATION SYSTEM.....Plese tell some college
9th June 2013 06:29 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

am not clear about geo-informatics pls clearly explain it & tell me about the job offered by it?
8th June 2013 02:07 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

what is future scope of geoinfomatics? name the top 10 colleges for geoinfomatics?
16th May 2013 02:32 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

I'm actually very much interested in computer.. Can i still take Geo informatics as my main course?? I'm in a dilemma
14th May 2013 02:43 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

sir i am pursuing my btech 3rd year geo -informatics....i am now worried about the oppurtunities in the future
I want to get into a government organisation it possible ?
Does writing gate in GEOLOGY after completing my btech is usefull ?
And wat job opputunities i can get from the normal btech geo informatics enginerring certificate ?
14th May 2013 02:38 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

sir i am pursuing my btech 3rd year geo -informatics....i am now worried about the oppurtunities in the future
I want to get into a government organisation it possible ?
Does writing gate in GEOLOGY after completing my btech is usefull ?
And wat job opputunities i can get from the normal btech geo informatics enginerring certificate ?
14th May 2013 02:35 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

sir i am pursuing my btech 3rd year geo -informatics....i am now worried about the oppurtunities in the future
I want to get into a government organisation it possible ?
Does writing gate in GEOLOGY after completing my btech is usefull ?
And wat job opputunities i can get from the normal btech geo informatics enginerring certificate ?
12th May 2013 03:38 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

which is the best college for studying geo informatics...??
31st January 2013 11:22 AM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

sir i'm m.a. geography student can i study geoinformetics
31st January 2013 11:13 AM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

sir i'm a m.a. student of geography, can i study of geoinformetics?
16th November 2012 08:52 PM
Rohit Vashisht
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

Geo Informatics can be described as a special branch of modern science and technology which is related to Spatial Science.

Geo Infromatics is a new emerging field of technology which seems to have very high future in modern world. This is due to its diversed application in various fields. it is basically related to Spatial technology which includes remote sensing, very well known Global Positioning System (GPS), numerical analysis and so on.

It is considered to be a very important technology in the development of terrain, track pollution, exploit of minerals and water resources, aid in crime detection, simulation, 3D model development.
16th November 2012 06:51 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?


geo informatics known as the science & technology which deals with the spatial info.or it is other sense known as storage, aqustion,processing ,production of spatial info.

job opportunities are available for this course=======

1.socio economic development
2.web mapping
4.emergency mgmt.
5.natural resources mgmt.
6.urban development
7.environmental planning
9.local municipal planning & development

all the best---------------------------
16th November 2012 03:31 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

I have done form ece after that i want to do geoinformatics diploma.sir pls suggest me its good for me or not for future.
1st September 2012 07:02 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

are there good jobs in this field
31st August 2012 08:25 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

diploma and degree both have same manyata or different.. pls reply A.S.A.P.
17th August 2012 10:12 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

i am studying geo infomatics in anna university.chennai i completed B.E after then can i get which jobs in geo informatics ,what will be the future growth in this field
13th August 2012 12:40 AM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

Hi dear,
Geo Informatics is some kind of study which is related to

The Science and Technology which deals with the spatial Information

or in simpler words we can also say that it is the science and technology which deals with the acquitisation,storage, processing and production of spatial information of our space

By doing this course you can observe the space information and further you can proceed with all the other data what you have

It is a very interesting branch

this has its wider wings with all these features with it



geographic information systems

Global Positioning systems (Which Is pretty famous in most of our mouths)

Web Mapping

and so on

Don't worry about the future in this stream you will have a bright future for the coming 10 years in this branch

I can say this because your brain is highly demanded for creative thoughts after doing this course

if you have a good eligible thoughts with creativity then your future will be brighter than what you are expecting

if you are a average student then you need work hard a lot to acquire good position in this field

12th August 2012 10:19 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

I'm pursuing btech information technology.....I'm very much interested f doing ms in these both r related?how s value f this course?pls ans my ques
6th August 2012 11:26 AM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

Am a student just admit into {futa}uni of akure.i see dat d most problem facing d student dat study geo informatics is were 2 get job.pls were could we get job goodjob?
31st July 2012 08:41 AM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

Sir,I get a chance to study B.E. in Anna university tirunelveli.Is it have a good faculty for geoinformatics course
14th July 2012 10:20 AM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

hello sir i am pursuing my graduation in geography.can i apply for geoinformatics.what kind of jobs can i get after completing this course.
13th July 2012 07:45 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

4th July 2012 09:53 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

The program entails understanding of processing and simulation of scientific data required for the construction and monitoring of Geo-structures, environmental modelling and analysis, leading to an analytical simulation/software development career.
2nd July 2012 06:04 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

My name is salau i'm study at federal polytechnic ado-ekiti nigeria,my question goes to what are the crateria require for geo-informatics as a course and is application with surveying,an where to obtain job after graduation.
25th June 2012 08:23 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

where will i get jobs if i proceed courses in geo
21st June 2012 10:28 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

i would like to take geo informatics in anna univ. shall i? plz answer
20th June 2012 12:16 AM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

Sir,now iam joined Msc geo-informatics at gandhigram rural institute(deemed-university).and i dont know deeply about the geo-informatics.sir i want know about the job opp in geo-informatics.pls tell me.
12th April 2012 12:46 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

what are the top colleges for geoinformatics? please answer........
9th April 2012 04:44 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

what type of government jobs available by studying the course B.E. Geo-informatics?
24th March 2012 09:41 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

16th February 2012 10:12 AM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

30th January 2012 03:16 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

Completing Bsc Agriculture will provides you good oppurtunity in the field of Biotechnology and Agriculture itself.There are companies which offers good jobs for Bsc graduates .But here one thing I would like to tell you doing Bsc in Agriculture will not give you more growth So better complete your Msc in the same field then apply for jobs ,you will find more jobs and good salary also.At this stage if you geta job also they will pay you not more than 15000/-But after Msc this will range between 25k -30k per month.Some of the Agriculture includes Agro Biotech,Balaji seeds,Centuri seeds private limited,Indo american hybris seeds,Noverties India,Namdhari seeds,Bhakti Biotech.
29th January 2012 03:20 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

am doing my BE GEOINFORMATICS in anna univ..i want to work in my field bt here we dont get core companies for should i get job related to my field?
1st November 2011 01:50 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

which cooleges r available in india for this course?
27th October 2011 09:08 PM
Re: What is Geo informatics? What kind of job opportunities are available for this course?

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