Thread: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET? Reply to Thread

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13th June 2018 09:43 AM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

Sir I had an arrear in 2 nd semester and passed it in 3rd so for filling councelling application what date should I fill in year and month of passing and what mark should I fill in marks obtained(i.e calculating marks after passing or marks in marksheet before passing)
Please help me filling the form
11th June 2014 09:58 AM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

sir when will be ME councelling application form release send me full detail about this system to my mail id [email protected]
6th January 2014 08:49 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

my name is karthigha. I want to do MBA under anna university.but,I may have an arrears in eighth sem. Can.Can I attend the test and then counselling?
27th May 2013 12:01 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

i am devi i have to know when tancet couselling application will be issued and where should i get the form
27th May 2013 11:58 AM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

i am devi i have to know when tancet couselling application will be issued and where should i get the form
27th May 2013 11:56 AM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

i am devi i have to know when tancet couselling application will be issued and where should i get the form
9th July 2012 10:34 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

am suhanya i need to know where will i get Mtech application for councelling and when will they start issue them
2nd July 2012 09:15 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

i am Nalini did M.E apllication form for councelling has been announced or not when it will be announced
6th June 2012 04:49 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

i am sabareeshwaran i got 31 in tancet MBA i am MBC catagory
19th May 2012 05:56 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

I would like to know about the issuing date of application form for the counselling of TANCET ?
17th May 2012 10:33 AM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

I got 17.75 in tancet mca i am Bc catagory
15th May 2012 09:34 AM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

Are they issuing counselling forms for mca dis year
13th May 2012 08:46 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

sir i just want to knw te date of issuig tancet counselling application form for MBA 2012 nd from wer can i get te form
11th May 2012 08:46 AM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

when will issue TANCET 2012 counselling application form for ME?
9th May 2012 12:49 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

sir i just wnt to knw whether i ned to buy a tancet counseling application form for MBA 2012 nd wer shouid i wnt to buy nd wt is te cost of application form
8th May 2012 01:05 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

I got 22.045 in my tancet 2012 M.E .Is that possible to get a seat in anna university.mbc category
8th May 2012 12:42 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

i got 12.6 mark in tancet mba 2012 which college i get it? my cast is BC
7th May 2012 09:21 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

when are they start issuing counselling application form for ME?
6th May 2012 08:02 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

when will u issue tancet 2012 counselling form?
2nd May 2012 01:44 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

plz say the procedures to apply for TANCET -MCA counselling?
1st May 2012 01:21 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

when are they start issuing counselling application form for MCA and where is distributed forms ?
30th April 2012 10:37 AM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

when are they start issuing counselling form??
29th April 2012 10:42 AM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

Dear sir...

I got 37.25 in my tancet mca.Is that possible to get a seat in anna university...My cast is mbc
12th March 2012 09:08 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

Hi Sir,

I have done my TANCET entrance last year 2011 and my score is 11, is there anyway to apply for tancet counceling this year with previous examination's mark?

I missed to apply for this years TANCET entrance. :(

4th January 2012 10:56 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

Date of issue of TANCET exam application form
Tancet 2012 important dates
Commencement of Registration / Registration
M.B.A. 31.03.2012 (Saturday) 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon
M.C.A. 31.03.2012 (Saturday) 02.30 p.m. to 04.30 p.m.
M.E. / M.Tech. / M.Arch. /
01.04.2012 (Sunday) 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon
21st August 2011 09:52 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

sir am want recounselling date for mca.
am scored 20.5 in tancet mca. but am not attend the counselling because am having arrears in last semster. now am cleared my arrears.
so am want recounselling for mca.
21st August 2011 09:47 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

sir i want recounselling date for mca.
am score 20.5 in tancet mca but am not attend counselling because am having arrears now am cleared so i want recounselling for mca.
21st July 2011 08:37 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

wat materials we have to carry while getting the application form can anyone tell me
20th July 2011 10:31 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

i am gayu i get 22.997 i will get seat from any vellore colleges
15th July 2011 12:53 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

app num 323509
10th July 2011 03:15 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET

from 2moro they r gng to gve counselling application form.... for further details check this link
10th July 2011 03:06 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

from tomorrow they r gng to start distributing M.E conselling application form... 23 is the last date for applying....
7th July 2011 09:17 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

i get 37.13 in tancet under BC can i get communication system for ME
5th July 2011 06:47 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

I am Pratap kumar,
I need to know that, whether Tancet 2001 counselling form is been released or start selling the form.
4th July 2011 01:11 PM
Re: Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

Am viji
I need tancet counselling dates and application form cost and where and when it will issues?
27th June 2011 08:22 PM
Counselling application form for the TANCET and other details regarding TANCET?

send me the tancet me counselling application form and details regarding it. Provide me as early as possible.

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