9th December 2022, 04:10 PM
Which book should I follow for UGC-NET Commerce(Paper-III)?
Sir, I want to know that which book is best for UGC-NET Commerce(paper-III).
Thankyou. |
14th December 2022, 11:42 PM
Re: Which book should I follow for UGC-NET Commerce(Paper-III)?
Best books for UGC NET Commerce Paper III Examination:
There are various books available for UGC NET Examination for Commerce subject for Paper III. Some of the good books are given below, >> Upkar's UGC NET/ JRF/ SET Commerce Paper II & III by Dr.L.N Koli & Madan Singh Other than following this book, you may also refer the Solved Papers book. So that, there you can find many number of previously asked questions along with the solutions which will fetch you to get good score in the examination. That book is as follows, >> Upkar's UGC NET/ JRF Examination Solved Papers (Commerce) {The author is Editorial Board: Pratiyogita Darpan} @ You may refer the books and note all the points that whatever you read in a separate notebook. So that you can just go through all of them just before going the examination. |
15th December 2022, 09:24 PM
Re: Which book should I follow for UGC-NET Commerce(Paper-III)?
1. UGC NET/JRF/SET Commerce (Paper II & III)
2015, 2. UGC-NET: Commerce Previous Papers (Solved) Sima Kumari, 2020, 3. UGC-NET: Management (Paper II) Exam Guide Sima Kumari, 2020, 4. NTA UGC NET/SET/JRF : Teaching & Research Aptitude Paper 1|Fourth Edition|BY Pearson K V S Madaan, 5. Ugc Net/set For Lectureship Exam Paper I Compulsory M. Gagan. |