7th September 2021, 09:27 PM
Research topics in commerce for MPhil
Please give a research topic in commerce for Mphil ..urgently required for submission.
9th September 2021, 07:07 PM
There are lots of topics in commerce stream some of are :- finance
Marketing Knowledge management Banking and economics Taxation Entrepreneurship E- commerce Outsourcing materials availability decision making Enhance employees performance through monetary incentives. Corporate and cost accounting Co- operative thrift and credit society Reducing unemployment Etc. |
9th September 2021, 08:41 PM
Some of the topics include
New trends in Merchant banking in India A SWOT analysis Study of humor appeal in advertisement Employee stress level.and it's effect on production Recruitment advertisement Integrity in workplace_ employee perception etc |
11th September 2021, 10:48 PM
°°° Digital technology and business
°°° Mcommerce and business °°° E-commerce business models °°° Competing at the bottom of the pyramid °°° Leadership and job satisfaction in gen Z °°° Organisational working °°° Relation impact in companies °°° Consumer experience, pattern and analysis °°° Microfinance °°° Risk management °°° Banking system °°° Fundamentals of economy |