29th November 2019, 10:37 PM
How many rounds are there in Flextronics Chennai Senior Analyst interview?
Sir, I came to know that there are many rounds in the interview of Flextronics Chennai for the post of Senior Analyst. I just want to know what are the rounds this company is going to schedule in the interview of Senior Analyst post?
30th November 2019, 07:46 AM
Company Name: Flextronics India
Position: Senior Analyst Multiple rounds are there in Flextronics Chennai Senior Analyst interview as follows:- -Online or written test. -Technical test. -Operational Manager Round. -HR final Round. |
30th November 2019, 10:34 AM
There is 3 rounds interview in Flextronics Chennai Senior Analyst interview is given below :-
1)Written Exam 2)Technical Interview 3)HR Interview. Academic Criteria:- Candidate must be a B.Tech (C.S / I.T/E.C.E). 60 percent throughout (Class X, XII and Graduation). Education gap of not more than one year. For more information visit on https://flex.com |
30th November 2019, 07:38 PM
There are 4 rounds in Flextronics Chennai Senior Analyst interview:-
1- Aptitude Test 2- Technical round. 3- Interview. 4- HR round . You should have Knowledge of computer software applications, MS Excel, Word & PowerPoint (PF). Visit the website www.flex.com for more information. |
30th November 2019, 08:03 PM
There are multiple rounds there in Flextronics Chennai Senior Analyst interview which are Aptitude, Interview, Technical Round, HR Round.
The applicant can also send their updated resume to their email [email protected]. They will respond to you as per their requirements. For more information, visit the website www.flex.com. |